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౵੉য߬੉झ۽ ࢲ࠺झ ಿ૕ ೠ ױ҅ ৢܻӝ ߓ೙઱, Android Engineer, NAVERZ GDG Android Korea

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উ٘۽੉٘ ѐߊ੗о ঌইঠ ೡ Ѫٜ

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No content

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Performance Remote Config A/B Testing Crashlytics

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Crashlytics ௼ېद ଺ӝ ௼ېद ࣻ੿ Android Studio Memory bugs Stack traces ѐࢶ Crash grouping

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Crashlytics App Quality Insights Android Studio Click!

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Crashlytics App Quality Insights

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Crashlytics App Quality Insights ࢚ࣁ ੿ࠁ ഛੋ

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Crashlytics App Quality Insights Signals Filtering

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Crashlytics App Quality Insights Android Studio Hedgehog(Ҋढب஖) Play Store Vitals ݾ۾ب ഛੋ оמ

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GWP-ASan Crashlytics AndroidManifest.xml Android 11 ੉࢚ C++ Memory bugs Android Native Memory ࢎਊ Bug ଺ӝ NDK

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GWP-ASan Crashlytics C++ Memory bugs

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GWP-ASan Crashlytics C++ Memory bugs

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Crashlytics Crash grouping ௏٘ ۄੋ੉ ׳ۄઉب э਷ ਗੋ੄ ௼ېद Ӓܛೝ ࢚ࣁ

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“জ੉ ו۰ਃ”

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“য٣о וܽ Ѧө?” “ޖ঺ࠗఠ ഛੋ೧ঠ ೞ૑?”

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Firebase Performance Monitoring ֎౟ਕ௼ ࣘب? জ द੘ दр? ౠ੿ Ҵо? ٣߄੉झ ࢎন? ӝӝ জ ߡ੹?

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Firebase Performance Monitoring জ द੘ दр ஏ੿ HTTP ֎౟ਕ௼ ਃ୒ ੗ز ஏ੿ Ҵо, ӝӝ জ ߡ੹ ١ ࣘࢿী ٮۄ ஏ੿ػ ࢿמ ࠙ܨ Custom Trace ࢿמ ঌܿ ࢸ੿

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पदр ࢿמ ݽפఠ݂ Performance

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Performance ࢿמ ޙઁܳ ࡅܰѱ ଺Ҋ ೧Ѿ दр ױ୷ೞחؘ ب਑

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੗ز ஏ੿ Trace 4 1 ࢎਊ੗о জਸ ৈח द੼ (௒٘ झఋ౟) ୐ߣ૩ Activity onResume() ݃૑݄ Activity onStop() Foreground Activity onResume() 3 2 FirebasePerfProvider ContentProvider onCreate() Performance

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4 1 ࢎਊ੗о জਸ ৈח द੼ (௒٘ झఋ౟) ୐ߣ૩ Activity onResume() ݃૑݄ Activity onStop() Foreground Activity onResume() 3 2 FirebasePerfProvider ContentProvider onCreate() _app_start _app_in_foreground _app_in_background Performance ੗ز ஏ੿ Trace

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জ द੘ दр ஏ੿җ ҙܻо ೙ਃೠ ੉ਬ? জী ؀ೠ ୐ ੋ࢚ਸ ઝ਋ 30 % 2.4 % ࡈۄ૓ জ द੘ दр Ѩ࢝ ૐо Source: জ द੘ दр ஏ੿

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_app_start ࢎਊ੗о জਸ ৌযࢲ ୊਺ Activity onResume() ө૑ Performance

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Performance Trace ࣘࢿ ؘ੉ఠ ೙ఠ݂ ߔ࠙ਤ ࢸ੿ 7ੌр੄ ߸ചਯ

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Performance Trace ࣘࢿ ؘ੉ఠ ೙ఠ݂ Click!

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Performance Trace ࣘࢿ ؘ੉ఠ ೙ఠ݂ • জ ߡ੹ • ੉੹ ߡ੹, ୭न ୹द ߡ੹җ ࠺Ү • ӝӝ ߹ • ٣߄੉झ ߹ ࢎনী ٮۄ • Ҵо ߹ • ؘ੉ఠ ߬੉झ ਤ஖о ౠ੿ ૑৉ী ৔ೱਸ ޷஖૑ח ঋח૑

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Performance Trace ࣘࢿ ؘ੉ఠ ࠺Ү

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Performance Trace ࣘࢿ ؘ੉ఠ ࠺Ү Click!

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Performance Trace ࣁ࣌ ࢚ࣁ ࠁӝ Click!

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Performance Trace ࣁ࣌ ࢚ࣁ ࠁӝ CPU, Memory, Trace ߂ Network Request firebase-performance-monitoring

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Performance Trace ࣁ࣌ ࢚ࣁ ࠙ࢳೞӝ Trace ח 2.85ୡ Ѧܿ

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Performance On device Network ੉ Traceח ֎౟ਕ௼ ਃ୒җ زੌೞѱ प೯ؽ Trace ࣁ࣌ ࢚ࣁ ࠙ࢳೞӝ

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Performance Trace ઺ী CPU झ౵੉௼о ߊࢤೣ Trace ࣁ࣌ ࢚ࣁ ࠙ࢳೞӝ CPU firebase-performance-monitoring

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Performance ݫݽܻо וܻѱ ૐоೞ׮о ׮਺ Trace ੹ ֎౟ਕ௼ ਃ୒ ੉ ՘զ ٸ ૐоೞҊ ੓਺ Memory Trace ࣁ࣌ ࢚ࣁ ࠙ࢳೞӝ firebase-performance-monitoring

