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Container Service at Alibaba Cloud Zhimin Tang

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Agenda 1.Container Adoption inside Alibaba 2.Container Service at Alibaba Cloud 3.Interesting Tools and Solutions

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Container Adoption Inside Alibaba Singles Day(2017) • 10K container instances provisioned in 10 minutes • 100Ks of running containers for transaction processing • Processing 325K orders per second at peak

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Container Service Windows Linux Windows Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Linux Apsara Stack Physical Virtual Cluster Management Container Service Security& Conformance Hybrid Cloud Logging& Monitoring Images& Application Catalog DevOps Microservices Enterprise App DUBBO Windows Windows Application Repo Intelligent Innovation

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Kubernetes Seamless Integration With Cloud Applications Web / Mobile / Machine Learning / Serverless / … Logs Metrics Security DevOps CI/CD Registry Container Orchestration& Cluster management Public / Dedicated Docker Engine CE/EE Volume Plugin EBS/NAS/OSS Network Plugin Overlay/VPC l Built-in hybrid-cloud support l Built-in GPU support

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Out-of-tree Cloud Provider Alpha: 1.7 => Beta: 1.8 => Stable: 1.10

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VPC Backend for Flannel • CNI(Container Network Interface) Support • Multi-host networking: (manipulates IP routes to achieve maximum performance) • Hybrid cloud support

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Container Community Engagement Platinum Member since Dec 06 Kubernetes certified service provider Out-of-tree cloud providers OSS/NAS support by FlexVolume VPC Network support by Flannel Fluentd-pilot OSS backend for Docker Registry Docker Machine for ECS

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Application Catalog A tool that streamlines installing and managing Kubernetes applications repository :

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Kompose A tool to convert Docker-Compose to k8s definition Kubernetes + Compose = Kompose Kubernetes Deployment and Service

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Derrick • A tool to help you dockerizing application in seconds • Features • Code&Framework detection: • Java、PHP、Python、Golang、Nodejs • Auto generate container configuration • Dockerfile,docker-compose.yml, Kubernets resource • Jenkinsfile • Built-in best practice • Multi-stage support

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Machine Learning Solution CPU GPU FPGA RDMA Heterogeneous Resources Heterogeneous Computing 25GE Unified Schedule and manage Fast iterative Container Service

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Thank you @ddbmh

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