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A TypeScript journey Microsoft Ignite The Tour - Paris 2019 Sylvain Pontoreau Terance Moussoki Paul Souche Félix Billon

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Paris TypeScript

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@ParisTypeScript Who we are and how to contact us @spontoreau @MoussokiT @lsagetlethias @felix_billon @paulsouche

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Part 1: Let’s get started

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What's the problem with JavaScript? Let's take a look on some code!

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Types are an advantage • Errors at compile time instead of runtime • Code readability, maintenability & scalability • Less bugs (average: -15%) • IDEs (Autocomplete, code inspection, refactoring) • Type inference const hello = "Hello world!";

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Type capabilities • Primitive types: number, string, boolean • Special types: any, void, unknow • Classes (constructor, abstract, inheritance, access modifiers, …) • Interface (can be used by TypeScript to check object structure) • Type alias const value: number = 1; type one = 1;

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But take care • Any everywhere isn’t a solution (you’re doing JavaScript…) • Nominal typing • Structural typing • So TypeScript !== C#, Java • Strict mode is recommanded

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How it works?

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Some features

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Generic An exemple with the Factory pattern: abstract class Rocket { constructor( public readonly boosters : number ) { } abstract launch() : void; } class RocketFactory { ctor: new (boosters: number) => T; constructor(ctor: new (boosters: number) => T) { this.ctor = ctor; } create(boosters: number): T { return new this.ctor(boosters); } }

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Generic Generic & type system: // type alias type Rocket = { id: number; model: string; boosters: number; }; // Mapped type type Partial = { [K in keyof T]?: T[K]; }; const e: Partial = { }; // Conditional type Exclude = T extends U ? never: T; type Keys = Exclude; You will have more information about that in Part 2

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Decorators Currently experimental! Can be apply on: • Classes • Methods • Properties • Parameters TC 39: Draft "experimentalDecorators": true, "emitDecoratorMetadata": true,

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Decorators const track: MethodDecorator = ( target: any, key: string | symbol, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor ) => { const calledFunction = descriptor.value; const newFunction = (this: any, ...args:any[]) { Telemetry.Track({ className:, methodName: key.toString(), parameters: args }); return calledFunction.apply(target, args); }; descriptor.value = newFunction; return descriptor; };

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Decorators Usage: class Rocket { orientation: Vector3 = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); @track correctPath(vector: Vector3) { this.orientation.add(vector); } } const rocket = new Rocket(); // Telemetry will track: // {"className":"Rocket","methodName":"correctPath","parameters":{"0":{"x":0.1,"y":0.2,"z":0}}} rocket.correctPath(new Vector3(0.1, 0.2, 0.0));

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There is more... More to come in the second part

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Merci J

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Part 2: TypeScript beyond the basics

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Summary ● Advanced Types (12.5 min) Paul ○ never / unknown / type alias / as const ○ literal / index types ○ union | Intersection ○ type guards ○ mapped / conditional types ● Strict mode (15 min) Félix ○ strictNullChecks ○ noImplicitAny ○ noImplicitThis ○ strictFunctionTypes ○ alwaysStrict ○ strictBindCallApply ○ strictPropertyInitialisation

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Summary ● Compiler (12.5 min) Paul ○ declarations / declarationDir ○ listFiles / noEmit ○ allowJs / checkJS ○ noEmitHelpers / importHelpers ○ lib / typeRoots / types resolution ○ moduleResolution ○ baseUrl / paths ○ esModuleInterop / allowSyntheticDefaultImports ● TypeScript 3.7 (5 min) Félix ○ Tc39 features ○ + ts features

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Advanced Types

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Never / unknown / type alias / as const (1 / 4) link Type never represents the type of values that never occur - Raised exceptions - Infinite Loops - Conditional types fallback

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Never / unknown / type alias / as const (2 / 4) link Type unknown acts like any but type safely : it must be casted - Used in type guards - Useful when type is unnecessary (proxy)

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Never / unknown / type alias / as const (3 / 4) link Type alias is a “type variable” - Shorten long combinaison of union, intersection, mapped types

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Never / unknown / type alias / as const (4 / 4) link Cast as const returns a readonly literal type

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Literal / index types (1 / 2) link A literal type defines the exact value of a type it can be string, numeric or even object (as const)

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Literal / index types (2 / 2) link With index types the compiler checks code that use dynamic property names

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Union / Intersection (1 / 2) link An union type is actually the “intersection” of its members

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Union / Intersection (2 / 2) link An intersection type is actually the “union” of its members

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Type Guards (1 / 3) link A type guard is a runTime check that can be interpreted in control flow Built-in type guards : typeof, Array.isArray, instanceOf

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Type Guards (2 / 3) link Most of the time we use it with a literal type

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Type Guards (3 / 3) link And if not an union type

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Mapped / Conditional types (1 / 6) link A mapped type is a “function type” that takes a type and map it thanks to indexable types

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Mapped / Conditional types (2 / 6) link Very powerful to transform types

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Mapped / Conditional types (3 / 6) link A conditional type selects one of two possible types based on a condition

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Mapped / Conditional types (4 / 6) link Unleash power of both

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Mapped / Conditional types (5 / 6) link Unleash power of both

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Mapped / Conditional types (6 / 6) link Unleash power of both

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Strict mode

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Strict mode ? - one of the most important option ! - compilation’s option that enforce strict typings - master option’s that activate some sub-option : - strictNullChecks - noImplicitAny - noImplicitThis - strictFunctionTypes - alwaysStrict - strictBindCallApply - strictPropertyInitialisation

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How activate Strict mode - On new project use tsc --init, strict option will be activated - In tsconfig.json file, strict is deactivated by default - On existing project it can be adopted incrementally :

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--strictNullChecks (1/4) - By default, null and undefined are included in other type in imlipicit way - --strictNullChecks make them apart type, it needs to be explicit

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--strictNullChecks (2/4) link - Exemple

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--strictNullChecks (3/4) - To handle null and undefined you can use : - Union type : link - Type Guard : link

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--strictNullChecks (4/4) link - In some specific case you can use non-null assertion operator “!” - Be careful with non-null assertion operator cause you enforce TypeScript’s compiler behavior.

