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3 ✓

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✓ : 4 “Look in the left wicker vase that is next to the potted plant” Wicker vase :

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✓ : “Look in the left wicker vase that is next to the potted plant” 5 Wicker vase : Wicker vase Wicker vase Wicker vase

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✓ : ✓ Key : “Look in the left wicker vase that is next to the potted plant” 6 Wicker vase : Wicker vase Wicker vase Wicker vase

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✓ REVERIE-fetch • 7 “Look in the left wicker vase that is next to the potted plant”

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✓ REVERIE-fetch • • (Instruction) (Context Regions) (Candidate Region) 8 “Look in the left wicker vase that is next to the potted plant”

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✓ REVERIE-fetch • • (Instruction) (Context Regions) (Candidate Region) 9 “Look in the left wicker vase that is next to the potted plant”

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✓ REVERIE-fetch • • (Instruction) (Context Regions) (Candidate Region) • 10 “Look in the left wicker vase that is next to the potted plant”

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✓ REVERIE-fetch • • (Instruction) (Context Regions) (Candidate Region) • 11 “Look in the left wicker vase that is next to the potted plant” Faster R-CNN[Ren+, PAMI16]

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MTCM [Magassouba+, RA-L19] . VGG16LSTM . Target-dependent UNITER (TDU) [Ishikawa+, RA-L21] UNITER[Chen+, ECCV20] . REVERIE task / dataset [Qi+, CVPR20] , REVERIE 12

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• MAT[Ishikawa+, ICPR22] • CLIP[Radford+, ICML21] • Perceiver[Jaegle+, ICML21] 13

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• MAT[Ishikawa+, ICPR22] • CLIP[Radford+, ICML21] • Perceiver[Jaegle+, ICML21] 14

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• MAT[Ishikawa+, ICPR22] • CLIP[Radford+, ICML21] • Perceiver[Jaegle+, ICML21] 15

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• MAT[Ishikawa+, ICPR22] • CLIP[Radford+, ICML21] • Perceiver[Jaegle+, ICML21] 16

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• MAT[Ishikawa+, ICPR22] • CLIP[Radford+, ICML21] • Perceiver[Jaegle+, ICML21] 17 2 1 3

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✓ 𝜹𝑡 ✓ 18 Input 𝜹𝑡 Output 1. 𝐸 𝜹 = CE 𝑓 𝒙 , 𝒚 ∇𝜹 𝐸 𝜹 = 𝜕𝐸 𝜕𝜹 2. ∇𝜹 𝐸 𝜹 𝒎𝑡 𝒗𝑡 𝒎𝑡 = 𝜌1 𝒎𝑡−1 + 1 − 𝜌1 ∇𝜹 𝐸 𝜹𝑡 𝒗𝑡 = 𝜌2 𝒗𝑡−1 + 1 − 𝜌2 ∇𝜹 𝐸 𝜹𝑡 2 3. 𝒎𝑡 𝒗𝑡 ∆𝜹𝒕 ෝ 𝒎𝑡 = 𝒎𝑡 1 − 𝜌1 𝑡 , ෝ 𝒗𝑡 = 𝒗𝑡 1 − 𝜌2 𝑡 ∆𝜹𝒕 = 𝜂 ෝ 𝒎𝑡 ෝ 𝒗𝑡 + 𝜖 4. 𝜹𝑡+1 = Π 𝜹 ≤𝜖 𝜹𝑡 + ∆𝜹𝒕 ∆𝜹𝒕 𝐹

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✓ CLIP ✓ ViT[Dosovitskiy+, ICLR21] ✓ transformer [EOT] 19 [EOT]

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✓ ✓ Perceiver CLIP 20 CLIP Encoders

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✓ CLIP Encoders , Perceiver 21

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✓ REVERIE-fetch dataset - REVERIE dataset ✓ REVERIE[Qi+, CVPR18] - → 1. , 2. 22 Matterport3D

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✓ REVERIE-fetch dataset - REVERIE dataset ✓ REVERIE[Qi+, CVPR18] : + 23 , ↓ - REVERIE - -

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✓ REVERIE-fetch dataset • REVERIE dataset #Samples Vocabulary size Average sentence length 30532 2853 19.1 Training Validation Test 26808 2552 1172 24 “Look in the left wicker vase that is next to the potted plant”

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“Go into the living room and give me the pillow on the couch nearest the plant” 25 • → TDP-MAT

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26 • → TDP-MAT ✓ Bounding box “Make haste to the office and fluff the pillow sitting on the left of the chair”

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• Acc [%] : 27 Condition Acc [%] ↑ Baseline : TDU [Ishikawa+, IROS21] 73.3 0.485 Ours : TDP-MAT W/o MAT 72.5 3.55 W/o MAT + Smaller learning rate 74.4 0.831 W/o CLIP & Perceiver 74.1 1.47 W/o Pretraining 73.1 2.24 Full 75.3 0.691 +2.0

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28 Condition Acc [%] ↑ Baseline : TDU [Ishikawa+, IROS21] 73.3 0.485 Ours : TDP-MAT W/o MAT 72.5 3.55 W/o MAT + Smaller learning rate 74.4 0.831 W/o CLIP & Perceiver 74.1 1.47 W/o Pretraining 73.1 2.24 Full 75.3 0.691 +2.8 - - 5 - ( ) - Smaller learning rate : 1/8 -

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29 Condition Acc [%] ↑ Baseline : TDU [Ishikawa+, IROS21] 73.3 0.485 Ours : TDP-MAT W/o MAT 72.5 3.55 W/o MAT + Smaller learning rate 74.4 0.831 W/o CLIP & Perceiver 74.1 1.47 W/o Pretraining 73.1 2.24 Full 75.3 0.691 +1.2 - CLIP Encoders, Perceiver Module, - Cross Attention

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30 Condition Acc [%] ↑ Baseline : TDU [Ishikawa+, IROS21] 73.3 0.485 Ours : TDP-MAT W/o MAT 72.5 3.55 W/o MAT + Smaller learning rate 74.4 0.831 W/o CLIP & Perceiver 74.1 1.47 W/o Pretraining 73.1 2.24 Full 75.3 0.691 +2.2 - TDU

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✓ • ✓ • MAT • ✓ • 31

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✓ ✓ 𝐿 𝑁 𝑅𝐿×𝐷 𝑅𝑁×𝐸 𝑅𝐿×𝐷, 𝑅𝑁×𝐷 → 𝑅𝐿×𝑁 𝑅𝐿×𝐷 𝑅𝐿×𝐷, 𝑅𝐿×𝐷 → 𝑅𝐿×𝐿 32

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✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 33

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✓ 34 8 × 10−4 𝛽1 = 0.9, 𝛽2 = 0.99

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✓ ✓ ✓ 35 19+6=25