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Agenda • Problem statement • Importance of a good strategy • Oracle vs PostgreSQL partitioning • Migrating partitioned tables from Oracle to PostgreSQL • Demo

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Problem statement I have partitioned tables in Oracle. I am migrating to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server. How do I migrate them, manage them in Azure?

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Importance of a good strategy Query performance improvement Short rebuilding of indexes Easy to manage bulk loads and deletes Reduces vacuum overhead Reduces bloat Define objective

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Good partitioning strategy • Is not a magic solution to solve all your performance problems • Vertical partitioning/Shards is a different idea • Can break your database if not done right • Choose right partition key based on data access patterns and ingestion rate • Data retention requirements • Devise mechanism to offload/delete data

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Oracle vs PostgreSQL partitioning • Range – for date fields • List – categorical values • Hash – bucketing • Composite – sub partitioning by another partition method • List-Range partitioning • List-List partitioning • Range-Hash partitioning • PostgreSQL does not create partitions automatically • No merge partition or split partition Image source:

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Steps to migrate partitioned tables from Oracle to PostgreSQL Migrate schema (ora2pg) Deploy partitioned tables in Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server Migrate data A super cool open-source tool!

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Data migration Use ora2pg or Azure Data Factory Steps to migrate partitioned tables from Oracle to PostgreSQL

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Mange partitions • A super cool partition manager • Can handle Time series and serial partitions Steps to migrate partitioned tables from Oracle to PostgreSQL

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Important links • Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server • Ora2pg-Moves Oracle and MySQL database to PostgreSQL • pg_partman- PG Partition Manager • Migrate from Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server • Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server Cookbook • Oracle to Azure Database for PostgreSQL Flexible Server migration workarounds • Steps to install ora2pg on Windows or Linux • Build large scale data copy pipelines using Azure Data Factory

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