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Performance Memory Trace ࣁ࣌ ࢚ࣁ ࠙ࢳೞӝ ૐоೠ ݫݽܻ ࢎ੉ૉח ֎౟ਕ௼ܳ ా೧ оઉৡ ؘ੉ఠ 2MBী ೧׼ firebase-performance-monitoring

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Performance firebase-performance-monitoring Trace ࣁ࣌ ࢚ࣁ ࠙ࢳೞӝ ࠙ࢳ Ѿۿ ௾ ੉޷૑ܳ ਃ୒ೡ ٸ ݫݽܻ৬ CPUী ৔ೱਸ ޷஖Ҋ ࢲ࠺झ੄ ੉޷૑ ۽٘ ࣘبо ו۰૑ח Ѿҗ

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Custom Trace ࢸ੿ೞӝ Performance // Import these Performance Monitoring classes at the top of your `.kt` file import; import; val myTrace = Firebase.performance.newTrace("startup_trace") myTrace.start() // code that you want to trace myTrace.stop() UX दաܻয়ী ٮۄ ழझథ ஏ੿ ೦ݾ ߂ ѱ੐ ۨ߰җ э਷ ࢎਊ੗ ࣘࢿ a tt ribute ୶о оמ

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Custom Trace ࢸ੿ೞӝ Performance Firebase.performance.newTrace(“startup_trace”).trace { // Update scenario. putAttribute("cache", “true") // Reading scenario. val experimentValue = getAttribute("experiment") // Delete scenario. removeAttribute("experiment") // Read attributes. val traceAttributes = this.attributes } ࢎਊ੗ ࣘࢿ a tt ribute ୶о

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Custom Trace ࢸ੿ೞӝ Performance ୶оೠ ࣘࢿਵ۽ ؘ੉ఠ ೙ఠ݂ оמ

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Custom Trace ࢸ੿ೞӝ Performance ѐੋ ध߹ ੿ࠁܳ ನೣೞח ࣘࢿਸ ୶оೞ૑ ݃ࣁਃ ӝӝ ղ ࠺ਯ ઁೠ, ز੸ ࢠ೒݂, ࢲߡ ஏ ࠺ਯ ઁೠী ٮۄ ޖ੘ਤ۽ ࢠ೒݂ ػ чੑפ׮. ࢠ೒ ࣻо ৘࢚җ ׮ܲ ੉ਬח ޖ঺ੋоਃ?

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ࢿמਸ ѐࢶೞח ߑߨ

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ࢲ࠺झ ߓನܳ ೠ׮ח Ѫ..

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Feature Flagging জ ߓನ৬ Feature launch ܻ࠙ ࢜ ӝמ ੼૓੸ ߓನ ౠ੿ ਬ੷ Ӓܛীѱ ݢ੷ ߓನ ޙઁ ߊࢤ द জ ੤ߓನ হ੉ ߄۽ ܀ߔ оמ

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Remote Config new_feature_enabled False 1% users && version >= 2.7.1 True Key-value ह ࢤࢿ Server ӝࠄч In-App ӝࠄч False Override Key Conditional Values

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Remote Config Crashlytics Analytics पदр(real-time) সؘ੉౟ оמ

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Feature Flag ࢸ੿ೞӝ Click!

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Feature Flag ࢸ੿ೞӝ Feature launch ੹ূ ੋজ ӝࠄч ࢎਊ Remote Config

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Feature Flag ࢸ੿ೞӝ ӝࠄ ч ࢸ੿ Remote Config Feature ߓನ ೡ ٸ ӝࠄ ч ߸҃ ߂ ֢୹ ઑѤ ࢸ੿

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੉ Feature Flag ܳ ࢎਊೡ ਬ੷ ઑѤ ૑੿

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remoteConfig = Firebase.remoteConfig remoteConfig.addOnConfigUpdateListener(object : ConfigUpdateListener { override fun onUpdate(configUpdate: ConfigUpdate) { if (configUpdate.updatedKeys.contains("new_feature_enabled")) { remoteConfig.activate().addOnCompleteListener { updateNewFeature() } } } override fun onError(error: FirebaseRemoteConfigException) { . . . } })

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private fun updateNewFeature() { val newFeatureEnabled = remoteConfig[NEW_FEATURE_ENABLED].asBoolean() if (newFeatureEnabled) { // ࢜۽਍ Feature ௏٘ ୶о binding.fetchButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.RED) } else { // Feature ߓನ ੹ ௏٘ binding.fetchButton.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE) } } private const val NEW_FEATURE_ENABLED = "new_feature_enabled"

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Feature Flag ࢎਊೞӝ Remote Config ࢎਊ੗о জ সؘ੉౟ܳ ׮਍۽٘ೡ ೙ਃ হ੉ জ੄ ز੘җ ݽনਸ ߸҃ Summary

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A/B Testing জ ߸҃ࢎ೦ী ؀ೠ ࠺ૉפझ ૑಴ب ୓௼ 97% 3% Winner! Button Test A B Remote Config

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A/B Test Report revenue-with-remote-config-personalization Blog ࢎ۹ ੉޷૑

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A/B Testing docs/ab-testing/video-series? hl=ko A/B Test ߓ਋۞ оӝ

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Performance Remote Config A/B Testing Crashlytics Firebase Android Quick Start

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