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An introduction to Graphene and Relay

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Part 0: Introduction

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Who am I? • Marc Tamlyn • Django Core Developer • Graphene contributor • Occasional Javascript developer • Work at Photocrowd

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Workshop structure • Split into four main parts • GraphQL • Graphene • React • Relay

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What is all this? • GraphQL is a new API structure created by Facebook • Graphene is a declarative python library for creating GraphQL APIs by the python-graphql organisation • It builds on top of graphql-core, a python version of the "official" graphql-js library • React is a declarative, component based Javascript rendering engine created by Facebook • Relay is a React-drive framework for consuming a GraphQL API and building a highly flexible and reusable component based application architecture

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What's the point? • Allow your front ends to declare the shape of the data they require • Move n+1 problems to the API server instead of the front end • Components declare their own requirements and can be composed, allowing changes deep in the system to work everywhere • Great for applications where the same objects are represented and connected in many different ways

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A word on investment • Personally, I find these concepts are relatively "hard" compared to understanding a REST API • It takes a higher investment of effort to understand all the pieces and how they all fit together than some other architectures • It requires more work and rigour to code using these libraries • Personally, I think the effort pays off • Give it a week!

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Data setup • A little (fictional!) welsh village • 3 streets, 10 houses • People live in the houses and are related to each other • People can get married, have children and move house • Application should allow you to explore the village and find out about the people who live there, and update the data as they move, marry, have children and so on

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Part 1: GraphQL

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GraphQL • New query language • Strongly typed • Returns JSON

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Work along with me

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Type system • Everything consists of fields on an object • Useful to know what fields are available, and what type of data to expect • Allows static validation of queries

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Scalars • Int • Float • String • Boolean • ID • Can define your own - needs to be JSON serialisable

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Lists and nulls • List of any other type • Fields are nullable unless specified as non-null

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Enumerations types • First class support for enums • Collection of unique string names • Allows query-time validation of arguments

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Type system • Object type • Consists of fields • Each field returns data of a specified type • Data can be any type, including other object types • Each field may take arguments • Each argument also has a fixed type, and may or may not be nullable

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Interfaces and Unions • Object types can be combined in a union • They can implement one or more interfaces, keeping a common set of behaviour between multiple types

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Schema • Schema is an ObjectType • Must have a query field • May have a mutation field

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Queries • Written in GraphQL query language • Returns JSON

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A simple query query { streets { name } } {"data": { "streets": [ {"name": "Afon Stryd"}, {"name": "Glyn Stryd"}, {"name": "Ysgol Stryd"} ] }}

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Nesting query { streets { name houses { number } } } {"data": { "streets": [ {"name": "Afon Stryd", "houses": [ {"number": 1}, {"number": 2}, {"number": 3}, ]}, …

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Multiple queries query { streets { name } houses { name } } {"data": { "streets": [ {"name": "Afon Stryd" … ] "houses": [ {"name": "1 Afon Stryd"} …

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Arguments and variables query { people { name family relationships(relationship: child) { name family } } }

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Arguments and variables query People($relationship: Relationship!) { people { name family relationships(relationship: $relationship) { name family } } } variables {"relationship": "child"}

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Arguments and variables {"data": { "people": [ {"name": "Lowri", "family": "Jones", "relationships": [ {"name": "Dafydd", "family": "Jones"}, {"name": "Bethan", "family": "Jones"}] …

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Fragments and aliases fragment F0 on Person { name residence { name } }

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Fragments and aliases query { people { name family children: relationships(relationship: child) {...F0} parents: relationships(relationship: parent) {...F0} } }

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Fragments and aliases "people": [ {"name": "Lowri", "family": "Jones", "children": [ {"name": "Dafydd", "residence": { "name": "1 Glyn Stryd"} }, "parents": []}, …

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Inline fragments { search(q: "ysgol") { __typename ... on Street { name } ... on House { street { name } number } } }

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Inline fragments "search": [ {"__typename": "House", "street": { "name": "Ysgol Stryd" }, "number": 1 }, {"__typename": "Street", "name": "Ysgol Stryd" }, … ]

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Directives query People($includeChildren: Boolean!) { people { name family relationships(relationship: child) @include (if: $includeChildren) { name } } } variables {"includeChildren": false}

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Directives { "data": { "people": [ { "name": "Lowri", "family": "Jones" }, … }

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Have an explore!

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Mutations • The only way to change data with a GraphQL API • Looks like a field - takes arguments and returns an ObjectType • Run in series instead of in parallel

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Input type • Can define a special kind of type called and input type • Allows you to send the JSON representation of that type as a variable value

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Making a mutation mutation Move($input: MoveInput!) { move(input: $input) { name residence { name } } } variables {"input": {"person": "ID1", "residence": "ID2"}}

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Part 2: Graphene

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Defining an object type • Let's start with something really simple • Street has just one attribute - its name • It should be a string

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Defining an object type class Street(graphene.ObjectType): name = graphene.Field(graphene.String) And you're done!

