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REST Services with Play2 Scala & ReactiveMongo

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Who am I? @raulraja Scala, Java, Objective-C

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App frameworks are like hipsters, always looking for the next cool thing. There is a new kid on the block... REACTIVE APPS Only one thing is better than reactive apps. Monkey beard JORGE!

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Let’s get started

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Create the APP

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Run it!

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No content

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Play uses conf/routes to map http requests to controller actions

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Play projects are SBT projects, here we add the dependencies

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Play plugins are registered in conf/play.plugins

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In conf/application.conf we add things like DB settings

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In DEV mode you can see the configured routes on a bogus URL

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Controllers implement the actions

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Let’s build it! If you did not attend the session a full tutorial is here

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Become a Scala Master For comprehensions Case Classes Futures Options Traits Either Pattern Matching Monads Actors DSL’s ...