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BubbleWrap Marin Usalj @mneorr Tuesday, April 2, 13

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iOS consultant Ruby <3 Tuesday, April 2, 13

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ObjectiveRecord ObjectiveSugar Kiwi Bubblewrap Tuesday, April 2, 13

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[@3 times:^{ NSLog(@"Hello!"); }]; // Hello! // Hello! // Hello! NSDate *future = @(24).days.fromNow; // 2012-12-25 20:49:05 +0000 NSDate *past = @(1).month.ago; // 2012-11-01 20:50:28 +00:00 NSString *sentence = NSStringWithFormat(@"This is a text-with- argument %@", @1234); [sentence split:@"-"] // array = this is a text, with, argument 1234 ObjectiveSugar Tuesday, April 2, 13

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[cars each:^(id object) { NSLog(@"Car: %@", object); }]; // Car: Testarossa // Car: F50 // Car: F458 Italia [cars map:^id(id car){ return @([[car substringToIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"F"]); }]; // NO (Testarossa) // YES (F50) // YES (F458 Italia) ObjectiveSugar Tuesday, April 2, 13

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// creating [Person create:@{ @"name" : @"John", @"age" : @12 }]; Person *john = [Person create]; = @"John"; // save/delete [john save]; [john delete]; // querying Person *johnDoe = [Person where:@"name == 'John' AND surname = 'Doe'"].first; NSArray *people = [Person where:@{ @"age" : @18 }]; ObjectiveRecord Tuesday, April 2, 13

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“ActiveSupport for RubyMotion” Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Motivation Tuesday, April 2, 13

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AFJSONRequestOperation.JSONOperationWithReuqest( NSURLRequest.requestWithURL( NSURL.URLWithString(‘’)), success: ? failure: ? ).start Tuesday, April 2, 13

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AFJSONRequestOperation.JSONOperationWithReuqest( NSURLRequest.requestWithURL( NSURL.URLWithString(‘’)), success:^{ # handle good response } failure:^{ # handle bad response }).start Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Tuesday, April 2, 13

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AFJSONRequestOperation.JSONOperationWithReuqest( NSURLRequest.requestWithURL( NSURL.URLWithString(‘’)), success: lambda{|response| # handle good response } failure: lambda{|response, error| # handle bad response }).start Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Tuesday, April 2, 13

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AFJSONRequestOperation.JSONOperationWithReuqest( NSURLRequest.requestWithURL( NSURL.URLWithString(‘’)), success: lambda{ |request, response, json| # handle good response } failure: lambda{ |request, response, error, json| # handle bad response }).start Tuesday, April 2, 13

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BW::HTTP Tuesday, April 2, 13

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HTTP.get(‘’) do |response| if response.ok? # handle good response else # handle failure end end Tuesday, April 2, 13

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params = { foo: ‘bar’, baz: [:bang, :zsh] }‘’, payload: params) do |response| if response.ok? # handle good response else # handle failure end end Tuesday, April 2, 13

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BW::Core Tuesday, April 2, 13

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> Device.iphone? # true > Device.ipad? # false > Device.front_camera? # true > Device.orientation # :portrait > Device.simulator? # true > Device.ios_version # "6.0" Tuesday, April 2, 13

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JSON.parse("{\"foo\":1,\"bar\": [1,2,3],\"baz\":\"awesome\"}") => { foo: 1, bar: [1,2,3], baz: “awesome” } JSON.generate({ foo: 1, bar: [1,2,3], baz: “awesome” }) => "{\"foo\":1,\"bar\":[1,2,3],\"baz\": \"awesome\"}" Tuesday, April 2, 13

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BW.create_uuid => "68ED21DB-82E5-4A56-ABEB-73650C0DB701" '#FF8A19'.to_color => # App.open_url("") # Opens the url using the device's browser. (accepts a string url or an instance of Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Persistence Tuesday, April 2, 13

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[Client]: hey, how hard is it to store some user data? We may need to keep track of Foo and Bar! Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Tuesday, April 2, 13

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NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults .setValue(“Inspect”, forKey:”conference”) conf = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults .valueForKey(“conference”) Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Y U NO SAVE? Tuesday, April 2, 13

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You didn’t #synchronize. Tuesday, April 2, 13

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NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults .setValue(“Inspect”, forKey:”conference”) NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults .synchronize Tuesday, April 2, 13

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include App Persistence[‘conference’] = “Inspect” conf = Persistence[‘conference’] Tuesday, April 2, 13

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BW::Location Tuesday, April 2, 13

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BW::Location.get do |result| result[:to].longitude result[:from].longitude end BW::Location.get_significant BW::Location.get_once Tuesday, April 2, 13

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BW::UI Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Tuesday, April 2, 13

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view.when_swiped view.when_pressed view.when_panned view.when_pinched view.when_rotated view.when_tapped Tuesday, April 2, 13

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@recognizer = view.when_swiped Tuesday, April 2, 13

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BW::Media Tuesday, April 2, 13

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@playa = @playa.play_modal(@local_file) Tuesday, April 2, 13

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BW::Reactor (EventMachine) Tuesday, April 2, 13

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“There is a ton of great stuff in BubbleWrap.” “If you’re doing any RubyMotion work, I think you should definitely checkout BubbleWrap!” - the changelog Tuesday, April 2, 13

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“To make our networking code painless, we’ll use BubbleWrap” - “Lots of good stuff in BubbleWrap” - Darrin Holst Tuesday, April 2, 13

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“If there’s any one thing you can do after starting a RubyMotion project, it’s immediately drop BubbleWrap into your repo.” - Nick, 37 Signals Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Questions Tuesday, April 2, 13

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Thanks HipByte! Tuesday, April 2, 13