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Sinatra in SIX Lines How to do crazy stuff with ruby %w.rack  )lt  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l};puts  "==  Almost  Sinatra/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  4567  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" ${extend  Rack;a,D,S,,Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n=="#{n}"?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:4567){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock;D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}}

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Konstantin Haase @konstan(nhaase  aka  rkh

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Sinatra Rack,  Tilt,  Rubinius,  ...

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“second to K&R, the most lagom technical book I’ve read.” Peter  Cooper  (Ruby  Inside) discount code: AUTHD 50% off ebook ($6.50) 40% OFF PRINT

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THanks! get a Hug And a Picture Will  send  out  Travis  Pro  invites  by  the  end  of  the  week. Sean  Allen,  Rafael  Magana,  @salemine,  Patrick  Huesler,  Julian  Cheal,  Dylan   Fogarty-­‐MacDonald,  chris,  Piotr  Sarnacki,  Lincoln  Stoll,  David  Goodlad,   Pavel  Argentov,  Sean,  Esteban  Cortes,  Juan  Carlos  Rojas,  Cornelia  Rehbein,   Fernando  Perales,  Victor  Velazquez,  Eduardo  Figarola  Mota,  David  Padilla,  ChrisNan   Romero,  IGNACIO  GALINDO,  Tania  Escudero,  Daniel  Grünthal,  Vlad  Gorodetsky,   Ben  Schwarz,  Ismael  Marin,  CARLOS  ARAOZ  GRAGEDA,  Sean  Allen,  Pat  Allan,  César   Salazar,  Travis  CI

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you will learn nothing here at  least  nothing  useful

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You have been warned

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Prepare for strange code slides

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In the beginning Matz gave us Ruby

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Obfuscation and  other  fun  things  you  can  do  with  to  code

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Until programmers stop acting like obfuscation is morally hazardous, they’re not artists, just kids who don’t want their food to touch. why  the  lucky  s(ff

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!?! # => false

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?:??::?? # => “:”

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eval \ '51966'+[46,1935634292,32,49,54].pack('clC3')

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eval \ '51966'+[46,1935634292,32,49,54].pack('clC3') # => “cafe”

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eval \ '51966'+['.',1935634292, ' ', '1', '6'].pack('ala3') # => “cafe”

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eval \ '51966'+['.', 'to_s', ' ', '1', '6'].pack('A4') # => “cafe”

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51966.to_s(16) # => “cafe”

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0xcaFE.to_s(16) # => “cafe”

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enter the heredocs

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Yusuke Endoh

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v=0000;eval$s=%q~d=%!^LcfYoP 4ZojjV)O>qIH1/n[|2yE[>:ieC "%.#% :::##" 97N-A&Kj_K_>

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v=0473;eval$s=%q~d=%!^LcfYoP 4ZojjV)O>qIH1/n[|2yE[>:ieC "###%.#% ::" 97N-A&Kj_K_>

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v=0416;eval$s=%q~d=%!^LcfYoP 4ZojjV)O>qIH1/n[|2yE[>:ieC ".#####%.#% " 97N-A&Kj_K_>

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v=0341;eval$s=%q~d=%!^LcfYoP 4ZojjV)O>qIH1/n[|2yE[>:ieC "#% .#####%." 97N-A&Kj_K_>

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v=0264;eval$s=%q~d=%!^LcfYoP 4ZojjV)O>qIH1/n[|2yE[>:ieC "####% .####" 97N-A&Kj_K_>

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v=0207;eval$s=%q~d=%!^LcfYoP 4ZojjV)O>qIH1/n[|2yE[>:ieC "#######% .#" 97N-A&Kj_K_>

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v=0132;eval$s=%q~d=%!^LcfYoP 4ZojjV)O>qIH1/n[|2yE[>:ieC ":::#######%" 97N-A&Kj_K_>

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v=0055;eval$s=%q~d=%!^LcfYoP 4ZojjV)O>qIH1/n[|2yE[>:ieC "% :::#####" 97N-A&Kj_K_>

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v=0000;eval$s=%q~d=%!^LcfYoP 4ZojjV)O>qIH1/n[|2yE[>:ieC "%.#% :::##" 97N-A&Kj_K_>

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Flip Flops Ruby  at  its  best

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Ruby issue #5400 Can  we  please  remove  flip  flops?

