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Giving Back Building Your First Elixir Package

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Generating a new package mix new crazy_pants

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Generating a new package -> mix new crazy_pants * creating * creating .gitignore * creating mix.exs * creating config * creating config/config.exs * creating lib * creating lib/crazy_pants.ex * creating test * creating test/test_helper.exs * creating test/crazy_pants_test.exs Your Mix project was created successfully. You can use "mix" to compile it, test it, and more: cd crazy_pants mix test Run "mix help" for more commands.

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Brian Cardarella CEO of DockYard

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inquisitor mail ecto_fixtures courier Elixir Packages I’ve Written

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What we’ll cover • Customizing the package • Writing good documentation • Typespecs • Using your package • Distributing • Contributing to Elixir Core

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Customizing the package -> mix new crazy_pants * creating * creating .gitignore * creating mix.exs * creating config * creating config/config.exs * creating lib * creating lib/crazy_pants.ex * creating test * creating test/test_helper.exs * creating test/crazy_pants_test.exs Your Mix project was created successfully. You can use "mix" to compile it, test it, and more: cd crazy_pants mix test Run "mix help" for more commands.

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Customizing the package defmodule CrazyPants.Mixfile do use Mix.Project def project do [app: :crazy_pants, version: "0.0.1", elixir: "~> 1.2", build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod, start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod, deps: deps] end # Configuration for the OTP application # # Type "mix help" for more information def application do [applications: [:logger]] end # Dependencies can be Hex packages: # # {:mydep, "~> 0.3.0"} # # Or git/path repositories: # # {:mydep, git: "", tag: "0.1.0"} # # Type "mix help deps" for more examples and options defp deps do [] end end

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Customizing the package defmodule CrazyPants.Mixfile do use Mix.Project def project do [app: :crazy_pants, version: "0.0.1", elixir: "~> 1.2", build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod, start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod, package: package(), description: description(), deps: deps] end def package do [maintainers: ["Krazy Kat"], licenses: ["MIT"], links: %{"GitHub" => ""}] end def description do "These pretzels are making me thirsty" end

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defmodule CrazyPants.Mixfile do use Mix.Project def project do [app: :crazy_pants, version: "0.0.1", elixir: "~> 1.2", build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod, start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod, package: package(), description: description(), deps: deps] end def package do [maintainers: ["Krazy Kat"], licenses: ["MIT"], links: %{"GitHub" => ""}] end def description do "These pretzels are making me thirsty" end Customizing the package

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Writing good documentation

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Writing good documentation ....CrazyPants.drop(1,2,3) `CrazyPants`

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Writing good documentation defmodule CrazyPants @moduledoc """ This is the greatest library every written """ @doc """ This is the best function ever written """ def drop(location) do "They're at the #{location}” end end

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Writing good documentation defp deps do [ {:earmark, "~> 0.1", only: :dev}, {:ex_doc, "~> 0.11", only: :dev} ] end

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Writing good documentation mix docs

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Writing good documentation open doc/index.html

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Writing good documentation

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Writing good documentation defmodule CrazyPants.Mixfile do use Mix.Project def project do [app: :crazy_pants, version: "0.0.1", elixir: "~> 1.2", build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod, start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod, package: package(), description: description(), deps: deps, docs: [ main: "CrazyPants" ]] end

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Writing good documentation

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Writing good documentation

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Writing good documentation

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Writing good documentation defmodule CrazyPants.Mixfile do use Mix.Project def project do [app: :crazy_pants, version: "0.0.1", elixir: "~> 1.2", build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod, start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod, package: package(), description: description(), deps: deps, docs: [ main: “CrazyPants”, logo: “crazy_pants.jpg” ]] end

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Writing good documentation

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Typespecs defmodule CrazyPants do @moduledoc """ This is the greatest library ever written """ @doc """ This is the greatest function ever written """ @spec drop(binary) :: binary def drop(location) do "They're at the #{location}" end end

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Typespecs defmodule CrazyPantsTest do use ExUnit.Case test "using numbers" do assert CrazyPants.number_drop(1) == "They're at the 1" end end ➜ mix test . Finished in 0.02 seconds (0.02s on load, 0.00s on tests) 1 test, 0 failures

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Typespecs defp deps do [{:earmark, "~> 0.1", only: :dev}, {:ex_doc, "~> 0.11", only: :dev}, {:dialyxir, "~> 0.3.3", only: :dev}] end ➜ mix dialyzer.plt Starting PLT Core Build ... this will take awhile

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Typespecs ➜ mix dialyzer Compiled lib/crazy_pants.ex Starting Dialyzer crazy_pants.ex:15: The call 'Elixir.CrazyPants':drop(1) breaks the contract (binary()) -> binary() done in 0m0.80s done (warnings were emitted)

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Typespecs defmodule CrazyPants do @moduledoc """ This is the greatest library ever written """ @doc """ This is the greatest function ever written """ @spec drop(binary) :: binary def drop(location) do "They're at the #{location}" end def num_drop() do drop(1) end end

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Typespecs defmodule CrazyPants do @moduledoc """ This is the greatest library ever written """ @doc """ This is the greatest function ever written """ @spec drop(binary) :: binary def drop(location) do "They're at the #{location}" end def num_drop() do 1 |> Integer.to_string() |> drop() end end

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Typespecs ➜ mix dialyzer Compiled lib/crazy_pants.ex Starting Dialyzer Proceeding with analysis... done in 0m0.75s done (passed successfully)

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Using your package defp deps do [{:crazy_pants, path: "/path/to/crazy_pants"}] end

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Distributing defmodule CrazyPants.Mixfile do use Mix.Project def project do [app: :crazy_pants, version: "0.0.1", elixir: "~> 1.2", build_embedded: Mix.env == :prod, start_permanent: Mix.env == :prod, package: package(), description: description(), deps: deps, docs: [ main: “CrazyPants”, logo: “crazy_pants.jpg” ]] end

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Distributing ➜ git tag v0.0.1 ➜ git push --tags

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Distributing ➜ mix hex.publish Publishing crazy_pants 0.0.1 Dependencies: Files: lib/crazy_pants.ex mix.exs App: crazy_pants Name: crazy_pants Description: These pretzels are making me thirsty Version: 0.0.1 Build tools: mix Licenses: MIT Maintainers: Krazy Kat Links: GitHub: Elixir: ~> 1.2 WARNING! Excluded dependencies (not part of the Hex package): earmark ex_doc dialyxir Before publishing, please read Hex Code of Conduct: codeofconduct Proceed? [Yn]

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Distributing [#########################] 100% Published at Don't forget to upload your documentation with `mix`

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Distributing ➜ mix Docs successfully generated. View them at "doc/index.html". [#########################] 100% Published docs for crazy_pants 0.0.1 Hosted at

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inquisitor mail ecto_fixtures courier Elixir Packages I’ve Written crazy_pants

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inquisitor mail ecto_fixtures courier Elixir Packages I’ve Written

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No content

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Other places to promote your package • • elixir-lang-talk Google Group • phoenix-talk Google Group • • Elixir Slack • #elixir-lang IRC

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Other places to promote your package

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Want to build something amazing? Thank you!