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RubyMem: The Leaky Gems Database for Bundler Ernesto Tagwerker (@etagwerker) Ruby Kaigi, 2020

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Hi, I’m from Argentina

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Hi, I’m from Argentina I live in Philadelphia

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Hi, I’m from Argentina I live in Philadelphia I <3 drawing with my daughter

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Hi, I’m from Argentina I live in Philadelphia I <3 drawing with my daughter I <3 Open Source

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Open Source Maintainer database_cleaner

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Open Source Maintainer database_cleaner next_rails

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Open Source Maintainer database_cleaner next_rails skunk

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Founder & Software Engineer @OmbuLabs

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We are hiring!

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Founder & Software Engineer @fastrubyio

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Memory Issues

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RAM Issues

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Story Time

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Hey, can you help me with my project?

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Sure! How can I help?

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Can you make my gif search engine faster?

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Sure! I can do that with a simple cache!

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I’m going to write my cache in Ruby with a Hash. Simple.

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Just shipped a bunch of changes which included my cache-ing solution.

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We bumped the versions of `roda`, `rest-client`, `puma`, and we upgraded the heroku stack.

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Good job, Ernesto! That was quick and it is much faster now. ❤

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(A few hours go by and users start seeing an error in production.)

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I can haz no laser cat gifs!

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Weird. I’m going to check the logs.

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Error R14? Memory Quota Exceeded?

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Hey, I noticed this weird behavior in our production’s memory graph

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Deployment Out of memory

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That looks bad. We ran out of memory overnight.

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But my code was so small. No way it’s my code’s fault.

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It’s probably Rails.

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It’s probably Rails Roda.

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What’s more likely? That Roda has a memory bug or that your code has a memory bug?

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Maybe you should check the changelog for our latest deployment?

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Good idea! I’m gonna start debugging.

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What tools can I use?

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I’m going to use `ObjectSpace.each_object` to count the amount of objects by object type.

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I’m still not sure, I’m going to use `rack-mini-profiler` and `memory_profiler`

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(After a few hours I realize that my code is the root cause.)

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Ooops! That cache causes “memory bloat”

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I’m going to revert my change and deploy.

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Great! What was the root cause of that memory leak?

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My cache could end up using infinite memory but we only have 512MB in Heroku.

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Why did you take so long to fix it?

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I didn’t know whether the leak was in my application code or my dependencies.

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Lessons Learned

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Lessons Learned - Anyone can introduce a memory bloat

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Lessons Learned - Anyone can introduce a memory bloat - It’s easy to introduce it and hard to find

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Lessons Learned - Anyone can introduce a memory bloat - It’s easy to introduce it and hard to find - Great profiling tools in Ruby ❤

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If only there was a way to quickly answer this question:

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Introducing bundler-leak

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13 group :development do 14 gem "bundler-leak" 15 end

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$ bundle leak No leaks found

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Neat! None of my dependencies are known to be leaking memory. I’m going to debug my application code.

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$ bundle leak Name: net-http-persistent Version: 3.0.0 URL: persistent/pull/98 Title: Memory leak in thread connection pool of net-http-persistent Solution: upgrade to > 3.0.0 Leaks found!

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$ cat Gemfile.lock | grep net-http-persistent net-http-persistent (3.0.0) net-http-persistent (= 3.0.0) $ cat Gemfile | grep net-http-persistent gem "net-http-persistent", "3.0.0"

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Do we need to use `net- http-persistent` v3.0.0 or can we upgrade to v3.0.1?

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$ cat Gemfile | grep net-http-persistent gem "net-http-persistent", "~> 3.0.0" $ bundle update net-http-persistent

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$ bundle leak No leaks found

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$ bundle leak No leaks found

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No more leaky dependencies! Now let’s check again: Are we leaking memory?

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bundler-leak Implementation Details

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1. bundler-leak was born thanks to: (thank you @sergey-alekseev!)

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2. bundler-leak depends on the ruby-mem- advisory-db project

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3. bundler-leak is a fork of bundler-audit

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$ bundle-audit Name: actionpack Version: 3.2.10 URL: Title: XSS vulnerability in sanitize_css in Action Pack Solution: upgrade to ~> 2.3.18, ~> 3.1.12, >= 3.2.13 Advisory: OSVDB-91452 Unpatched versions found!

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bundler-audit bundler-leak bundle audit bundle leak ruby-sec-advisory-db ruby-mem-advisory-db rubysec rubymem

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Why? Not all memory leaks are security vulnerabilities

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RubyMem needs your help - The more reports we get, the more value we can provide to the community. ❤

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RubyMem needs your help - The more reports we get, the more value we can provide to the community. ❤ - We are looking for contributors and co- maintainers!

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Is it my code or a dependency?

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Next time you need to go down the rabbit hole… use `bundle leak` first.

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Thank you! @etagwerker 96 ‣ ‣ @etagwerker

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Thank you! @etagwerker 97 Thanks to: @AlexeevS @nateberkopec @bronzdoc

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Thank you! @etagwerker 98 Thank you!

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Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

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Resources 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.