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Open-Source Well-Architected + Kubernetes Julio Faerman

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How to demonstrate quality In systems architecture?

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Isn’t that Kubernetes?

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Kubernetes 1.29/30 ● Gateway API ● Sidecar Containers ● In-Place Updates ● Common Language Expression ● Structured Authorization Configuration ● Priority and Fairness for API Server ● ReadWriteOncePod ● User Namespaces ● Nftables Firewalls ● Dynamic Resource Allocation ● SwapBehavior: LimitedSwap ● Routing Preferences for Services

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What else is our job?

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The CNCF Landscape

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Open-Source Well-Architected + Kubernetes Infrastructure Level

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AWS Controllers for Kubernetes

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“The cloud native control plane framework”

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✓ VirtualMachineInstance ✓ VirtualMachineInstance ReplicaSet ✓ virtctl and kubectl ✓ virthandler ✓ nodelabeler ✓ virtlauncher ✓ libvirt + qemu

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✓ Memory Overcommit ✓ Non-disruptive vertical scaling ✓ Disaster Recovery ✓ Data Protection ✓ Observability ✓ Ecosystem Partners

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Quay Image Registry ● Replication ● Clustering ● Scanning ● RBAC ● Tagging ● Web UI

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Ignition ● Cloud Boot ● Pre-OS ○ initramfs ● Declarative ○ FS ○ Network ○ Security ● Idempotency

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● Open-Source ● Container-First ● Secure ○ Minimal ○ Immutable ○ Transactional ○ Automatic Updates ○ Encrypted ○ PolicyKit, SELinux, Exec-Shield … ● Flexible ○ Architecture ○ Cloud Provider

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Open-Source Well-Architected + Kubernetes Platform Level

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Container Runtime Interface Implementation Distributed reliable key-value store

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ETCD Performance Efficiency

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Istio ✓ Service Mesh ✓ Traffic Management ○ Load Balancing ○ Traffic Shaping ○ Fault Injection ○ Resiliency ✓ Service Discovery ✓ Security ✓ Observability ✓ Policy Enforcement ✓ Multi-Cluser Multi-Mesh

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OpenTELemetry Tracing Metrics Alerts Logs Netflows

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StackRox ● Threat Detection and Prevention ● Runtime Policy Enforcement ● Image Scanning ● Automated Compliance ● Network Visibility ● CI/CD Pipeline ● Reporting and Visualization ● Response Management ● API & Integrations

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Open-Source Well-Architected + Kubernetes Application Level

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Keycloak ✓ Single Sign-On ✓ User Federation ✓ Social Identites ✓ Oauth, OpenId, SAML, … ✓ Role Based Access Control ✓ User Management ✓ Clustered and Scalable ✓ Auditable ✓ Multi-tenant ✓ Extensible

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Eclipse Che Cloud Development Environment

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Open Data Hub ● Jupypter Lab ● Elyra ● Apache Airflow ● Kubeflow Pipelines ● Apache Spark ● Minio ● Kserver ● Kueue

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Open-Source Well-Architected + Kubernetes Operations Level

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Kubecost + OpenCost

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Knative ● Serverless Deployments ● Routing & Traffic Management ● Automatic Scaling ● Revision Management ● Event-Driven ● Extensible Architecture ● GitOps Ready

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About Julio Helping people with open-source projects and tech jobs. All projects mentioned today, except ACK and Karpenter, are supported components of Red Hat OpenShift, where I work as a software engineer.

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ًﻼﯾزﺟ ًارﻛﺷ ؟ﺔﻠﺋﺳأ [@] faermanj [.com]