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State of Netty @trustin @netty_project 28-Jul-2014

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Netty is … Java framework Simplifies socket client · server development Fast yet maintainable Asynchronous Event-driven

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Many organic. Very forks. Wow! 120+ people in repo history 13th in most starred Java project 11th in most forked Java project

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What do people use it for? 1 Web services Instant messaging Multiplayer games Storage · Database High frequency trading Media streaming 1

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Long history short 2001.12.16. First release 1 2004.06.07. Major revision 2 2004.09.28. Moving effort to Apache MINA 3 2006.10.27. Apache MINA becomes a TLP 4 2008.06.11. Moving effort back again 5 1 2 3 4 5

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Since then … 3.0.0 in October 2008 HTTP WebSocket SPDY 2 & 3 OpenSSL … 3.9.2 in June 2014

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What we learned in 3 Object allocations are expensive. Memory bandwidth Small garbage is garbage anyway. Some constructs are generally useful. Byte buffers Listenable futures Ill-defined thread model is painful. SSL handler

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4.0 1 Event objects → Event methods Reference-counted buffers + pool Modularization Well-defined thread model Improved API user experience Native transport for Linux 1

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4.1 1 Protocols - Memcache · DNS · MQTT · STOMP · HAProxy Streamed XML · JSON Asynchronous DNS lookup SOCKS · HTTP proxy support More flexible thread model Android support 1

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5.0 and research topics 64-bit buffer addressing Even more flexible thread model More accurate backpressure User-space TCP · UDP stack Non-blocking I/O friendly parser generator Investment on alternative system languages

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Our mission … or ambition! “Opening the future of network programming”

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It’s never too late! Immediate impact Java 8 lambda friendliness More protocols More native transports Android testsuite Better user guide · Javadoc Case studies · White papers · Blog posts

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