What Is Ruby Heroʁ
• “The Ruby community is full of good people
who help each other in diverse ways to
make the community a better place.”
• “Once a year at RailsConf, we take a
moment to appreciate their contributions
and hopefully encourage others to make a
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Ruby Hero Award
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• ࣙॻʹΑΔͱɺ
=> دɺدଃɺߩݙ
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I Don't Like the Word
• झຯͰίʔυॻ͍ͯΔ͚ͩ
• Contributionݴ͏ͳ
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I Code Everyday
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Just Because I Want to
• ॻ͖͍͔ͨΒॻ͍ͯΔ
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I'm Not a Kind of Person
Who "Work Hard"
• ͨͩίʔυΛॻ͘ͷ͕͖ͳ͚ͩ
• ίʔυΛॻ͘ͷझຯ
• কདྷͷເෆ࿑ॴಘΛ૿ͯ͠
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I Code Everyday
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Mainly for Fun
• ίʔυॻ͘ͷָ͕͍͔͠Β
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Not Only Because I Have
to Do So to Feed My Kids
• ʑͷྐΛಘΔͨΊʮ͚ͩʯ
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I Code Everyday
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Mainly for Fun
• ָ͍͔͠Βίʔυॻ͍ͯΔ
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And that Brings Me Some
• ͦͷ݁Ռ৯͍͚ͬͯͯΔ
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I Think I'm Lucky!
• ݱʹϓϩάϥϚʔ
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Being a Ruby Hero is Nice
• ͕ࣗRuby HeroʹબΕ
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I Thought, "Why Me?", But,
• ࣗΑΓ˓˓͞Μͷ΄͏
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I Guess I Could Encourage
• ͱ͋ΕɺपΓͷਓʑΛ
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Even a Minor Person Like Me Could
Be Approved in "the Community"
• ࣗͷΑ͏ͳϚΠϊϦςΟ
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I'm Not an American
• ຊਓͩ͠
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I'm Not White
• ຊਓͩ͠
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I'm Not a CS Graduate
• ߴߍଔۀ => ਓจՊֶՊͷ
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I'm Not a Fluent English
• ຊਓͩ͠
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I Don't Have Any Special
• ઈٕͱ͔࣋ͬͯͳ͍͠
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But I Just Love to Code
• ͖ͨͩͰίʔυॻ͍ͯΔ
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Why / How Did the World
Find Me?
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I Guess It's Because It's
• ຊͰ࡞ΒΕͨϓϩάϥϛ
• "Diversity"(= ଟ༷ੑ) Λ
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We All Live on the Internet
• Πϯλʔωοτ͑͋͞Ε
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I Love Internet && I Love
• ύιίϯ͕͖ͱ͍͏ΑΓ
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The Internet Is Wonderful
• ͰΠϯλʔωοτ͚ͩ͡Ό
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I Love to Meet People,
Talk to People in Real
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That's Why I Go to
• ਓ͕͍ͬͺ͍ू·ΔΧϯϑΝ
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List of Conferences that
Invited Me So Far
• ͍ͬͺ͍
• https:/
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I Recommend You to Attend
Conferences in Other Countries
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You May Notice the
•People are so different
•Ruby community accepts the
•And we share something
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When I Meet People at a
Tech Conference
• ͜Μʹͪɺ͡Ί·ͯ͠ʂ
• ͰΦϯϥΠϯͰطʹ༑ୡ
• ͍ͬ͢͝Α͋͘Δ
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Meeting People Is Fun!
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That's Why I Do
• Asakusa.rb
• RubyKaigi
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And (I Guess) Why Linda
• Rails Girls
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There's No Border
• Πϯλʔωοτಛ༗ͷ
• શ͕ͯʮΦʔϓϯʯͳײ֮
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Everything Is Open
• ࣝɾٕज़
• ιʔείʔυͰ͢ΒΦʔϓϯ
• ਓʑopen mindedͳؾ͕
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I Love to Share My
Knowledge and Experience
• If that helps anyone
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Because We've Got
Everything for Free
• ݩʑλμͰखʹೖΕͨͷͩ͠
• ԿͰڞ༗͍ͨ͠
• ͭʹࣦ͏ͷ͕͋ΔΘ͚͡Ό
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Sharing Makes Us Friends
• ৭ΜͳͷΛڞ༗͍ͯ͠Δ
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• #rubyfriends
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Be Nice
• Be nice to each other
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If You Have a Computer That's
Everything You Need to Start
In My Case
• ֶߍҎ֎ͰӳޠͷษڧͳΜ͔ͨ͠
• ֶߍͷӳޠͷۃΊͯ
• TOEICͱ͔ड͚ͨ͜ͱͳ͍
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People Do Never Care
About Your TOEIC Score
• 300? 9??? So what?
