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@stopsatgreen WEB COMPONENTS What, Why, How, When #WCLDN, 04/03

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@stopsatgreen @stopsatgreen Peter Gasston

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@stopsatgreen WEB COMPONENTS

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@stopsatgreen WHAT?

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@stopsatgreen “The component model for the Web.”

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@stopsatgreen A suite of technologies for making reusable UI controls or services.

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@stopsatgreen Fundamental change to the way we build the Web.

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@stopsatgreen ® The Lego Group

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@stopsatgreen Custom Elements + Shadow DOM + HTML Imports + Templates = Web Components

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@stopsatgreen WHY?

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@stopsatgreen OOCSS BEM Java Applets Dynamic Drive React Ember jQuery UI Bootstrap Web Components

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@stopsatgreen W3C WHATWG

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@stopsatgreen • jQuery : querySelector(), classList • Modernizr : @supports • Sass : --custom-properties()

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@stopsatgreen Let us make the tools we need.

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@stopsatgreen #extendthewebforward

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@stopsatgreen meaningful naming + modularisation + encapsulation + sharing = web components

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@stopsatgreen HOW?

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@stopsatgreen Custom Elements

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@stopsatgreen document.registerElement('fun-times');

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@stopsatgreen = HTMLElement = HTMLUnknownElement

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@stopsatgreen fun-times:unresolved {…}

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@stopsatgreen proto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); proto.hooray = function() {…}; document.registerElement('fun-times',
 { prototype: proto }); funTimes = document.querySelector('fun-times');

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@stopsatgreen proto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); proto.createdCallback = function() {…}; document.registerElement('fun-times',
 { prototype: proto });

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@stopsatgreen proto = Object.create(HTMLButtonElement.prototype); proto.hooray = function() {…}; document.registerElement('fun-times', { prototype: proto, extends: 'button' });

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@stopsatgreen Shadow DOM

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@stopsatgreen var root = foo.createShadowRoot();
 root.innerHTML = '

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@stopsatgreen Templates

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@stopsatgreen … var party = document.getElementById('party'); var partyContent = party.content;

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@stopsatgreen var funTimes = document.querySelector('fun-times'); var proto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); proto.hooray = function() {…}; proto.createdCallback = function() { var party = document.getElementById('party'); var clone = document.importNode(party.content,true); var root = funTimes.createShadowRoot(); root.appendChild(clone); } document.registerElement('fun-times', { prototype: proto });

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@stopsatgreen HTML Imports

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@stopsatgreen But it’s not all rosy.

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@stopsatgreen The is="" pattern.

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@stopsatgreen document.registerElement('fun-times'); var funRoot = funTimes.createShadowRoot(); funRoot.innerHTML = '…';

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@stopsatgreen HTML Imports have huge potential for performance problems…

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@stopsatgreen /path/to/library.min.js

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@stopsatgreen … so Firefox won’t implement.

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@stopsatgreen WHEN?

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@stopsatgreen Browser Custom Elements Shadow DOM HTML Imports Template Who knows? ‘Under consideration’ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✗ ✓ ✓ ✓

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@stopsatgreen Web Components will happen. Maybe not in this form, but the concept is solid.

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webcomponents.js (polyfills) Polymer Core Bosonic Core Elements Brick Paper Elements Elements | | | Standard

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@stopsatgreen Web Components vs. React (etc)

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@stopsatgreen Everything Useful Useful & well-made Crap

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@stopsatgreen Sturgeon’s Law: 90% of everything is crap

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@stopsatgreen Web Components are for you to drive the future of the web. Please drive responsibly.

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@stopsatgreen THE END