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Mobile Communication

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Evolution of Mobile Communication 1st Generation Dual Band communications 450/500 MHz during 1964. Features:  Wireless Voice Transmission

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2nd Generation Known as GSM First used in Finland in 1991 Uses Frequency Band: 900/1800 MHz Features:  Digital Voice communication  SMS services  Voice Conferencing

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2.5th Generation Enhancement of GSM to GPRS in `97 GPRS: General Packet Radio Services Higher data transmission rate. Features:  MMS  Internet Access

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2.75th Generation EDGE: Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution in`99 3 GPRS Bands used simultaneously Features:  Speeds up to 384 Kbps  Full internet access on mobiles  Emergency Number System

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3rd Generation Launched in 2001 Band Usage: 2100 MHz Features:  Speeds up to 3.5 Mbps  Video calling  Live Streaming  Live Gaming

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3.5th Generation  Enhancement to 3rd generation via HSDPA and HSUPA.  Speeds up to 7.2 Mbps  Live Gaming

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Future : The 4th Generation Speeds up to 5 Gbps while moving at a speed of 100Km/h. Features:  Live TV  Ultra high speed internet access  High Definition (HD) video streaming

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Prepared by  @Vikram_Tiwari