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Back to the basics... part 1/n Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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1) Emails reloaded Fabien Potencier @fabpot

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The state of sending emails with Symfony Swiftmailer is the de-facto library used for sending emails I’m the maintainer since 2009 Code infrastructure is still the same as version 4.0, roughly released at the same time as Symfony 1.2 … code is getting old!

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Swiftmailer is not “standard” PHP … very different from Symfony’s way of writing PHP code … which is not a “big” problem as developers rarely need to interact with Swiftmailer internals… except for me, the maintainer … which means that Swiftmailer is not really maintained

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Swiftmailer is not “standard” PHP It’s getting better 2014: switched tests to PHPUnit 2017: version 6 release Removed some interfaces But really just cosmetic changes (nothing too radical)

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Swiftmailer is not “standard” PHP No namespaces Specific boot sequence (heavy) “Proprietary” dependency injection container “Proprietary” event dispatcher

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Swiftmailer is not “standard” PHP Composer autoloader is not used

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Swiftmailer two main problems Weird and complex class inheritance to ease usage Message instances are not a data objects

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Swiftmailer is not “standard” PHP Swift_Message Dependency Injection…

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This is the state of Swiftmailer in 2018

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Swiftmailer great features Plugins: RedirectingPlugin/ImpersonatePlugin/ThrottlerPlugin/… Auth: CRAM-MD5, Login, NTLM, Plain, XOAuth2 S/MIME signing and encrypting Punycode / UTF-8 headers SMTP pipelining …

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Swiftmailer no so great features Bootstrapping Overengineering Spools

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Swiftmailer missing features Proper Twig integration SMTP only, no support for email provider’s API

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Symfony Mailer

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For transactional emails

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$email = (new Email()) ->setFrom('[email protected]') ->setTo('[email protected]') ->setSubject('Some subject') ->setTextBody('Some message') ->attach(__DIR__.'/some.txt') ; $transport = Transport::fromDsn('smtp://localhost')); $transport->send($email); The basics

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Email Transports

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new SmtpTransport('localhost'); SMTP: Your server

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Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\* new GmailTransport('user', 'pass'); new MailgunTransport('user', 'pass'); new SendgridTransport('key'); new PostmarkTransport('id'); … SMTP: Shortcuts

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Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Http\* new MailgunTransport('user', 'pass'); … HTTP: Raw message

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Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Http\Api\* new MailgunTransport('user', 'pass'); new PostmarkTransport('id'); … HTTP: Via API

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Transport::fromDsn('...'); smtp://user:pass@gmail smtp://key@sendgrid smtp://null smtp://user:pass@mailgun http://key:domain@mailgun api://id@postmark Use a DSN

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Transport::fromDsn('...'); Failover api://id@postmark || smtp://key@sendgrid LoadBalanced api://id@postmark && smtp://key@sendgrid Failover and LoadBalanced transports

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Unified behaviour across all providers Same events for all transports Unified DSNs / env vars Easily switch from SMTP in dev to a "real" provider in prod / same API Same message interface and serialization

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SMTP / HTTP / API? SMTP HTTP API Offline Yes via Mailcatcher No / Mock No / Mock Mailcatcher Yes No No Standard Yes No No Symfony generated Yes Yes No Fast No Yes Yes

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$email = (new Email()) ->setFrom('[email protected]') ->setTo('[email protected]') ->setSubject('Some subject') ->setTextBody('Some message') ->attach(__DIR__.'/some.txt') ; $transport = Transport::fromDsn('smtp://localhost')); $transport->send($email); The basics

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Sending Emails With Twig

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$email = (new TemplatedEmail()) ->setFrom('[email protected]') ->setTo('[email protected]') ->setTemplate('emails/example.html.twig') ; $bus->dispatch($email); Native integration with Twig

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{% block subject 'Email subject' %} {% block text %} Optional text representation {% endblock %} {% block html %} Some content using HTML {% endblock %} Emails via Twig Templates

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{% block html %}

Some content using HTML

{% endblock %} Embedding images

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$email = (new TemplatedEmail()) ->setFrom('[email protected]') ->setTo('[email protected]') ->setTemplate('emails/example.html.twig') ->setContext(['name' => 'Fabien Potencier']) ; $bus->dispatch($email); Pass some context

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{% block subject %}Email subject{% endblock %} {% block html %}

Welcome {{ }}!

