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Heartless code review @rejasupotaro

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Why should we do code reviews?

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We are doing code reviews to * improve code quality * improve UX * share knowledge

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Problem of human code review * Depending on the skill * Depending on the mood of the day

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It seems that code quality can be checked automatically * Improve code quality * Improve UX * Share knowledge

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Code bad smell detection * Correctness * Bad practice * Malicious code vulnerability * Performance

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Use static analysis tools

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static analysis tools for Java * PMD * Checkstyle * FindBugs * Infer

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PMD & Checkstyle

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Use formatter

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You can setup formatter with 1 command * Square: ./ * Cookpad: curl -L " master/.idea/codeStyleSettings.xml" > .idea/codeStyleSettings.xml

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FindBugs Find 420+ types of bug Super powerful! Some reports are too strict (= false-positive) for Android

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developed by Facebook written in OCaml Infer A tool to detect bugs in Android and iOS app before they ship

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looks WIP

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I chose FindBugs Let’s look more closely

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FindBugs is bundled with Gradle

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Just add `apply plugin: findbugs`

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findbugs { toolVersion = "2.0.1" sourceSets = [sourceSets.main] ignoreFailures = true reportsDir = file("$project.buildDir/findbugsReports") effort = "max" reportLevel = "high" visitors = ["FindSqlInjection", "SwitchFallthrough"] omitVisitors = ["FindNonShortCircuit"] includeFilter = file(“$rootProject.projectDir/…/includeFilter.xml”) excludeFilter = file(“$rootProject.projectDir/…/excludeFilter.xml”) } All properties have sensible defaults

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$ ./gradlew findbugs

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Many warnings

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Look report closely

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BuildConfig.class … R$anim.class R$attr.class R$bool.class R$color.class R$dimen.class R$drawable.class R$id.class … Code analyzed:

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TopActivity$$ViewBinder.class SearchResultActivity$$ViewBinder.class RecipeDetailActivity$$ViewBinder.class PhotoReportActivity$$ViewBinder.class ProfileActivity$$ViewBinder.class LoginActivity$$ViewBinder.class SettingsActivity$$ViewBinder.class … We don’t need to analyse these classes…

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Worthless indication makes engineers unmotivated

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Exclude Include write exclude-filter to keep engineer’s motivation

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ClassName$InnerClassName.class … ClassName$$Lambda$1.class ClassName$$Lambda$2.class ClassName$$Lambda$3.class ClassName$$Lambda$4.class ClassName$$Lambda$5.class ClassName$$Lambda$6.class ClassName$$Lambda$7.class …

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… exclude.xml

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… exclude.xml

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AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setMessage(R.string.message) .setPositiveButton(R.string.ok, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { … } }) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) { … } }) .show(); Bug type: SIC_INNER_SHOULD_BE_STATIC_ANON

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… exclude.xml

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Nothing is changed if you just look a result Call to action

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Use review tool

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No content

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No content

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Dokumi notify Pull Request CI Server run dokumi comment xcodebuild infer FindBugs Oh, I have to fix it!

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You can setup this system in 30 minutes!

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Advantage * Save the time of code review * Keep code high quality * Focus on essential problem

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Bots say harsh things to keep code quality high Human praise reviewee to motivate team members

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Thank you! @rejasupotaro