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Let's start your first OSS with CakePHP by itosho / Connehito Inc. CakeFest 2019 Tokyo, Japan

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Hello, everyone!

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About Me Sho ITO @itosho - Backend Engineer, CakePHP Contributor - Like Baseball⚾, Basketball - CTO, Connehito Inc. - From the beginning, we used CakePHP in all backend systems

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About Our Company

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Creating services that people cannot live without Connehito uses the power of technology to provide support to mothers in their daily decision makings about family matter

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Brand that supports mothers' each step Business Lineup

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No.1 app for mothers in Japan! One third of mothers in Japan are using mamari Communication amongst users about their worries and experiences about childbearing and childcare Q&A Community App Delivery of useful articles about childbearing and childcare. Many articles are supervised by experts Web Media A subscription service provides more useful functions e.g. premium articles, shopping coupons, premium search functions Mamari Premium

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Have you ever wanted to create OSS?

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But, it's hard to take action, isn't it?

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Let’s take the first step TODAY!

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Today’s Topics 1. Let’s create OSS! 2. Make it better! 3. Accelerate your OSS activity!

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1. Let’s create OSS!

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About Easy Query - Behavior Plugin for CakePHP - - Easily some complicated queries - e.g. upsert, bulk upsert bulk insert, and insert once(insert select query) - Requirements: PHP 7.0+, CakePHP 3.5+, MySQL 5.6+ - Looking for someone to support PostgreSQL !

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Step1. Prepare an OSS

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Create a Repository - Well begun is half done. - If you don’t mind - on GitHub - MIT Licence - Naming is important - Googleability - cake prefix

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The name and meta infomartion Lists packages required Autoload mapping

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Step2. Write codes

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The most fun process - Describe only bulkInsert() - Please check the repository for details

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Decomposed the Entity array data into fields and data Query builder realizes processing of the bulk inser

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Step3. Write test codes

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Test codes are necessary for OSS - We can release OSS without test codes - But, OSS without test codes is not reliable for developers - TDD is a good choice

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Assert Arrange Act

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Step4. Setup CI

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Finished writing code, not done yet - Travis CI is a best tool for OSS - Static code analysis and lint tool improve quality of OSS - Static code analysis: PHPStan - Lint tool: CakePHP Code Sniffer

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Step5. Clean up the document

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README is like a entrance - README is very important - Requirements - Installation - Usage - It’s kind to have badges -

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2. Make it better

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I might as well - Making it useful for many people - not only for self-satisfaction - I researched some popular OSS - found some common points

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Good OSS has “3Cs” 1. Convenience 2. Clarity 3. Continuity

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Convenience - Big benefits required - The effort to solve a problem is often more bother than the pain that causes it... - Case: Easy Query - High performance of bulkInsert() - A CakePHP standard method, saveMany() doesn't have it - Inspection: insert 100 records to a tags table - saveMany() 2.93 sec - bulkInsert() 2.01 sec - Enviorment: CentOS6, MySQL5.6, CPU 2core, Memory 2GB (Docker for Mac)

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Clarity - Anyway can use it quickly - mature documentation - “When in Rome, do as the Romans do” - intuitive and simplie - Case: Easy Query - bulkInsert() has same interface with saveMany()

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Continuity - GitHub’s star is not all! - The change is drastic - Even a popular OSS is not remembered half a year later - It is also important to improve continuously - Case: Easy Query - I updated it last week - I declare today that I will upgrade Easy Query to CakePHP4 within half a year!

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3. Accelerate your OSS activity!

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Next Step - OSS activity is fun and good! - But, it is difficult to continue...

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- Connehito has a company program for encouraging OSS activities - Smile Program! - To put it simply, it is an output support program - It started half a year ago Smile Program

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What is a smile program? - Save up miles when our members contribute to the outside community - Members can then spend miles Engineer A Miles bank Engineer B Save Up! (by Output) - OSS Contribution - Presenting and Writing Spend! (for Input) - Getting certified - Attend Oversea Conferences

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Concept - Money is not the motivation - When in need of support, a member can get it - Evaluating the value of output and input

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Let me show you how it actually works

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Smile Counter - CMS for Smile Program - Featutes - Request for output and input - Review for output and input - Mile management - Member management - Member Rankings - Made with CakePHP4!

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Why did we start Smile Program?

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We are raised by the engineer's community Engineer’s Community Connehito Inc Grow! - Using many OSS like CakePHP - Referring to other company’s case study

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Simply, I want to give back to it.

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Ecosystem Community Connehito Grow Take - Many OSS - Case Study - Conference Community Connehito Grow Take - Many OSS - Case Study - Conference Give - Contribution - Case Study - Sponsor

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Win-Win Relationship!

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Summary - If you have the will, you can create OSS now - Keep in mind the "3Cs" when creating OSS - “3Cs” are Convenience, Clarity and Continuity - Connehito will continue to use CakePHP - And we aim to be an indispensable company for CakePHP community!

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Thank you!