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How to handle internal linking on large websites Julien Deneuville DATABULLE @diije

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@diije #BrightonSEO • Young Search Personality @ SMX Paris 2018 • Oncrawl Ambassador • Twitter : @diije • Blog : Hello, I’m Julien Deneuville • From Reims, France 🍾 • 12+ years XP • Freelancer since 2017 • Tech SEO / Data / Python

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@diije #BrightonSEO Internal linking + Large websites

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@diije #BrightonSEO Large website?

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@diije #BrightonSEO 100k URLs is usually not enough to affect crawl budget. John Mueller

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@diije #BrightonSEO

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@diije #BrightonSEO Make Googlebot’s job faster

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@diije #BrightonSEO Step 0: fix your links

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@diije #BrightonSEO Let’s crawl!

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@diije #BrightonSEO Let’s crawl!

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@diije #BrightonSEO Avoid redirects Waste of time for everybody Virtually increase the nb of URLs Link directly to the destination!

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@diije #BrightonSEO Avoid redirects Waste of time for everybody Virtually increase the nb of URLs Link directly to the destination!

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@diije #BrightonSEO Avoid redirects Waste of time for everybody Virtually increase the nb of URLs àLink directly to the destination!

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@diije #BrightonSEO Don’t do redirects! Update your internal links acordingly

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@diije #BrightonSEO Avoid errors Fix broken links Get a strategy for expired content

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@diije #BrightonSEO No-index pages Waste of time for Googlebot àAvoid links to no-index pages àConsider blocking via robots.txt

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@diije #BrightonSEO Empty pages

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@diije #BrightonSEO Step 1: analyze

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@diije #BrightonSEO PageRank

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@diije #BrightonSEO PageRank is correlated to traffic

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@diije #BrightonSEO Calculate PageRank Your crawler probably does • Link Score in Screaming Frog • InRank in Oncrawl • … Otherwise do it yourself •

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@diije #BrightonSEO Best linked pages URL PageRank /jai-une-nouvelle-passion-a-te-raconter/ 0,006949 /les-petits-dessins-les-petites-videos/ 0,006796 /category/creativite/ 0,006548 /category/cyclotourisme-et-cyclosport/ 0,006439 /category/freelancelife/ 0,00634 /category/exposition-2/ 0,006304 /tag/copenhague/ 0,006079 /category/numerique/ 0,005211 /category/culture-graphique-2/ 0,0052 /category/lifestyle/ 0,004798

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@diije #BrightonSEO

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@diije #BrightonSEO Compare values

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@diije #BrightonSEO Data Logs Traffic Sales …

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@diije #BrightonSEO Split your inventory Top pages Mid-tier Low-tier Garbage

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@diije #BrightonSEO Step 2: optimize

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@diije #BrightonSEO 3 directions

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@diije #BrightonSEO Down

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@diije #BrightonSEO Your typical menu

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@diije #BrightonSEO Up

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@diije #BrightonSEO Breadcrumbs

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@diije #BrightonSEO On mobile

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@diije #BrightonSEO On mobile

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@diije #BrightonSEO Sideways

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@diije #BrightonSEO Related links

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@diije #BrightonSEO SEO-specific link blocks

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@diije #BrightonSEO Which links?

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@diije #BrightonSEO Algorithms

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@diije #BrightonSEO

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@diije #BrightonSEO Slots

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@diije #BrightonSEO Imagine a block of links

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@diije #BrightonSEO Mid-tier links

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@diije #BrightonSEO Top-pages link

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@diije #BrightonSEO Lower-tier link

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@diije #BrightonSEO Example: locations

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@diije #BrightonSEO

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@diije #BrightonSEO Step 3: repeat

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@diije #BrightonSEO Plan ahead

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@diije #BrightonSEO Anticipate your future needs Seasonality Inventory variations …

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@diije #BrightonSEO Design adaptable blocks Default rules & substitution Management • Admin interface • File import • Database …

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@diije #BrightonSEO We improve only what we measure

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@diije #BrightonSEO Follow up Did the crawl metrics improve? Did the rankings / traffic improve? Did the user experience KPIs improve?

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@diije #BrightonSEO

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@diije #BrightonSEO In a nutshell #0 Fix errors #1 Analyze #2 Split your inventory #3 Repeat

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@diije #BrightonSEO Keep in touch! @diije /