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Painless Testing @MicheleBertoli

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Mee-KeH-LeH Front End Engineer at Facebook Author of React Design Patterns and Best Practices Follow me @MicheleBertoli

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“I'm upgrading a pretty big codebase from Jest 0.8.2 to 15.1.1. Call me a hero.” — Michele Bertoli, Sep 2016

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“Saddest thing I hear from engineers: we aren't writing tests right now because we're focusing on building features” — Dmitrii Abramov, Feb 2017

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● Time consuming ● Complex to setup and maintain ● Browser tests are slow ● False negatives Testing is hard

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● Catch some bugs ● Confidence (Move fast™) ● Refactoring ● Documentation Testing is important

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“Unpopular opinion: component unit testing is overrated.” — Dan Abramov, Jul 2016

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“Write tests. Not too many. Mostly integration.” — Guillermo Rauch, Dec 2016

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Mike Cohn, Nov 2009

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Dmitrii Abramov, Dec 2016

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● Focus on DX ● Works out of the box ● Complete product ● Used by Facebook overview

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● Interactive mode ● Automatically find tests related to changed files ● Run tests in parallel processes ● Sandboxed test files and automatic state resets FAST

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● Create coverage reports ● Run your tests within a fake DOM implementation ● Integrated manual mocking library ALL-IN-ONE

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● Error messages are helpful and color coded ● Stack traces point to the source of problems ● Jest runs previously failed tests first ERRORS

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● Jest works with any compile-to-JS language ● Integrates seamlessly with Babel ● TypeScript through ts-jest Integrations

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● Integrated support for promises and async/await ● Can run asynchronous code synchronously ASYNC

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npm install --save-dev jest yarn add --dev jest // package.json "scripts": { "test": "jest" } Getting Started

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yarn add --dev babel-jest babel-preset-es2015 // .babelrc { "presets": ["es2015"] } Modern javascript

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● automock ● bail ● collectCoverage ● notify ● testEnvironment ● timers And many more. configuration

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Writing tests

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test('Hello, Jest!', () => { expect(true).toBe(true) })

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test(name, fn) test.only(name, fn) describe(name, fn) describe.only(name, fn) Globals

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afterAll(fn) afterEach(fn) beforeAll(fn) beforeEach(fn) Setup and teardown

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.toBe(value) .toEqual(value) .toBeDefined() .toBeInstanceOf(Class) .toHaveLength(number) .toThrow(error) expect

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expect.extend({ toBeFoo(received) { return { pass: received === 'foo' } } }) test('foo is foo', () => expect('foo').toBeFoo()) Custom matchers

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Partial objects test('partial objects', () => { const obj = { foo: 'bar', baz: Math.random() } expect(obj).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ foo: 'bar' }) ) })

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asymmetric matchers test('asymmetric matchers', () => { const obj = { foo: 'bar', baz: Math.random() } expect(obj).toEqual( expect.objectContaining({ foo: 'bar', baz: expect.any(Number), }) ) })

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test('works with promises', () => { return getUserName(4).then( userName => expect(userName).toEqual('Mark') ) }) promises

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test('works with async/await', async () => { const userName = await getUserName(4) expect(userName).toEqual('Mark') }) Async / await

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test('spies', () => { const spy = jest.fn() spy() expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled() }) SPIES

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MOCK FUNCTIONS test('mock functions', () => { const mock = jest.fn(() => 'foo') expect(mock()).toBe('foo') })

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// __mocks__/path.js export default { sep: ':' } // spec import path from 'path' jest.mock('path') test('mock path', () => expect(path.sep).toBe(':')) Manual mocks

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const spy = jest.fn() const debounced = debounce(spy, 1000) debounced('foo') example

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test('timer functions', () => { jest.runTimersToTime(999) expect(spy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() jest.runTimersToTime(1) expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo') }) timer FUNCTIONS

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snapshots Capture snapshots of React trees or other serializable values to simplify UI testing and to analyze how state changes over time.

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example const Button = ({ disabled, text, primary }) => ( {text} )

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enzyme test('enzyme', () => { const wrapper = shallow( ) expect(wrapper.prop('disabled')).toBe(true) expect(wrapper.hasClass('btn--primary')).toBe(true) expect(wrapper.text()).toBe('Click me!') })

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Test renderer test('test-renderer', () => { const tree = renderer.create( ).toJSON() expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() })

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Human-readable exports[`test test-renderer 1`] = ` Click me! `;

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update @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ Click me!

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watch Watch Usage › Press a to run all tests. › Press o to only run tests related to changed files. › Press u to update failing snapshots. › Press p to filter by a filename regex pattern. › Press q to quit watch mode. › Press Enter to trigger a test run.

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enzyme-to-json Convert Enzyme wrappers to a format compatible with Jest snapshot testing. adriantoine/enzyme-to-json

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example test('enzyme-to-json', () => { const wrapper = shallow( ) expect(toJson(wrapper)).toMatchSnapshot() })

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CSS MODULES { "jest": { "moduleNameMapper": { "\\.css$": "identity-obj-proxy" } } }

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resolve.root { "jest": { "modulePaths": [ "/shared/vendor/modules" ] } }

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Migrating to jest

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codemods Codemods that simplify migrating JavaScript test files from Mocha, Tape and AVA to Jest. skovhus/jest-codemods

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Next steps Follow @fbjest Stars are welcome facebook/jest

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One more thing

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“The best testing strategy is not writing tests.” — Michele Bertoli, Dec 2016

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snapguidist Snapshot testing for React Styleguidist. MicheleBertoli/snapguidist

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Jest packages ● jest-haste-map ● jest-snapshots And many more.

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react-fix-it Automagically generate tests from errors. MicheleBertoli/react-fix-it

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Any question?