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People Do Care About
•How are you doing?
•What's your hobby?
•What's your concern?
•What do you think?
•How do you solve your problem?
•What do you code?
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I Haven't Studied English
• ӳޠͷ͓ษڧͨ͜͠ͱͳ͍
• ͚ͲɺϓϩάϥϚʔͳͷͰ
• ͬͯΔ͏ͪʹͳΜͱ͔ͳΔ
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• Ruby
• Programming
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Ruby Is Not a Purpose
• ຊਓ͓ษڧ͖͗͢
• ʮεΩϧΞοϓʯΛతԽ
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Ruby / Rails Is Just a Tool
• RubyRailsಓ۩ʹ
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Stop Learning
• ͓ษڧ͢Μͳ
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A Tool to Express Yourself
• େࣄͳͷɺͦͷಓ۩Ͱ
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You Can Sell Your Code
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But What's Really Good About
Knowing the Way to Program Is
• ͦΜͳ͜ͱΑΓɺ
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You Can Express Yourself,
in Ruby!
• ݴ༿ΛֶͿ͜ͱʹΑͬͯɺ
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You Can Tell the World What
Kind of Person You Are, in Ruby!
• RubyΛͬͯɺੈքதʹ
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People Will Read Your
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And If Someone Reads
Your Code,
• That’s called
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Output Something to the
• ୭͔͕طʹͬͨ͜ͱΛޙ͍͢Δ
• ϒϩάͱ͔Q˓˓taͱ͔ʹΑ͋͘Δͭ
• ʮΠϯετʔϧͯ͠Έͨʯ
• ͦΜͳͷϓϩάϥϛϯά͡Όͳ͍
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Use Your Imagination
• ͦ͜Ͱຬ͠ͳ͍Ͱɺ͏1า
• Well, it works, but why not...
• It works, but what if...
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Do Something that Nobody
Else Had Done Before
• ·ͩ୭ͬͯͳ͍͜ͱ
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Don't Just Learn
• Stop ͓ษڧ
• ʮITษڧձʯ sucks
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Don't Just Be There Sitting
As an Attendee
• ษڧձΧϯϑΝϨϯεʹ
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Come and Say "Hi!"
• ίϛϡχέʔγϣϯ͠Α͏ʂ
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Once We Had a Communication,
Then We'll Be RubyFriends!
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Ruby Friends!
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Be a Member of the
• The Internet will connect
you to "the Community"
• Meeting up with your local
friends in your local city
may not
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• ࠓͷLindaͰ20Χࠃ
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Give Feedbacks
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To Give Feedback to Someone You Met
Is to Give Feedback to the Community
What's Good About
Speaking in Other Countries
• ͍͍ͬ͢͝ͺ͍"Thank you!"ͬͯݴΘΕΔ
• "Thank you for creating ˓˓”,
“thank you for a great talk”,
“thank you for coming all the way”, etc
• ͍͍ͬ͢͝ͺ͍ࣸਅࡱΒΕΔ
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Japanese Never Do This
• ຊਓͷѱ͍ͱ͜Ζ
• ୯ʹ "Great talk!"ͬͯͻͱ͔͚ͯ
• 99%ͷຊਓͬͯΔ͠ɺͦ͏͡Ό
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But Please Do This
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Come to RubyKaigi
• 9݄
• ژ
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The Whole Ruby
Community Will Be There
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And Say "Hi!" to the
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Let's Do This!
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Tickets Are Available at
• http:/
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Don't Just "Learn"
• Express your thoughts
with Ruby
• Your audience is
everywhere in the world
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Don't Just "Attend" the
Community Events
• Come and communicate
with people there
• At least, say "Hi!" to
Linda today