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SLOS for Healthcare Industry

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Yury Niño Roa Cloud Infrastructure Engineer SRE & Chaos Engineering Advocate @yurynino

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Agenda Healthcare Challenge ● HL7/FHIR/HIPAA ● Cloud Services SLOs & LORs matter for Healthcare ● Interoperability ● Reliability Healthcare Solutions ● Availity ● Latency ● LROs @yurynino

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Healthcare Challenges @yurynino

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Common Architecture Analytics Engine BigQuery Data Transformation Cloud Dataflow Data Exploration Cloud Datalab External Data API or Batch Load Insight and Intelligence Business Analysis Apps and APIs Multiple Platforms Healthcare API FHIR, DICOM Systems of Record Healthcare De-ID FHIR- or OMOP-formatted research data Clinical data for analysis FHIR-structured data for analysis and insights Clinical data for research Research Clinical Scientists Updates Healthcare API FHIR, HL7 v2 MLLP Adapter HL7 v2 EHRs Healthcare API HL7v2 HL7 v2 API Management Health APIx FHIR Accelerator Bulk Data Cloud Storage

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Challenge: Interoperability! Healthcares ENTITIES APIs Micro-Services Customers Developers Businesses Direct Consumers

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Healthcares ENTITIES APIs Micro-Services Customers Developers Businesses Direct Consumers Challenge: Reliability

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Healthcare Solutions @yurynino

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HL7 is a set of international data-sharing standards to enhance healthcare interoperability. HL7 is a clinical messaging format that supports secure exchange of documents and healthcare messaging between healthcare organizations. HL7: Health Level 7 @yurynino

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Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is an open standard alternative to HL7 v2 that enable the exchange data easily. FHIR is based on RESTful principles aiming to accelerate the implementation of HL7 and enhance interaction between legacy healthcare systems. FHIR: Health Level 7 @yurynino

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HIPAA Compliance @yurynino

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Approach: Standardizate! @yurynino

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SLOs & LROs @yurynino

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SLOs are internal goals for measurement of service health. SLOs is a target value for an SLI, measured over a period of time. The service determines the available SLIs, and you specify SLOs based on the SLIs. SLOs are a key part of setting external service level agreements between service providers and their customers. Service Level Objectives

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SLO: Availability An availability SLI is the ratio of the number of successful responses to the number of all responses. Healthcare API DICOM FHIR HL7v2 NLP Service-Level Indicator Request count: Number of HTTP requests per minute that result in 2xx or 5xx responses. @yurynino

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SLO: Latency A latency SLI is the ratio of the number of calls below a latency threshold to the number of all calls. Service-Level Indicator Request count: the latency for HTTP 2xx responses. @yurynino

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On the other side LORs Certain operations on Healthcare may take extended amounts of time to complete. These operations are outside the standard HTTP style of quick request / response flow. Such operations are referred to as Long-Running Operations. An LRO may take seconds, minutes, hours, days, or longer to complete! @yurynino

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On the other side LORs The LRO SLO dashboards have 3 types of objectives: ● OP_RESULT: UNKNOWN, INTERNAL, UNAVAILABLE, DATA_LOSS ● FULL_INTERVALS @yurynino

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