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Spring Data Solr I n t r o d u c t i o n t o 2013-09-25, Christoph Strobl @eJUG, 48.299707,14.286896

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Christoph Strobl Software Engineer Project Lead Spring Data Solr @stroblchristoph https:/ /

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Apache Solr a hurry...

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Apache Solr Enterprise Search Server Built on top of Lucene Open Interfaces Multiple Collections Clusterable ...

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Infrastructure Setup Solr

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ZK Infrastructure Setup S1L S1R S2L S2R

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ZK Infrastructure Setup S1L S1R S2L S2R

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Inside Solr Cores Schema

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Solr Schema Types Analysers Fields

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Schemaless since 4.4

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Connection HTTP SolrJ q=name:(spring data) AND type:solr&start=0&rows=10 new SolrQuery("name:(spring data) AND type:solr") .setStart(0).setRows(10);

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Solr Query public List findByNameOrDescription(String name, String description) { String queryString = "name:" + ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(name) + " OR description:" + ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(description); try { SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(queryString); query.setStart(0).setRows(0); QueryResponse response = solrServer.query(query); long totalValues = response.getResults().getNumFound(); query.setRows(Long.valueOf(totalValues).intValue()); return solrServer.query(query).getBeans(Product.class); } catch (SolrServerException e) { throw ExceptionTranslator.translate(e); } return Collections.emptyList(); }

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Spring-Data-Solr Spring Data offers serveral APIs around a common SPI Integration with Apache Solr Community Project with support from pivotal

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Connection HTTP SolrJ Spring Data Solr new SimpleQuery(new Criteria("name") .is("spring", "data").and("type").is("solr") ).setPageRequest(new PageRequest(0, 10)); q=name:(spring data) AND type:solr&start=0&rows=10 new SolrQuery("name:(spring data) AND type:solr") .setStart(0).setRows(10);

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Solr Template

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SolrTemplate Product product = new Product("foo"); solrTemplate.saveBean(prodcut); solrTemplate.commit(); //... Product recalled = solrTemplate.queryForObject( new SimpleQuery(new Criteria("id").is("foo")), Product.class); Page page = solrTemplate.queryForPage( new SimpleQuery(new SimpleStringCriteria("*:*"), Product.class); //... solrTemplate.deleteById("foo"); solrTemplate.commit();

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Repository interface ProductRepository extends SolrCrudRepository { } Product product = new Product("foo"); //... Product recalled = repo.findOne("foo"); Page page = repo.findAll(); //... repo.delete(product);

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Derived Queries

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Derived Queries interface ProductRepository extends SolrCrudRepository { Page findByNameStartingWith(String name, Pageable page); List findByNameOrDescription(@Boost(2) String name, String description); } Page page = repo.findByNameStartingWith("fo", new PageRequest(0,10)); List list = repo.findByNameOrDescription("foo", "foo");

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/*Named*/ Queries

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/*Named*/ Queries interface ProductRepository extends SolrCrudRepository { @Query("name:?0*") Page findByNameStartingWith(String name, Pageable page); @Query(name="findByNameOrDescriptionBoostNameBy2") List findByNameOrDescription(String name, String description); }

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Custom Repository

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Custom Types

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Thank you!