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--noImplicitAny link - any is a dangerous type and he can be : - explicit : you wrote any - implicit : use by TypeScript’s compiler when type is not explicit and it can’t infer it. - --noImpliciteAny raised error when second case appear

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--noImplicitThis (1/2) link - TypeScript’s compiler try to infer this in function’s body - If compiler can’t infer it, --noImplicitThis will raised an error

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--noImplicitThis (2/2) link - You can enforce the type of this by typings it as a first argument in a function

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--strictPropertyInitialisation (1/2) link - when activate, the type checker verifies that each class’s property : - has a type that include undefined - has been initialized during déclaration - has been initialized in the constructor - Exemple

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--strictPropertyInitialisation (2/2) link - In some specific case you can use definite assignment assertion operator “!”

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declarations / declarationDir (1 / 1) - --declarations is a flag to output or not the declarations (default false) - It is available through the cli - Used when need to publish declaration for a consumer - --declarationDir is the relative path where to output declarations files (same as --outDir if not provided) - It is available through the cli - To publish the code on a registry use “types” key in package.json to refer to the declarations entry (index.d.ts) by default

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listFiles / noEmit (1 / 1) - --listFiles is a flag to output the files part of the transpilation (default false) - It is available through the cli - Useful for debug - --noEmit is a flag to not emit any file but just typecheck the code (default false) - It is available through the cli - Useful for scripts executed by ts-node or tests

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allowJs / checkJs (1 / 1) - --allowJs is a flag to allow to import JavaScript files (default false) - It is available through the cli - No need for this flag for JavaScript in node_modules (TypeScript will resolve declarations) - --checkJs is a flag to try type checking on JavaScript files - It is available through the cli - Same as @ts-check in a JavaScript file

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noEmitHelpers / importHelpers (1 / 2) - --noEmitHelpers is a flag to not Emit helpers functions when targeting old browsers or node versions - It is available through the cli - async / await is available in es3

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noEmitHelpers / importHelpers (2 / 2) - --importHelpers is a flag to Emit tslib imports when targeting old browsers - It is available through the cli - Need tslib as dependency

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- --lib is a list of lib files to includes during transpilation - It is available through the cli - It lists all ecmaScript features available at runTime - Old browser => lib: [“dom”, “es5”] - New browser (or polyfilled) => lib: [“dom”, “esnext”] - Node => lib: [“esX”] (X follows the target version of node) lib / typeRoots / types (1 / 2)

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- --typeRoots is a list of relative paths to resolve dependencies declarations (default node_modules/@types) - It is available through the cli - No need if dependency handle it’s own definitions - Can be a local directory too - --types is a list of folders names in the typeRoots folder to include during the transpilation - It is available through the cli - Useful to exclude declarations for tests in your code for example lib / typeRoots / types (2 / 2)

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moduleResolution (1 / 5) - --moduleResolution is a string to configure compiler modules lookup - Two values: “classic” or “node” - Different resolution in case of relative or non relative imports

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moduleResolution (2 / 5) - “classic” resolution lookup with relative path

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moduleResolution (3 / 5) - “classic” resolution lookup with non-relative path

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moduleResolution (4 / 5) - “node” resolution lookup with relative path

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moduleResolution (5 / 5) - “node” resolution lookup with non-relative path

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- --baseUrl is a relative path to set the modules root - It is available through the cli - It sets the “/root/” path in the previous examples - Used when a part of the code base is published on a registry - --paths is a map of aliases (non-relative) / relative paths to resolve modules locally - It is not available through the cli - If relative path refers to a ts file, it will be part of the transplication not if it refers to a d.ts file - Same for TypeScript files resolved in the node_modules folder - Do not publish TypeScript files (.ts) on the registry => declarations only baseUrl / paths (1 / 1)

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- --esModuleInterop is a flag to emit “__importStart” and “__importDefault” helpers (babel compatibility). it activates -- allowSyntheticDefaultImports esModuleInterop / allowSyntheticDefaultImports (1 / 2)

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- --allowSyntheticDefaultImports is a flag to allow default imports even if declaration has no default export esModuleInterop / allowSyntheticDefaultImports (2 / 2)

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TypeScript 3.7

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What’s new in 3.7 : Null Coalescing link - Same as || but don’t treat NaN, 0 and empty string as falsy value.

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What’s new in 3.7 : Optional Chaining link - Same as && but don’t treat NaN, 0 and empty string as falsy value.

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What’s new in 3.7 : Recursive Fonction Type Ref link

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What’s new in 3.7 - Optional Chaining - Nullish Coalescing - Assertion Functions - Better Support for never-Returning Functions - (More) Recursive Type Aliases - --declaration and --allowJs - The useDefineForClassFields Flag and The declare Property Modifier - Build-Free Editing with Project References - Uncalled Function Checks - // @ts-nocheck in TypeScript Files - Semicolon Formatter Option

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Merci J