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RubyConf China 2016 How to build deppbot Stories from building https:/ /
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౯ݝฎ... ኼ睞 I only know a little
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deppbot core team @JuanitoFatas
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Rails Guides by @AndorChen
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You may know me from
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First Time in ౮᮷
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౯犥獮犖ฎ㮆嘨蜦 聲硬襑穩䋿ࣁݑ犋ԧ ݝঅ㬵樄敋蝍穩ᛔኧ ᄆᄆݪ秚
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匍ࣁ౯ᛔ૩樄敋మ 䓄ࠨ疰䓄ࠨ疰ᓒ
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ॠሴ聲ৼ犖 犋胼瞲ֵ౯
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ᮎ䒍猆 讔簡蝡㱾 瞤硛ک瞨
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౮᮷Ӟଷ㬵ԧ 疰犋మ 櫝樄ጱउ૱
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ࢯࣁ泷Ӥ ૪妿睲綡Ոኞԧ 礬蚎犋ԧ
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᯿碝ਧ嬝ԧ 犋ᬘ疰ฎᬘ ᬘ疰ฎ粁ᬘ
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How often do you update? !!
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Winston Teo Practice of updating all dependencies to newer versions several times a month. Founder, Jolly Good Code Continuous Updates
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論持續更新 時常更新項⽬ 的 RubyGems 乃最佳實踐也 — 胡適之
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Benefits of Continuous Updates
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deppbot is a… Automated Updates Service
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deppbot is a… Security Updates Service
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deppbot is a… Dependency Updates Service
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Why built deppbot?
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Worked at Consultancy
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Client Projects
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Minimum Value Product
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Ship Latest Gems
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I like to keep my Gems updated
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HOWTO USE deppbot
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1. Sign Up / Sign In
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2. Subscribe
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deppbot adds herself to your repo Run Automated Updates every 1.hour do if need_to_update? Run Automated Updates end end
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git clone works for project hosts on bitbucket, submodules too
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bundle update Updates Gemfile.lock and install gems
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Travis CI? Not all kinds of gems can be installed on a single VPS
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bundle lock --update Updates Gemfile.lock without installing This command re-introduced in bundler v1.10 #3439
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diff -u Diff of Gemfile.lock (before / after)
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Delete Repo on VPS immediately when we got the diff
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Cook Pull Request gem links, compare views, changelogs, time savings
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Pull Request &YBN QMF
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nokogiri Query API Gem authors, please fill in your metadata
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nokogiri Find GitHub URL from RubyGems data Gem authors, please fill in your metadata
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Slide 64 text…1.6.7 Parse diff and link_to repository compare view for code review Gem authors, please push your tags when release a gem
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CHANGELOG Query GitHub API, jollygoodcode/whatsnew Don’t let your friends dump git logs into CHANGELOGs
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Time Savings Sum every Pull Request processed time
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Send Pull Request Merged and keep up-to-date
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Bundler uses 250MB v1.7.2
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Some Bundler features only available at v1.9.x
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Fork buildpack for Custom Bundler version
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Fork buildpack for Custom Bundler version Digital Ocean
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Digital Ocean 1CPU Production*1 (2GB) Staging*1 (1GB) Amazon RDS http:/ /
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500+ users
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10% paid
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2150 commits 515 Pull Requests
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deppbot uses deppbot to build deppbot
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Slide 81 text 8629 Pull Requests Sent 944 hours Engineering Time Saved
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The Birth of deppbot 2015.09.03 https:/ /
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Automated Bundle Updates
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Automated Security Updates 2015.12.25 https:/ /
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2015.12.25 https:/ /
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Small Features Improvements Bug fixes Refactorings
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Not only deppbot
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Other Services
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https:/ / https:/ / https:/ / https:/ / Notification Only notify you
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Actionable https:/ / http:/ / https:/ / http:/ / Do, don’t tell
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From idea to product
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bundle update add, commit, push open a new PR on Issue the Pull Request Manually
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today = Time.current.strftime("%F") new_branch = "bundle-update-#{today}" `git checkout master` `git pull` `git checkout -b #{new_branch}` `bundle update` `git add Gemfile.lock` `git commit -m ‘Bundle Updates’ `git push origin #{new_branch}` `git pull-request -m "Updates #{today}" Script
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today = Time.current.strftime("%F") new_branch = "bundle-update-#{today}" `git checkout master` `git pull` `git checkout -b #{new_branch}` `bundle update` `git add Gemfile.lock` `git commit -m ‘Bundle Updates’ `git push origin #{new_branch}` `git pull-request -m "Updates #{today}" 15 m ins
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Too Expensive $49/mo
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Some clients are also interested
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Decided to create a SaaS
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Hence deppbot
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Dependency Bot = depbot
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depbot is taken
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Johnny depp is cool
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How does it work?
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! " Your Project deppbot GitHub Subscribe Automated Updates
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Normal Updates Security Updates Automated Updates
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Normal Updates 1. Need update? 2. bundle update 3. Send Pull Request
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Normal Updates 1. Need update? 2. bundle update 3. Send Pull Request
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bundle update 1. clone & setup 2. start new build 3. bundle update 4. store diff
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bundle update
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bundle update
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Normal Updates 1. Need update? 2. bundle update 3. Send Pull Request
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Send Pull Request 1. Check if can send? 2. Send it 3. Finish build
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Send Pull Request
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Send Pull Request
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Send Pull Request
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Security Updates 1. Need update? 2. security update 3. Send Pull Request
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Security Updates 1. Need update? 2. security update 3. Send Pull Request
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GitHub Organisations API GitHub permissions https:/ /
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GitHub API limit
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ݶӞ㮆Ӯኴ ݶӞ㮆瓵మ
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1 PR at a time
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Listen to PR events Track if you merged Don’t send PR if open Webhook
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GitHub is down
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Slide 147 text Downtime
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Many other tricky cases
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Idea is CHEAP
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Create value for users
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Marketing is HARD
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Bugs are unpredictable
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Ruby is Elegant and Beautiful
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Open Source from real app
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Share what you learned
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Code is useless till shipped
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Embrace Changes
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Raises Awareness of gems
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Continuous Learnings
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Continuous Updates
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Update Early
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Update Often
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#MakeRubyGreatAgain Hopefully
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I have deppbot stickers
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Special Thanks @huacnlee @lgn21st
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Any Questions?
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