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An Introduction to Chua Allan Gabriel Louis Valencia React JS

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Table of Contents • What is React • Supported Platforms • Origin / History • Core Philosophy • Why react • Pre-requisites • Popular Tools • UI Frameworks • How it differentiates with Vue & Angular • How to create a project • Basic Usage • Demo App

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Did you know how they flew it?

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Did you know how they flew it?

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What is React JS? A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

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Supported Platforms Web Mobile Desktop

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Origin / History Jordan Walke Software Engineer Worked at Facebook Created React Scaled to Instagram @ 2012 Open-sourced @ 2013 Most Productionized Framework @ 2022

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Core Philosophy Component-Based Declarative Learn-Once; Write Anywhere

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Why react? Reusable Components Performance enhancements Can be used for mobile apps Unidirectional data flow Simple development of dynamic websites Small Learning Curve

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Unidirectional vs Bidirectional

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Popular Tools Developer Tools Reactide Storybook Bundle Analyzer Why Did You Render Jest Formik and Yup React Hook Form React Sight React Proto

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Material UI UI Frameworks Bootstrap UI Ant Design

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Vue & Angular Comparison with

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Unidirectional Data Flow Bidirectional

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Dashboards & Read Only Great for building Forms and Design Systems

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Maintainability & Stability GOOD POOR

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Stars in Github

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Job Postings

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How to create a project

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Without react

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With React

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Thanks to Component Syntax

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State is the king

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Events are propagated by the root

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Learning Materials - React GITHUB Page (Link) - React Website (Link) - React Learning Tutorial (Link) - Material UI (Link) - Carbon (Link) - React in 10 hours Free Code Camp (Link) - React for Beginners (Link) - React Full Course (Link) - React TypeScript (Link)