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Re-architecting Applications (Without a Rewrite!) @danlew42

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architecture: the structure and design of a system or product

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“Model-View- Controller is the best thing since sliced bread.” ~Evil Dan Lew

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“OMG, I’m switching to MVC ASAP!” ~You Stability Some New Architecture

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Danger • Pure architectures require fresh code • Rewrites always take longer than expected • Old code == battle tested • Expectations may not match reality

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Goals • Introduce new architectures to existing codebase • Push releases while re-architecting codebase

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Goal #1: Introduce new architectures to existing codebase

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Re-Architecting Safely • Prevent overly ambitious rewrites • Prevent regrettable architecture choices • Steps • Explore • Experiment • Expand • Embrace

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Explore • What is the problem? • Define goals • Define constraints • What are the solutions? • Brainstorm • Research

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Experiment • Pick a project • Minimize work • Small project • Simplified implementations • Minimize damage • Self-contained project • Unimportant project

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Expand • Run more experiments • Pick projects wisely • Use architecture in new ways • Pick hardest problems • Stretch architecture to limits

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Embrace • Write all new code with new architecture • Deprecate old architecture • Delete old code (optional)

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Disclaimer Not an exact science

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Goal #2: Push releases while re-architecting codebase

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Can’t simultaneously use old and new architecture Can’t keep releasing

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Old New Old + New

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Parallel Development

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Decouple Code BAD GOOD

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Feature Flags

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Offline Mode A parallel development success story

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Online Only Offline Enabled

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Decoupling Services Before After

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Feature Flags

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Shims Before After

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Offline Mode • Project length: 1.5 years • Never stopped releasing • Minimal UI changes • Gradual experimentation via flags • Switched over without anyone noticing •

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Failures With real life examples!

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Explore Failures • Architecting with no purpose • Navi • Choosing new and shiny without understanding • RxJava

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Experiment Failures • Making the experiment too large • JavaScript: The Good Parts • Not recognizing a failed experiment • Operations

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Expand Failures • Choosing only easy problems • Identifiers • Not recognizing a failed corner case • RxLifecycle

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Embrace Failures • Continuing to expend effort on old architecture • Fresh boards

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Pet Peeve Telling everyone about an architecture before proving it out!

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Current Architecture Thoughts

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Omni Models • Single model • Deserialized from JSON • Written to ORM • Used by UI • Problems • Which fields are present? • How do we avoid mutability issues?

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Domain-specific models • ApiModel • Only used when talking to server • DbModel • Mutable, flexible • UiModel • Immutable, guarantees values • ApiModel <-> DbModel <-> UiModel

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Unidirectional Architecture

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Thanks for listening! @danlew42