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Defining an object type - shorthand class Street(graphene.ObjectType): name = graphene.String()

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Object types as containers street = Street(name='Araf Stryd')

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A note on naming • GraphQL expects to have camelCase names • Python doesn't like camelCase names • Graphene just translates them for you - so an object type field named house_pets becomes a GraphQL field named housePets

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Custom initialisation and resolvers • You will likely want to translate from your application objects to ObjectTypes • Some fields you want to expose you don't know yet • Custom resolver method using the resolve_FOO() pattern • Resolvers receive the field arguments, your own context and the current resolver info

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Custom initialisation and resolvers class Street(graphene.ObjectType): name = graphene.String() def __init__(self, street): self.street = street def resolve_name(self, args, ctx, info): return

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Custom initialisation and resolvers class Street(graphene.ObjectType): houses = graphene.List(House) def resolve_houses(self, args, context, info): return [ House(h) for h in population.houses if h.street == self.street ]

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Custom fields • Fields have their own resolver method • Allows you to share common custom resolving logic between multiple object types

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Defining an enum • Declarative • Uses python 3's enum.Enum (or a backport)

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Defining an enum class Relationship(graphene.Enum): parent = 'parent' grandparent = 'grandparent' child = 'child' grandchild = 'grandchild' spouse = 'spouse' sibling = 'sibling'

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Defining a field with arguments • Allows fields to behave differently depending on what the client needs • Examples would include pagination, image sizes, filtering a dataset

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Defining a field with arguments class Person(graphene.ObjectType): relationships = graphene.Field( graphene.List(lambda: Person), relationship=graphene.Argument( Relationship, required=True, ), )

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Defining a field with arguments class Person(graphene.ObjectType): relationships = graphene.List( lambda: Person, relationship=graphene.Argument( Relationship, required=True, ), )

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Defining a field with arguments class Person(graphene.ObjectType): def resolve_relationships( self, args, context, info ): if args['relationship'] == 'parent': return [ Person(p) for p in self.person.parents ] …

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Union Type • Allows returning one of a variety of types • Example use cases include search endpoints, generic relationships, mixed content feeds • Resolver returns any of the valid objects and graphene does the rest

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Union Type class Anything(graphene.types.union.Union): class Meta: types = (Person, House, Street)

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Creating your schema • Create a Query ObjectType • Plumb that into the schema

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Creating your schema class Query(graphene.ObjectType): people = graphene.List(Person) houses = graphene.List(House) streets = graphene.List(Street) search = graphene.Field( graphene.List(Anything), q=graphene.String(required=True) ) )

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Creating your schema schema = graphene.Schema(query=Query) schema_with_mutations = graphene.Schema( query=Query, mutation=Mutation, )

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Using the schema directly >>> schema.execute(''' query { streets { name } } ''') {"data": {"streets": […]}}

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Context and info • When you use the schema, you can provide context • This is useful for attaching authentication or authorisation information you wish to use in resolvers • Info provides information about the current set of fields "below" where you are which are requested • Advanced use case, but can use to optimise the way you load data for the children

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Mutations • Must define its Input type • Normal class definition is the object type returned • Has a mutate classmethod which does the work if the input is valid

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Mutations class MoveHouse(graphene.Mutation): class Input: person = graphene.Field(Person) house = graphene.Field(House) # output person = graphene.Field(Person) ok = graphene.Boolean()

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Mutations class MoveHouse(graphene.Mutation): @classmethod def mutate(cls, instance, args, info): person = get_person(args['person']) house = get_house(args['house']) ok = person.move_to(house) return MoveHouse(person=person, ok=ok)

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Deploying with Django • Use the graphene-django package • The django-graphiql package allows interactive testing - add it to INSTALLED_APPS • Integration tools exist for other systems like SQLAlchemy

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Deploying with Django from django.conf.urls import url from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from graphene_django.views import GraphQLView from django_graphiql.views import GraphiQL from .api import Schema urlpatterns = [ url(r'^graphql', csrf_exempt( GraphQLView.as_view(schema=schema))), url(r'^graphiql', GraphiQL.as_view()), ]

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Part 3: React

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What is React? • View layer of a traditional MVC • Virtual DOM • Single directional data flow

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What is a component? • Takes input (props) • Returns an element • Class with a render() method

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What is a component? var houses = React.createClass({ render: function() { var photos = => { return React.createElement(House, { number: house.number, streetName:, }); }); return React.createElement('div', {}, houses); } });

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JSX • Preprocessor for React.createElement() • Compile using your JS preprocessor of choice

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JSX var houses = React.createClass({ render: function() { var photos = => { return ; }); return
{ houses }
; } });

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Virtual DOM • Renders in memory-light virtual DOM • Compares changes between trees • Flushes only changes to the document • Debounces rendering

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Data flow • Components have state as well as props • Minimise use of state • Handle at top level and pass functions around • Flux-like architectures • Reflux • Redux • Use Relay!

