Slide 71
Slide 71 text
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
3. Information Viewpoint
Type Details
Diagrams Used Class, Entity-Relationship (ER) Diagram
Stakeholders Database Administrators, Backend Developers, Compliance Officers
Describes the information the app manages, such as patient records, appointment schedules, and lab results,
and how these pieces of information relate to each other. The ER Diagram depicts the relationships between
entities like:
This viewpoint helps stakeholders understand how data is modeled, managed, and accessed in the
Healthcare application.
Entity Attributes
Patient Patient_ID (Primary Key), Name, Birthdate, Gender, Contact
Healthcare Staff Staff_ID (Primary Key), Name, Position, Department
Pharmacy Pharmacy_ID (Primary Key), Name, Location
Lab Lab_ID (Primary Key), Name, Location
Appointment Appointment_ID (Primary Key), Patient_ID (Foreign Key), Staff_ID (Foreign Key), Date, Time,
Diagnosis Diagnosis_ID (Primary Key), Patient_ID (Foreign Key), Staff_ID (Foreign Key), Details
Lab Process LabProcess_ID (Primary Key), Lab_ID (Foreign Key), Diagnosis_ID (Foreign Key), Results
Pharmacy Process PharmacyProcess_ID (Primary Key), Pharmacy_ID (Foreign Key), Diagnosis_ID (Foreign Key),
There is a big difference
in Entity modeling when
building Microservice
based architecture.