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“Nobody knows them. Nobody uses them. Let's just get rid of flip-flops, shall we?” Magnus  Holm

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“Hello, I'm one of the few users of flip-flop.” Yusuke  Endoh

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“Sorry for off-topic. I have no objection to deletion.” Yusuke  Endoh

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Slide 65 text / rkh / almost-sinatra more  popular  than  a  pair  of  socks

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As little code as possible just  six  lines

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Obfuscation was never the goal just  a  by-­‐product

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%w.rack  )lt  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l};puts  "==  Almost  Sinatra/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  4567  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" ${extend  Rack;a,D,S,,Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n=="#{n}"?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:4567){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock;D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} the code

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What works?

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Simplify and compress

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${extend  Rack;a,D,S,$p,q,Applica),Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick" the code

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Fake it ‘till you make it

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${ extend  Rack; a,D,S,$p,q,Applica)on, Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w[ get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){ [200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"}, [a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}}; a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick"

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${extend  Rack;a, D,S,$p,q,Applica)on, Object.method(:define_method) ,/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w [get  post  put  delete].map{|m| D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v| D.(k){|n,*o| $t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[ set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register]. map{|m| D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[ params  session].map{|m| D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b}; before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick"

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} ${extend  Rack;a,D, S,$p,q,Applica)on,Object.method(:define_method), /@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m,4567,a %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o| $t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]) .scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h); v[0].new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}. render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}};END{Handler.get("webrick").run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on  #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick"

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%w.rack  )lt  backports  INT{|l|trap(l){$r.stop}rescue  require  l} $ {extend  Rack; a,D,S, $p,q,Applica)on, Object.method(:define_method),/@@  *([^\n]+)\n(((?!@@)[^\n]*\n)*)/m, 4567,a %w[get  post  put  delete].map{|m|D.(m){|u,&b|{run-­‐>(e){[200,{"Content-­‐Type"=>"text/html"},[a.instance_eval(&b)]]}}}}{|k,v|D.(k){|n,*o|$t||=(h={};[0][/^[^:]+/]).scan(S){|a,b|h[a]=b};h);v[0]. new(*o){n.to_s==n  ?n:$t[n.to_s]}.render(a,o[0].try(:[],:locals)||{})}} %w[set  enable  disable  configure  helpers  use  register].map{|m|D.(m){|*_,&b|b.try  :[]}}; END{Handler.get("webrick"). run(a,Port:$p){|s|$r=s}} %w[params  session].map{|m|D.(m){q.send  m}};a.use  Session::Cookie;a.use  Lock D.(:before){|&b|a.use  Rack::Config,&b};before{|e|  e;{|k,v|params[k.to_sym]=v}}} puts  "==  almost  #$n/No  Version  has  taken  the  stage  on #$p  for  development  with  backup  from  Webrick"

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It’s all about fun!

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“From now on, I’ll start quoting myself.” Konstan(n  Haase

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“If your app does not run with Almost Sinatra, please open a Sinatra issue.” Konstan(n  Haase

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“Versions are to Software what Subversion is to Git.” Konstan(n  Haase

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“don't include tests. tests just bloat the code base. just commit, the users will complain if you break anything.” Konstan(n  Haase

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What else?

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Almost Rack Proof  that  Rack  is  simpler  than  Sinatra. Lines  must  be  the  same  length,  no  more  than  120   characters  per  line.  No  more  than  three  lines  of  code.

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Almost Rack Protection Protects  you  against  most  opportunisNc  a]acks. Goes  well  with  almost-­‐sinatra,  almost-­‐rack  or  Ruby  on   Rails.

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SQL injection NoSQL injection Cross Site Scripting Broken Authentication / Session Management Insecure Direct Object References Login spoofing Cross Site Request Forgery Security Misconfiguration Insecure Cryptographic Storage Failure to Restrict URL Access Race condition (except in your Rack handler) Insufficient Transport Layer Protection Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards Windows Metafile vulnerability Password cracking Malicious File Execution Reflection attack Mass-Assignment Bugs CRIME Arbitrary code execution Buffer overflow Metasploit Data breach Frame injection Y2K bug Timing Attacks Remote file inclusion Some DoS attacks Off-by-one error Shoulder surfing Most other CVEs

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Security is no joke clean,  readable  code

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Simply reject every Request problem  solved

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Thank You @konstan(nhaase