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Stream processing made easy with riko PyConZA - Cape Town, SA Oct 6, 2016 by Reuben Cummings @reubano #PyConZA16

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Who am I? Managing Director, Nerevu Development Programming in Python since 2011 Author of several popular packages Flask over Django, Twisted over Tornado, functions over classes @reubano #PyConZA16

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basic stream process 1 * 2 > 2 sum 2 3

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basic stream process 1 > 2 sum 2 3 * 2

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basic stream process > 2 sum 2 3 2 * 2

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basic stream process 2 > 2 sum 2 3 * 2

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basic stream process > 2 sum 2 3 * 2

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basic stream process > 2 sum 3 4 * 2

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basic stream process 4 > 2 sum 3 * 2

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basic stream process > 2 sum 4 3 * 2

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basic stream process > 2 sum 4 6 * 2

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basic stream process > 2 sum 4 6 * 2

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basic stream process > 2 sum 4 * 2 6

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basic stream process > 2 sum 4 * 2 6

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basic stream process > 2 sum 4 * 2 6

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basic stream process > 2 sum 4 * 2 10

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basic stream process > 2 sum 10 * 2

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constructing streams

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>>> 'abracadabra'[0] >>> range(1, 11)[0] >>> 'hello pycon attendees'.split(' ')[0] >>> [{'x': x} for x in range(4)][0] 'a' 'hello' 1 {'x': 0} >>> ({'num': x} for x in range(4)) >>> next({'num': x} for x in range(4)) at 0x103c10830> {'num': 0}

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processing streams

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>>> [ord(x) for x in 'abracadabra'] >>> [2 * x for x in range(1, 11)] >>> [x for x in range(1, 11) if x > 5] [97, 98, 114, 97, 99, 97, 100, 97, 98, 114, 97] [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20] [6, 7, 8, 9, 10] >>> stream = ({'num': x} for x in range(4)) >>> sum(s['num'] for s in stream) 6

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so what!

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RSS feeds (feedly)

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aggregators (kayak)

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mashups (portwiture)

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What is Lorem Ipsum? Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap...

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hello world Hadoop

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>>> import re >>> from mrjob.job import MRJob >>> from mrjob.step import MRStep >>> >>> WORD_RE = re.compile(r"[\w']+") >>> >>> >>> class MRWordCount(MRJob): ... def steps(self): ... kwargs = { ... 'mapper': self.mapper, ... 'combiner': self.combiner, ... 'reducer': self.reducer} ... ... return [MRStep(**kwargs)]

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... def mapper(self, _, line): ... for word in WORD_RE.findall(line): ... yield word.lower(), 1 ... ... def combiner(self, word, counts): ... yield word, sum(counts) ... ... def reducer(self, word, counts): ... yield word, sum(counts) >>> >>> if __name__ == '__main__': ...

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hello world Spark

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>>> from operator import add >>> from pyspark.sql import SparkSession >>> >>> spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate() >>> >>> stream = ('hdfs://file.txt').rdd ... .flatMap(lambda line: line.split(' ')) ... .map(lambda word: (word.lower(), 1)) ... .reduceByKey(add) ... .collect()) >>> >>> stream[0] ('"de', 1)

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introducing riko

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riko @reubano #PyConZA16

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riko { 'greeting':'hello', 'location':'pycon', 'enthusiasm': 3 } @reubano #PyConZA16

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basic usage

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pip install riko

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hello world riko

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>>> from riko.collections.sync import SyncPipe >>> >>> url = 'file:///file.txt' >>> conf = {'delimiter': ' '} >>> rule = {'transform': 'lower'} >>> >>> next(stream) >>> next(stream) {'"de': 1} {'"lorem': 1} >>> stream = (SyncPipe('fetchtext', conf={'url': url}) ... .stringtokenizer(conf=conf, emit=True) ... .strtransform(conf={'rule': rule}) ... .count(conf={'count_key': 'strtransform'}) ... .output)

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let's get some data

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Code for South Africa (

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home page

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Data catalogue

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API access

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>>> from riko.modules.fetchdata import pipe >>> url = '' >>> stream = pipe(conf={'url': url}) >>> next(stream) >>> next(stream) {'crime': 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 'incidents': '2266.0', 'police_station': 'Bellville', 'province': 'WC', 'year': '2014'} {'crime': 'Drug-related crime', 'incidents': '2578.0', 'police_station': 'Bishop Lavis', 'province': 'WC', 'year': '2014'}

