Community Event and
Noriyuki Suzuki
DevRelCon Tokyo 2019
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Noriyuki Suzuki “Nori” (@szkn27)
- Editing Tech Books.
- Editor in chief, Think IT.
- Think IT is web media focus on OpenSource Technology.
- Japan Container Days Organizer.
- CloudNative Days Co Organizer.
- The biggest CloudNative Tech Conference in Japan.
- JapanAndroidGroup Steering Member, Board Member (2013-2017)
- DevRel Con Tokyo Co Organizer (2017-)
- Two children's father
Who am I
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Noriyuki Suzuki “Nori” (@szkn27)
- Editing Tech Books.
- Editor in chief, Think IT.
- Think IT is web media focus on OpenSource Technology.
- Japan Container Days Organizer.
- CloudNative Days Co Organizer.
- The biggest CloudNative Tech Conference in Japan.
- JapanAndroidGroup Steering Member, Board Member (2013-2017)
- DevRel Con Tokyo Co Organizer (2017-)
- Two children's father
Today’s Main Topic
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- The biggest CloudNative Tech Conference in Japan.
- Main topics Docker, Kubernetes, Microservices, CI/CD, NoOps, etc..
- Japan Original Local Conference (not foundation official event)
- ATTENDEE 1,200+
- *two conference total amount*
- 2019 rebland “CloudNative Days in Japan” April Fukuoka, July Tokyo
What is “Japan Container Days”
“Impress takes advantage of communities for get money”
some community member saied.
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Empathy with Community
- Vision and Passion
- Accelerate the Japanese market together.
- Let's attract international conference “CloudNativeCon/KubeCon” to Japan!
- Community Benefit
- Session time in conference for community activities
- Provide discount code for members of each community
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What did I take most care of?
- Making money and expanding the market are very important. Employment is
born from new technology.
- Of course, the goal is not only to make money. Think about whether you can
provide value other than money (especially for developers).
- A community is an only human relationship. Best practices will not be found
so easily (as I did). You should dialogue and build relationships of trust.
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Improvement and New Challenge
- Changing Organizer
- Transition to committer organization (not only Impress event)
- Open Community leading Conference
- Chair System
- Leader of the conference that will replace me
- Reinvested of new Conference and Meetup
- Local Conference in Japan (Fukuoka, Osaka...)
- Source Code Reading
- Contribution Day
- Negotiation with the Foundation for the Official event
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I believe open source & developer community leading innovation,
changing world more better. I want to work to empower developers.
email: [email protected]
Twitter: @szkn27
GitHub: suzukin
LinkedIn: noriyuki-suzuki/