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What do we want to know through coding assessment ? Takahiro Fujii(Taka) VPoE@WealthPark English Tech LT Jam feat. 【アンドパッド| ユニファ|iCARE 】 1

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Intro I joined WealthPark in 2020, and I manage/support the engineering organization as a VPoE. Before joining WealthPark, I was an engineer and engineering manager at Rakuten for a relatively long time. So I have no experience studying abroad, but I am relatively used to working in English. BackEnd(IC/EM) -> Mobile(EM) -> FrontEnd(IC/EM) -> VPoE Takahiro Fujii(Taka)@taka_ft 2

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WealthPark 3 A platform that empowers both individual investors and property management companies Connecting property owners and property management companies Investors Management companies Cashflow Chat Workflow Valuation AI 3

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WealthPark  Engineering Team More than 80% of them are not Japanese. Communication related to product development is done in English. 4 4

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Coding Assessment What is the coding assessment / test for ? 5

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Actual code candidate implements Coding style Things you can't find out in an interview 6 For Example

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What kind of coding assessment do you imagine ? 7

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But 9 "That's a high score on the coding test, great." But is this really what you want to know?

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WealthPark Case (FrontEnd Engineer) 10

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Context Most of the members are involved in product development No need to implement difficult algorithms at the moment What the engineers want to know is Coding styles for product development Be able to have a healthy discussion when we do code reviews? Be able to imagine developing a product together with good relationship? What we would like to know is .. 11

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Implementing a list of news using the Hacker  News API Subject1 To display HackerNews info as list One of actual coding assessment at WP Note : the actual assessment document has a rough drawing of the UI design + requirements definition 12

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Restrictions React is required. No problem using next.js create-​ react-​ app preact etc. TypeScript is required Do NOT use UI component libraries (e.g. Material UI , bootstrap ) No problem using css framework tailwind styled-​ components vanilla-​ extract etc. UI-​ related requirements (partial) Loading animation or icon should be displayed until data acquisition by API is completed First load should display 100 data items Optional requirements (partial) Infinite scrolling or page-​ nation Test code Animation Requirements 13

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😌 NOT expect candidate to spend a lot of time creating code or pages. 🤯 Candidates may be busy with their work, we do not set a time limit. 📝 Tell candidate that the submitted code will be used in the next interview (we will ask questions and discuss based on the submitted code). Note 14

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What we can see 😎 Candidate's code style for product development e.g) if candidate are a leader and have not touched the code much, we can find out if candidate do not use Hooks or use class components, see the way of commit, library selection 🤔 Through the next interview, we can get to know the candidate's way of thinking e.g What kind of criteria they use to select libraries to use? Note : hard to cheat your way of thinking 👥 What kind of communication will occur about the questions? Considerations ✅ Interviewer needs to read through the code beforehand ⏱  It will take a certain amount of the candidate's time 🤔 For better or worse, if the candidate does not have some interest in the company, it is difficult for them to see the value in doing so (they will not submit) 15

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Coding assessment use of candidate's valuable time, so we believe that we can make better coding assessments and coding tests if we can put our own intentions. By no means do I deny testing algorithms. What matters is the purpose. To clarify "What do we want to know through coding assessment". Conclusion 16

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We are hiring :) https://wealth-​​ department Many positions are open!! Casual talk is also welcome :) 17

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Podcast Provides podcasts (in Japanese) for Engineers and Engineering Managers ( 18

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