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filtering & truncating

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>>> sort_conf = { ... 'rule': { ... 'sort_key': 'incidents', 'sort_dir': 'desc'}} >>> filter_conf = { ... 'rule': { ... 'field': 'province', ... 'op': 'eq', ... 'value':'GP'}} >>> from riko.collections.sync import SyncPipe >>> stream = (SyncPipe('fetchdata', conf={'url': url}) ... .filter(conf=filter_conf) ... .sort(conf=sort_conf) ... .truncate(conf={'count': '5'}) ... .output)

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>>> next(stream) {'crime': 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 'incidents': '3339.0', 'police_station': 'Pretoria Central', 'province': 'GP', 'year': '2014'} {'crime': 'Drug-related crime', 'incidents': '3125.0', 'police_station': 'Eldorado Park', 'province': 'GP', 'year': '2014'} >>> next(stream)

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>>> from riko.modules import fetchdata, join >>> >>> url2 = '' >>> stream = fetchdata.pipe(conf={'url': url}) >>> stream2 = fetchdata.pipe(conf={'url': url2}) >>> conf = { ... 'join_key': 'police_station', ... 'other_join_key': 'station'} >>> joined = join.pipe(stream, conf=conf, other=stream2) {'station': 'Aberdeen', 'sum_2014_2015': '1153'} >>> next(stream2)

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>>> next(joined) {'crime': 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 'incidents': '2266.0', 'police_station': 'Bellville', 'province': 'WC', 'station': 'Bellville', 'sum_2014_2015': '28989', 'year': '2014'} stream data stream2 data

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{'crime': 'Drug-related crime', 'incidents': '2578.0', 'police_station': 'Bishop Lavis', 'province': 'WC', 'station': 'Bishop Lavis', 'sum_2014_2015': '24983', 'year': '2014'} >>> next(joined)

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riko's many paradigms

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async API (Twisted)

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pip install riko[async]

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>>> from riko.bado import coroutine, react >>> from riko.collections.async import AsyncCollection >>> sources = [ ... {'url': url, 'type': 'fetchdata'}, ... {'url': url2, 'type': 'fetchdata'}] >>> flow = AsyncCollection(sources) >>> >>> @coroutine >>> def run(reactor): ... stream = yield flow.async_fetch() ... print(next(stream)) >>> >>> react(run) {'police_station': 'Bellville', 'crime': 'All theft...', 'year': '2014', 'province': 'WC', 'incidents': '2266.0'}

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parallel API (threads)

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>>> flow = SyncCollection(sources, parallel=True) >>> stream = flow.list >>> stream[0] {'crime': 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 'incidents': '2266.0', 'police_station': 'Bellville', 'province': 'WC', 'year': '2014'} >>> stream[-1] {'station': 'Tierpoort', 'sum_2014_2015': '327'} >>> from riko.collections.sync import SyncCollection >>>

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parallel API (processes)

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>>> kwargs = {'parallel': True, 'threads': False} >>> flow = SyncCollection(sources, **kwargs) >>> stream = flow.list >>> stream[0] {'crime': 'All theft not mentioned elsewhere', 'incidents': '2266.0', 'police_station': 'Bellville', 'province': 'WC', 'year': '2014'} >>> stream[-1] {'station': 'Tierpoort', 'sum_2014_2015': '327'}

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Head to Head Spark, etc. Huginn riko installation complex moderate simple push/pull push push pull native ingestors few many many parallel ✔ ✔ ✔ async ✔ distributed ✔ @reubano #PyConZA16

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Reuben Cummings @reubano #PyConZA16 Thanks!

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fetching RSS feeds

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>>> from riko.modules.fetchsitefeed import pipe >>> >>> url = '' >>> stream = pipe(conf={'url': url}) >>> item = next(stream) >>> item.keys() dict_keys(['tags', 'summary_detail','', 'y:published', 'content', 'title', 'pubDate', 'id', 'summary', 'authors','links', 'y:id', 'author', 'link','published']) >>> item['title'], item['author'], item['id'] ('Gravity doesn’t care about quantum spin', 'Chris Lee', '')