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The WordPress
 JSON REST API WordCamp NYC 2014 Ryan McCue @rmccue

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Meet the Team

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What is the REST API?

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Three Parts:

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JSON { "ID": 4, "title": "My Awesome Post", "content": "This is my awesome content!" } JavaScript Object Notation • Supported by basically everything • Human readable • Standard

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REST Actions applied to Resources Create POST Read GET Update PUT Delete DELETE Uses HTTP actions: Representational State Transfer

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REST Representational State Transfer /posts /posts/4 /posts /posts/4 /posts/4 GET GET POST PUT DELETE Action
 (Verb) Resource

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API Application Programming Interface A way to access and manipulate your data

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API Or extend as needed! GET POST PUT DELETE Posts ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Pages ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Custom Post Types ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Post Meta ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Media ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Comments ✔ ✔ Taxonomies/Terms ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ Users ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

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Why do we need it?

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XML-RPC Hugely complicated: (WordPress for iPhone Trac)

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Jetpack API Easy for developers Works with Javascript easily (JSON-based)
 Requires Jetpack active Depends on Does not work for local development Cannot control access to certain apps

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How do we use it?

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{ "name": "WP API Dev", "description": "Just another WordPress site", "URL": "", "routes": {}, "authentication": [], "meta": {} } /wp-json/ GET

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[{ "ID": 110, "title": "Testing sticky", "status": "publish", "type": "post", "author": {}, "content": "

this should be stuck as a post. Stuck on you.

\n", "link": "", "date": "2014-06-02T10:47:39-05:00", "modified": "2014-06-02T10:47:39-05:00", "format": "standard", "slug": "testing-sticky-2", "guid": "", "excerpt": "

this should be stuck as a post. Stuck on you.

\n”, "comment_status": "open", "sticky": true, "meta": {}, "featured_image": null, "terms": {} }] /wp-json/posts GET

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{ "ID": 1, "title": "Hello World!", "status": "publish", "type": "post", "author": {}, "content": "

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

\n", "link": "", "date": "2014-04-18T15:14:46-05:00", "modified": "2014-05-02T01:26:30-05:00", "format": "standard", "slug": "hello-world", "guid": "", "excerpt": "

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

\n", "comment_status": "open", "meta": {}, "featured_image": null, "terms": {} } /wp-json/posts/1 GET

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How can we use it?

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Install the Plugin

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Backwards Compatible Right Now: Version 1 Coming Soon: Version 2 Full Compatibility

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Where can we learn more?

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Resources JSON REST API Plugin: ! OAuth1 Authentication Plugin:
 Basic Authentication Plugin: ! API Console: JSON REST API

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Resources JS Client: ! PHP Client: 
 WP-CLI Client: JSON REST API Clients

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Have questions? Ryan McCue @rmccue