{% endblock %} {% block text %} Optional text representation {% endblock %} Use the context

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But HTML in emails is hard Compatibility with email clients Inline CSS Responsive layout …

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Responsive templates
 and default stylesheets
 courtesy of

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Stylesheets managed by Encore Styles inlined via Symfony CSS selector

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$email = (new ThemedEmail()) ->setFrom('[email protected]') ->setTo('[email protected]') ->setTemplate('emails/example.html.twig') ; $bus->dispatch($email); Templates with a theme

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{% extends email_layout() %} {% block subject %}Some simple email with style{% endblock %} {% block text %} Optional text representation {% endblock %} {% block content %}

Welcome to Elephpant Land!

We're very pleased to welcome you on-board.

And we're very proud of our on-boarding e-mails!

{% email_box %}

Sign-up now!

Get a new Elephpant photo in your inbox each day
... for only 4€ a month

{% email_button "" %}Sign me up!{% endemail_button %} {% endemail_box %} {% endblock %} Responsive Emails

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mailer: settings: from: [email protected] company: Elephpant Inc. product: Pink Elephpant

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Some Title

Works with simple HTML tags.

  • Default styles are good enough;
  • Easy to override;
  • Responsive by default!
Theme: All clients and nicely styled!

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{% markdown %} # Some Title Works with simple HTML tags. * Default styles are good enough; * Easy to override; * Responsive by default! {% endmarkdown %} Theme: HTML or Markdown

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{% email_button "" %}Google{% endemail_button %} Theme: Buttons

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{% email_button "" { color: "red" } %} Theme: Buttons

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{% email_container %}

Container Title

Some random content in the container.

{% endemail_container %} Theme: Containers

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{% markdown %} | Version | LTS? | Latest | | ------------- |:-------------:| -------:| | 1.0 | Yes | 1.0.1 | | 2.1 | No | 2.1.33 | {% endmarkdown %}
Theme: Markdown

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{% email_box %}

Great Discount!

20% off just for you because I love you...

{% email_button "https://…" %}Purchase now!{% endemail_button %} {% endemail_box %} Theme: Boxes

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namespace App\Email; use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Theming\TemplatedEmail; class PromotionEmail extends TemplatedEmail { private $rate; public function setDiscountRate(int $rate): self { $this->rate = $rate; return $this; } public function getDiscountRate(): int { return $this->rate; } public function getTemplate(): string { return 'emails/promotion.html.twig'; } } Package your emails in a class

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$email = (new PromotionEmail()) ->setTo('[email protected]') ->setDiscountRate(30) ; $transport->send($email); {% block html %}

Welcome to Elephpant Land!

Your discount rate is {{ email.discountRate }}%

{% endblock %} Email object in templates

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$email = (new PasswordResetEmail()) ->setResetUrl('') ->setTo('[email protected]') ; $bus->dispatch($email); Built-in Standard Responsive Emails

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Go async?

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$transport = Transport::fromDsn('smtp://localhost')); $transport->send($email); $bus->dispatch($email); Messages via Messenger

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public function email(Mailer $mailer) { $email = (new Email())->…; $mailer->send($email); return new Response('Sent'); } public function emailAsync(MessageBusInterface $bus) { $email = (new Email())->…; $bus->dispatch($email); return new Response('Sent'); } Messages via Messenger

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public function emailAsync(MessageBusInterface $bus) { $email = (new Email())->…; $bus->dispatch($email); return new Response('Sent'); } Sync or Async, your choice

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Emails are sent async via AMQP framework: messenger: routing: 'Symfony\Component\Mailer\Message\Message': amqp Emails are sent immediately framework: messenger: routing: #'Symfony\Component\Mailer\Message\Message': amqp Sync or Async, your choice

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class MessageHandler { private $transport; public function __construct(TransportInterface $transport) { $this->transport = $transport; } public function __invoke(Email $email) { $this->transport->send($email); } } Here is the magic that makes it work!

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Message is a data object

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Digression… The Messenger Component ❤ ❤ ❤

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Clicks, Bounces, Spam, and more…

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email_webhooks: resource: '@MailerBundle/Resources/config/routing/webhooks.xml' prefix: /_email Webhooks: Mount the “universal” controller

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class WebhookFailureHandler implements MessageHandlerInterface { private $logger; public function __construct(LoggerInterface $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } public function __invoke(FailureWebhook $failure) { $this->logger->error('APP: New email failure', ['type' => $failure->getType(), 'email' => $failure->getEmail()]); } } Webhooks: Do something…

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routing: 'Symfony\Component\Mailer\Webhook\FailureWebhook': amqp Webhooks: … sync or async

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 the Symfony ecosystem Twig Encore Serializer Messenger PSR logger CSS selector Event Dispatcher Dependency Injection Container Symfony Polyfills (punycode, intl, …) … with all the great features you love in Swiftmailer 6 Symfony Mailer

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3 components 1 bundle still a work in progress will land in Symfony 4.3 Symfony Mailer

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Thank you! ❤