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Pipelines are Dead Hibri Marzook - Principal Consultant, Contino @hibri

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2 The software delivery pipeline

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In the wild.. 3 In the wild..

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We don’t use the pipeline to learn 4

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Good pipelines can encourage bad behaviour 5

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It’s in Staging !! 6

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The pipeline keeps us busy 7

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We use pipelines as a one way flow of information 8

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Our use of pipelines encourages silos 10

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Pipelines reflect the culture 11 Conway’s Law “Organisations which design systems pipelines are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organisations”

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The pipeline should reflect a better way of working 12

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Got Continuous Delivery, but are you happy? 13

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Focus on Feedback Loops and Not on Pipelines 14

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The Simplest Feedback Loop is a Conversation 15

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Devs are happy when they see people using what they built 16

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17 Deployments and releases are a trigger to get feedback

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Get to Real Users Quicker. Only Prod Matters 18

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Optimize Feedback Loops, Not Pipelines 19

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The future of software delivery 20

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We need feedback loops to build resilience 21

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Pipelines are dead. Long live feedback loops! 24

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Questions? @hibri [email protected]

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Thank you continohq contino London [email protected] New York [email protected] Melbourne [email protected] Sydney [email protected] Atlanta [email protected]