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Universidade de São Paulo (USP) Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas (IAG) 30 professors (astrophysics) about 30 postdoctoral researchers about 60 graduate students Rµ⌫ 1 2 gµ⌫R = 8⇡G c4 Tµ⌫ r⌫(⇢u⌫) = 0 r⌫Tµ⌫ = 0 r⌫ ⇤ Fµ⌫ = 0 r⌫Fµ⌫ = Jµ Stars ☀ Galaxies Planets Black holes ⚫ Cosmology Instrumentation

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Graduate school in Astrophysics at IAG USP Need: EUF (physics exam) CV in Lattes format 2 recommendation letters Applications for MsC and PhD (without previous MsC): Oct to early Nov (1st semester) and May to early June (2nd semester) Applications PhD (for students with MsC): all year long More info: e-mail: [email protected] Scholarships: CAPES CNPq FAPESP

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FAPESP graduate scholarships Need Excelent academic record Contact advisor in advance to define research project These are prestigious scholarships for the best students Stipend increases over time Funding for 6-12 months of visits to international collaborators No failing grades Average grade > 7.5 Result announced in 3-4 months

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How to apply for graduate school in astrophysics at IAG USP

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1. All candidates are required to take the national physics exam (EUF). More info at including exam locations abroad.

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2. to apply, go to

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3. Follow the instructions and include all documents requested