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Part 4: Relay

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Why Relay? • Only GraphQL-focused React framework • Colocation • Data masking • Caching • Query optimisation • Loading and ready states • Don't want something this restrictive? Try apollo-client

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A Relay-compliant GraphQL API • Relay imposes conventions on the shape of your API • Caches and optimises queries through nodes • Handles pagination intelligently via cursors and connections

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Nodes • All "core" objects should be implemented as Nodes • If there would be a "detail" page of it, it should be a node • All nodes have a globally unique ID • Query has a node field which can query any node

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Nodes class StreetNode(DjangoObjectType): class Meta: model = Street only_fields = ['name'] interfaces = (relay.Node,)

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Nodes query { streets { id name } } {"data": { "streets": [ {"id": "XXXXXX", "name": "Afon Stryd"}, {"id": "YYYYYY",
 "name": "Glyn Stryd"}, {"id": "ZZZZZZ",
 "name": "Ysgol Stryd"} ] }}

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Nodes query { node(id: "XXXXXX") { id name } } {"data": { "node": { "id": "XXXXXX", "name": "Afon Stryd", } }}

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Connections • Connections are special object types which have a particular structure • Used to do cursor based pagination • first - after • last - before • Return edges and pageInfo • Edges have cursors and nodes

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Connections class StreetNode(DjangoObjectType): houses = relay.ConnectionField( HouseNode) def resolve_houses(self, args, ctx, info): return self.house_set.all()

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Connections query { streets { name houses(first: 1) { edges { cursor node { number } } } } }

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Connections {"data": {"streets" { "name": "Afon Stryd", "houses": { "edges": [{ "cursor": "AAAAAA", "node": { "number": 1, } }, …

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Connections query { streets { name houses(first: 1) { pageInfo { hasNextPage endCursor } } } }

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Connections {"data": {"streets" { "name": "Afon Stryd", "houses": { "pageInfo": { "hasNextPage": true, "endCursor": "AAAAAA", } …

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Connections query { streets { name houses(first: 1, after: "AAAAAA") { … } } }

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Mutations • Mutations must both take and return a unique identifier • Allows multiple similar mutations to be checked individually by the framework

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Relay containers • A higher order component • Function which takes a component and returns a component which wraps it • Compile-time declares the data shape that the component needs

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Declaring fragments • Uses Relay.QL`` • A little sugar on top of a standard GraphQL fragment to allow reference to variables more easily • Looks a bit like ES6 template literals • Compiles using a babel plugin

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Composing containers • When building the fragments, include fragments from the child • Match the name of the prop passed to the child to the fragment that child declared

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Root Containers • Declares the entry point to the Relay application • Consists of a component to render, and a "rooted" query to the Query on the Node • Don't try to be too clever with them, they have some strange restrictions about arguments which will likely be removed in future versions

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The "viewer" pattern • Works around Relay Root queries being weird by doing everything from a viewer field on Query • Don't forget that Relay's node field still needs to be on Query as well • Idea is everything is localised to what the user can see

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Mutations • Must receive and return the client identifier • Just use relay.ClientIDMutation

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Babel and webpack • Use babel to translate JSX and Relay.QL • Webpack with Django to create "bundles" of javascript to render to the page • graphene-django creates the schema file needed to verify the Relay.QL

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Dumping your schema $ python graphql_schema --schema relay.api { "data":{ "__schema":{ "queryType":{ "name":"Query" }, "mutationType":null, "subscriptionType":null, "types":[ { "kind":"OBJECT", "name":"Query", "description":null, "fields":[ { "name":"streets", "description":null, "args":[ ], …

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Things to install • Babel plugins required • babel-preset-es2015 • babel-preset-react • babel-relay-plugin • babel-relay-plugin-loader • Django • django-webpack-loader • python graphql_schema --schema --out schema.json

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Webpack config var BundleTracker = require('webpack-bundle- tracker') plugins: [ new BundleTracker({ filename: './build/webpack-stats.json' }), ],

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Webpack config module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.jsx?$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader', } ] }

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package.json config "metadata": { "graphql": { "schema": "./schema.json" } }

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Conclusion • Stack of tools for building complete applications • A coherent and powerful API • Hurdle to learn but expressive and effective once learned • Excellent support for complex applications • Probably overkill for simple ones • Excellent responsiveness to changing visual and interactivity requirements