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Hi, I'm Julian and I'm on the StimulusReflex core team. ( ! ) Twitter: @julian_rubisch Github: @julianrubisch / @stimulusreflex Discord: 1

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Here are some of the questions I get asked most frequently: → "Should I use Hotwire or StimulusReflex?" 2

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Here are some of the questions I get asked most frequently: → "Should I use Hotwire or StimulusReflex?" → "Will Hotwire kill StimulusReflex?" 3

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Here are some of the questions I get asked most frequently: → "Should I use Hotwire or StimulusReflex?" → "Will Hotwire kill StimulusReflex?" → "Is Hotwire the StimulusReflex successor?" 4

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Here are some of the questions I get asked most frequently: → "Should I use Hotwire or StimulusReflex?" → "Will Hotwire kill StimulusReflex?" → "Is Hotwire the StimulusReflex successor?" → "Turbo to replace StimulusReflex?" 5

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Here are some of the questions I get asked most frequently: → "Should I use Hotwire or StimulusReflex?" → "Will Hotwire kill StimulusReflex?" → "Is Hotwire the StimulusReflex successor?" → "Turbo to replace StimulusReflex?" 6

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First, some definitions Hotwire is an "umbrella" brand of the new Basecamp/Rails frontend stack → Turbo → Stimulus → Strada (?) 8

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First, some definitions Turbo 1. Turbo Drive formerly known as Turbolinks, intercepts link navigation 2. Turbo Frames decomposed pages, scope navigation 3. Turbo Streams deliver page changes over WS, SSE, respond to form submissions 9

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First, some definitions Turbo Drive 1. Application Visits → advance (history.pushState) → replace (history.replaceState) 2. Restoration Visits → restores from Turbo cache (incl. scroll position) → ⬅ or ➡ browser buttons Opt out: data-turbo="false" 10

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First, some definitions Turbo Frames → Decompose the page into parts to be updated on request. → Links or forms are captured and automatically updated (regardless if full document or fragment) 11

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First, some definitions Turbo Frames 12

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First, some definitions Turbo Frames 13

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First, some definitions Turbo Frames

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First, some definitions Turbo Frames 15

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First, some definitions Turbo Streams Turbo Streams deliver page changes as fragments of HTML wrapped in self-executing elements. → target ID + action, usually via WebSockets → targets can also be CSS selectors (.messages etc.)

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First, some definitions Turbo Streams Available Actions: → append (to a list) → prepend (before a list) → (insert) before → (insert) after → replace → update → remove 17

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First, some definitions Turbo Streams Responding to Form Submissions def destroy @track = Track.find(params[:id]) @track.destroy respond_to do |format| format.turbo_stream { render turbo_stream: turbo_stream.remove(@track) } end end 18

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First, some definitions StimulusReflex → a library exclusively for Reactive Rails, somewhat inspired by Phoenix LiveView → based on CableReady (the "missing ActionCable standard library"1) → initially by Nathan Hopkins (@hopsoft), now maintained by a 4- headed core team → Demo 1 Yours Truly 19

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More Qualifications 1. I'm biased ! 2. Still, I try to follow the Rails Golden Path as far as possible 3. In my own apps, I use < 10% Reflexes What follows is an assortment of juxtapositions, distilled into my (very subjective) Best Practices/Heuristics 20

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Not a Best Practice 21

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Direction of Concern Turbo "Resource-oriented" StimulusReflex "Aspect-oriented" 22

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Paradigm Turbo → REST → Request ➡ Response → State Manipulation follows strict REST principles (form submits) StimulusReflex → RPC → Full-Duplex Persistent Websocket Connection → Any valid JS Event Emitter can initiate State Manipulation (, , , custom elements/ web components, ...) 23

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Transport Turbo → HTTP (Drive, Frames) → WS (Streams) StimulusReflex → WS 24

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State Turbo → Stateless StimulusReflex → Stateful 25

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Reactivity Turbo → 7 Turbo Stream operations → Lifecycle: → turbo:before-stream-render → turbo:frame-render → turbo:frame-load StimulusReflex → morphdom + 33 operations via CableReady → Lifecycle: → Server-Side before_, after_, around_reflex callbacks → Client-Side before, success, error, halted, (after), finalize callacks → Generic and Custom client-side lifecycle methods (e.g. Poke beforePoke(element) {}, etc.) 26

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Scope Turbo → Turbo Frames (referenced by IDs) ! → stateless, behaviorless quasi-"components" → Turbo Stream targets StimulusReflex → Page Morphs (optional data- reflex-root) → Selector Morphs (bypass conventional rendering completely, morph a single HTML element) → Nothing Morphs ( ) 27

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Demos - StimulusReflex → Filterable → Nested Forms → Composable UI → Dropzone → Wizards 28

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Refactoring Example - A Music Playlist 1. First Pass - Tabbed Navigation ! Turbo Frames! <% active = session["list_#{}"][:active] %> <%= turbo_frame_tag "list_entries" %> ... <% end %> <%= turbo_frame_tag "active_track", src: track_url(active) %> 29

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Refactoring Example - A Music Playlist 2. Second Pass - Session Management class TracksController < ApplicationController def show @track = Track.find(params[:id]) session["list_#{}"][:active] = @track end end 30

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Refactoring Example - A Music Playlist 2. Second Pass - Session Management class TracksController < ApplicationController def show @track = Track.find(params[:id]) session["list_#{}"][:active] = @track end end ❌ This is a REST violation, we're mutating state on GET instead of POST. 31

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Refactoring Example - A Music Playlist 3. Third Pass - Hidden Form & Turbo Streams <%= form_with(model: @list, url: active_track_list_path(@list), id: dom_id(@list, :active_track)) do |f| %> <%= f.hidden_field :active_track_id, {value:} %> <% end %> <%= turbo_frame_tag "active_track", src: track_url(active) if active.present? %> 32

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Refactoring Example - A Music Playlist 3. Third Pass - Hidden Form & Turbo Streams class ListsController < ApplicationController # PATCH def active_track session["list_#{}"][:active] = Track.find(list_params[:active_track_id]).list_entry.to_gid.to_s render turbo_stream: turbo_stream.replace(@list) end private def list_params params.require(:list).permit(:active_track_id) end end Problem: There's still (a lot of) flicker ⚡ 33

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Refactoring Example - A Music Playlist 4. Preferred Approach - Update Just a Data Attribute of a Stimulus Controller
❌ Currently not doable with streams ! Possible remedy: Stream a fragment containing a separate stimulus controller updating just the data attributes 34

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Refactoring Example - A Music Playlist 5. Here's an Equivalent Reflex <% active = session["list_#{}"][:active] %> Track 2 # Reflex class ActiveTrackReflex < ApplicationReflex def set_active_track track = element.signed[:track_sgid] session["list_#{track.list}"][:active] = track end end 35

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Conclusions → Use Turbo to prepare application state, use SR to act on it → Use Turbo for everything that's covered by an HTTP verb (navigation, forms), else use SR → Docs! (DHH: The code == the docs ) 36

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Resources → David Colby's Blog → Just Enough Hotwire for Rails Developers → My Blog → SR Docs → CR Docs → Discord 37

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Thanks! 38