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React Native for
 web and beyond Nicolas Gallagher @necolas

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React Native for Web

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11 August 2016 React Native for Web? Did @horse_js come up with this? Pete Cooper @petecoop

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21 October 2015 Last night I found React Native for Web. It's either really strong satire or I don't understand anything anymore. Phil Nash @philnash

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Clément Devos @ClementDevos react-native-web be like… 21 October 2016

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It’s not that crazy. It works!

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React Native for Web let me relaunch a native app (6 months of work) on the web in under a day – David Ernst “

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Major League Soccer vv Here's where our Kona coffee beans are grown on the Big Island in Hawaii. Feast your eyes! The Barista Bar
 @baristabar Tweet 27 RETWEETS 73 LIKES Promoted

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Twitter Lite vv Here's where our Kona coffee beans are grown on the Big Island in Hawaii. Feast your eyes! The Barista Bar
 @baristabar Tweet 27 RETWEETS 73 LIKES Promoted

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OK, but…

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React: all about components

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Originally by Cristiano Rastelli Separation of technologies Separation of concerns

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React DOM: the web is still difficult

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Symptoms of an underpowered UI technology…

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1. Reliance on primitive abstractions

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2. No strict contract

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3. A lot of time spent reinventing expressive abstractions

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• CSS frameworks • Right-to-left layout • Responding to gestures • Responding to layout • Text input • Focus management • …

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CSS is particularly problematic

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Problems with CSS at scale 1. No local variables 2. Implicit dependencies 3. No dead code elimination 4. No code minification 5. No sharing of constants 6. Non-deterministic resolution 7. No isolation

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It’s not because people don’t understand CSS

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What about a web framework without DOM and CSS?

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React Native: inspired by the web

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React Native StyleSheet iOS Android

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React Native has always been a web framework

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21 May 2016 the idea behind react native is an experiment to figure out "web: the good parts" vjeux @vjeux

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21 May 2016 react native is basically a browser that implements a subset of what the web supports vjeux @vjeux

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React Native is easier and simpler than React DOM

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I hope that there are plans for further unifying React Native and React for mobile web…React Native seems like a great place to start. – Jordan Walke (creator of React) “

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Web Native React Native React Native for Web

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Bringing React Native back to the web

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React Native for Web StyleSheet Web React DOM CSS

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StyleSheet: a subset of CSS

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const styles = StyleSheet.create({ heading: { color: '#fff', fontSize: 16 }, text: { marginTop: 20, margin: 10 } })

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// static styles // dynamic styles // composing styles

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const style = [ { marginTop: 10 }, { margin: 0 } ] => margin-top = 10px .a { margin-top: 10px; } .b { margin: 0; } => margin-top = 0px React Native styles CSS

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StyleSheet on the web 1. No CSS reset needed 2. Automatic vendor prefixes 3. Good runtime performance 4. Generates optimized CSS 5. Support for RTL layouts 6. Support for pre-rendering 7. No selectors or media queries

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StyleSheet.create({ one: { color: “#fff", margin-left: 10 }, two: { opacity: 0 }, three: { color: “#fff", opacity: 0 } }); .rn-1qtguxu { color: #fff } .rn-11wrixw { margin-left: 10px; } .rn-1272l3b { opacity: 0; } Source Generated

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const Box = () => const styles = StyleSheet.create({ box: { margin: 0, } }); .rn-1mnahxq { margin-top: 0px; } .rn-61z16t { margin-right: 0px; } .rn-p1pxzi { margin-bottom: 0px; } .rn-11wrixw { margin-left: 0px; }
Input Output

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const Box = () => const styles = StyleSheet.create({ box: { margin: 0, opacity: 0 } }); .rn-1mnahxq { margin-top: 0px; } .rn-61z16t { margin-right: 0px; } .rn-p1pxzi { margin-bottom: 0px; } .rn-11wrixw { margin-left: 0px; } .rn-1272l3b { opacity: 0; }
Input Output

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Before After Ruleset size

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Before After Specificity graph

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KB of CSS 0 25 50 75 100 Number of components 1 10 20 30 40 50 CSS Modules StyleSheet

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:hover -> onMouse*() @media -> matchMedia() @supports -> CSS.supports() Caveats

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=> => =>

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Interoperability and escape hatches

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// Video.web.js import { createDOMElement } from ‘react-native-web’ const Video = (props) => createDOMElement(‘video’, props);

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// CustomButton.web.js import { createDOMElement } from ‘react-native-web’ import RaisedButton from ‘material-ui/RaisedButton’ // wrap with RN prop interface const CustomButton = (props) => createDOMElement(RaisedButton, props);

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Universal components

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enabling technology (noun): An invention or innovation, that can be applied to drive radical change in the capabilities of a user or culture. Enabling technologies are characterized by rapid development of subsequent derivative technologies, often in diverse fields. Equipment and/or methodology that, alone or in combination with associated technologies, provides the means to increase performance and capabilities of the user, product or process

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React Platform StyleSheet iOS Android Web Sketch VR ……

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