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AWS Observability without the pain EΓ³in Shanaghy - Luciano Mammino AWS Summer School - June 24th 2021

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Hi! I’m Eoin πŸ™‚ CTO @eoins eoins βœ‰ Get in touch

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πŸ‘‹ Hello, I am Luciano Senior architect Let’s connect: 🌎 🐦 @loige πŸŽ₯ loige 🧳 lucianomammino

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We are business focused technologists that deliver. Accelerated Serverless | AI as a Service | Platform Modernisation We are hiring! Let’s have a chat πŸ™‚

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Observability in the cloud a measure of how well internal states of a system can be inferred from knowledge of its external outputs πŸͺ΅ πŸ” πŸ“ˆ 🚨 Structured Logs Tracing Metrics Alarms β€œ

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AWS native o11y = CloudWatch Cloudwatch gives you: βž” Logs with Insights βž” Metrics βž” Dashboards βž” Alarms βž” Canaries βž” Distributed tracing (with X-Ray)

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Outside AWS Established New entrants Roll your own (only for the brave)

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CloudWatch out of the box 😍 A toolkit you can use to build observability 🀩 Metrics are automatically generated for all services! 😟 Lots of dashboards, but by service and not by application! 😒 Zero alarms out of the box!

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βœ… Third-party services offer a better UX ❌ Data needs to be exported from AWS ❌ Uncertainty about future direction of new providers in this space ❌ You might be stuck in dual-mode Using third-parties

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Getting the best out of Cloudwatch Cloudwatch can be your friend if you... πŸ“š Research and understand available metrics πŸ“ Decide thresholds πŸ“Š Write IaC for application dashboards ⏰ Write IaC for service metric alarms βͺ Update every time your application changes πŸ“‹ Copy and paste for each stack in your application (a.k.a. A LOT OF WORK!)

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Best practices πŸ˜‡ AWS Well Architected Framework πŸ› 5 Pillars βš™ Operational excellence pillar covers observability 🧐 Serverless lens applies these pillars πŸ‘ Good guidance on metrics to observe πŸ‘Ž More reading and research + you still have to pick thresholds

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CloudFormation for CloudWatch Alarms 😬 "Type": "AWS::CloudWatch::Alarm", "Properties": { "ActionsEnabled": true, "AlarmActions": [ "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:665863320777:FTSLICAlarms" ], "AlarmName": "LambdaThrottles_serverless-test-project-dev-hello", "AlarmDescription": "Throttles % for serverless-test-project-dev-hello ..", "EvaluationPeriods": 1, "ComparisonOperator": "GreaterThanThreshold", "Threshold": 0, "TreatMissingData": "notBreaching", "Metrics": [ { "Id": "throttles_pc", "Expression": "(throttles / throttles + invocations) * 100", "Label": "% Throttles", "ReturnData": true }, { "Id": "throttles", "MetricStat": { "Metric": { "Namespace": "AWS/Lambda", "MetricName": "Throttles", "Dimensions": [ { "Name": "FunctionName", "Value": "serverless-test-project-dev-hello" } ] }, "Period": 60, "Stat": "Sum" }, "ReturnData": false }, { "Id": "invocations", "MetricStat": { "Metric": { "Namespace": "AWS/Lambda", "MetricName": "Invocations",

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Can we automate this? Magically generated alarms and dashboards for each application!

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How SLIC Watch works πŸ›  Your app serverless.yml sls deploy CloudFormation stack very-big.json SLIC Watch πŸ‘€ πŸ›  CloudFormation stack ++ even-bigger.json Deploy ☁ πŸ“ŠπŸ“ˆ

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Before SLIC Watch

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After SLIC Watch

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After SLIC Watch

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After SLIC Watch

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After SLIC Watch

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After SLIC Watch Check out SLIC Slack

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Configuration πŸŽ€ SLIC Watch comes with sane defaults πŸ“ You can configure what you don’t like πŸ”Œ Or disable specific dashboards or alarms

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How to get started πŸ“£ Create an SNS Topic as the alarm destination πŸ“¦ ❯ npm install serverless-slic-watch-plugin --save-dev ✍ Update serverless.yml βš™ Configure (optional) 🚒 ❯ sls deploy plugins: - serverless-slic-watch-plugin πŸ’‘ Check out the complete example project in the repo!

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Wrapping up 🎁 β˜… CloudWatch is very valuable if you configure it right! β˜… Automation takes away the pain β˜… SLIC Watch gives you this automation β˜… You still have control and flexibility πŸ”¬Try it out! πŸ—£ Give feedback! 🌈 Let’s make it better!

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Thank you! Cover picture by Javier Balseiro on Unsplash