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OOP in Web Development with PHP Oliver Mensah

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Oliver Mensah Software Developer, Technical Writer, Developer Community Enthusiast ● Currently a National Service Personnel at AgroInnova ● Guest Author at Auth0 ● Co-Organizer at Facebook Developer Circle: Accra LinkedIn: @OliverMensahDev Twitter: @OliverMensahDev GitHub: @OliverMensahDev

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Overview of Web Development ❖ Creating dynamic web applications ➢ Access via browser ❖ Broad Divisions ➢ Frontend ■ JavaScript, HTML, CSS ➢ Backend ■ PHP, NodeJs, etc. ➢ Database Technologies ■ MySQL, MongoDB, etc.

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Overview of PHP ❖ Open source general-purpose scripting language, usually used for web development ❖ Code executed on the server ❖ Can be embedded in HTML ❖ Compatible with many databases ❖ Cross platform ❖ Large community ❖ Popular ➢ Simple ➢ Efficient ➢ Secure ➢ Flexible ❖ PHP Standard Recommendations(PSRs)

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PHP Fundamentals ❖ Variables, Arrays, Loops ❖ Functions and Conditionals ❖ working with databases ❖ using third party libraries Example: rt/blob/master/shoes_Search.php

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I think we can do better In terms of ❖ Code design and organization ❖ Which means ➢ ability to reuse & recycle code ➢ encapsulate ➢ easier to maintain and test

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Overview of OOP ❖ Program in terms of objects ❖ OOP concepts ➢ Classes ➢ Objects ➢ Methods & properties ➢ Encapsulation and Access Modifiers ➢ Data abstraction ➢ Inheritance and composition ➢ Polymorphism ❖ Autoloading ❖ Dependency Injection ❖ Code organizational patterns ➢ MVC ➢ MVC Repository pattern

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Classes, Objects, Methods & properties ❖ Basic building blocks of OOP ➢ classes ➢ objects ➢ methods ➢ properties

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Encapsulation ❖ Mechanism to restrict access to data and methods of class ❖ Achieved with access modifiers ➢ public ➢ protected ➢ private

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Data abstraction ❖ Abstraction is a means of hiding details in order to simplify an interface

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Inheritance and composition ❖ Code Reuse ➢ Use Composition when one class cannot exist without the other ➢ If a class wants to use a class functionality nce-composition-php-application/

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Polymorphism ❖ Polymorphism says that methods in different classes that do similar things should have the same name. ❖ Achieved through ➢ Interface ➢ abstract class

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Autoloading ❖ Autoloading classes from file path ❖ Reducing boilerplate codes

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Chaining methods ❖ Continuous calling of method on object ❖ Method must return this

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Dependency Injection ❖ Supplying the dependencies an object news ➢ Constructor injection ➢ Setter injection

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Code Organizational Patterns ❖ MVC ➢ Model ➢ View ➢ Controller ❖ MVC- Repository Pattern ➢ Outsource data source operations from the controller

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Proper MVC ❖ Friendly URL ➢ /farmers ➢ /farmers/7 ❖ Structure ➢ URL Rewriting ➢ Bootstrap ➢ Service Locators ❖ Many more

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RESOURCES: ● ● ● s-28ol ● ritance-composition-php-application/

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“Explore the software world by sharing your learnings and experiences” Oliver Mensah