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Your API ain’t as secure as you think Lindsay Holmwood @auxesis Chief Product Officer @ CipherStash

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πŸ‘‹ I’m Lindsay @auxesis CipherStash helps you protect sensitive data while still enabling safe access across your org.

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The bad news

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USD 4.35 million Global average total cost of a data breach Source: IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022

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Data breach costs are increasing

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The landscape is changing β—‹ Compliance requirements (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) are becoming more stringent β—‹ Ransomware cost $20B globally in 2021, $6.9B in USA alone β—‹ Attackers are becoming more sophisticated (exploiting supply chains, brokering access) and are moving faster Notable breaches this year August: Twilio σ°‘” 125 customers accessed July: Shanghai Police 󰎩 1 billion citizens exposed July: Twitter σ°‘” 5.4 million user accounts exposed May: Costa Rican government 󰎫 $30M in losses per day May: NIC e-Hospital 󰏝 250 million patients exposed

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Compliance requirements (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) are becoming more stringent. USA regulations in the wings. The landscape is changing

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Ransomware cost $20B globally β€” $6.9B in σ°‘” alone β€” in 2021 The landscape is changing Source: FBI IC3 Crime Report 2021

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Ransomware costs in 2021: β—‹ $20B globally β—‹ $6.9B in USA alone Attackers are becoming more sophisticated (exploiting supply chains, brokering access) and are moving faster The landscape is changing

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May: NIC e-Hospital 󰏝 250 million patients exposed May: Costa Rican government 󰎫 $30M in losses per day July: Shanghai Police 󰎩 1 billion citizens exposed July: Twitter σ°‘” 5.4 million user accounts exposed August: Twilio σ°‘” 125 customers accessed Notable breaches in the last 6 months

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APIs are at the center of many of these incidents.

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#5 => #1 Broken Access Control Based on volume of weaknesses

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#3 => #2 Cryptographic Failures Based on volume of weaknesses

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#1 => #3 Injection Based on volume of weaknesses

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πŸ’¨ β‡’ #4 Insecure design Based on volume of weaknesses

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The good news:

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There are technical solutions: ● New tech that are safe bets. ● Old architecture techniques getting new life.

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Most attacks are not on core systems. They are on people who have access to core systems. Source: OAIC Feb 2022

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Cheaper to invest now than after you get breached or regulated

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You succeed by doing the basics well

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What architectures and techniques should you be iterating towards?

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1. Third party identity providers

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3rd party IDPs for APIs β€” before Authentication: ● Challenge–Response authentication ● Secure Remote Password protocol ● Client certificate authentication Authorisation: ● ???

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Authentication: ● OAuth2 + JWT ● SAML ● Self managed identity via Google Workspace, O365 3rd party IDPs β€” now

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3rd party IDPs for APIs Don’t roll your own auth β€” use third party identity provider: ● Auth0, Ping, Okta Untrusted clients, trusted servers: ● Client authenticates to IDP ● IDP sets up session with API ● API is ignorant of users β€” only knows if IDP gives an OK

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Why you should care ● Less code, lower ongoing maintenance costs ● Better threat detection than what you can build ● Your APIs become integrated with broader organisational IAM controls ● Access and behaviour tied back to identity 3rd party IDPs for APIs

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Limit impact of attacks Attack vector Frequency Compromised credentials ~20% Cloud misconfiguration ~15% Phishing ~15% Malicious insider ~11% Source: IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022

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Identification and authentication failures ● Cred stuffing and spraying β€” automated blocking and alerting ● Cred recovery abuse β€” reduce and narrow recovery paths Broken access controls ● Check bypass β€” implement standard controls across all endpoints ● Allow by default β€” invert to deny by default Defend against:

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We’re so focused on building auth that we forget about auth

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Authorization ● RBAC: static permissions assigned to users via roles ● ABAC: dynamic policies based on user attrs + request context Stronger authentication methods ● Passwordless ● FIDO2 Frees you up to work impactful problems

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2. RPC + standardised serialisation formats

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Use code generation to handle: ● Routes ● Serialisation ● HTTP methods, request/response headers ● Errors RPC

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RPC Examples gRPC Twirp Origin Google Twitch Payloads protobufs Binary or JSON HTTP HTTP/2 HTTP 1.1 only Streaming Bidirectional None Honorable mention: GraphQL

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Strongly typed communication for: ● Network transport ● Storage Reduces attack surface, to mitigate attacks like: ● Injection Serialisation

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Example: Protocol Buffers Binary representation of data structures: 1. Describe data structure using built in types 2. Compile bindings for languages 3. Encode/decode data structure in efficient binary format Supports basic backwards compatibility via tags. service SearchService { rpc Search(SearchRequest) returns (SearchResponse); } message SearchRequest { required string query = 1; optional int32 page_number = 2; optional int32 result_per_page = 3; } message SearchResponse { repeated Result results = 1; } message Result { string url = 1; string title = 2; repeated string snippets = 3; }

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Reduce attack surface: ● To only what the endpoint explicitly exposes ● Stop enumeration Build secure clients, faster: ● Automatically generate clients for different languages ● Automatically generate documentation ● Backwards compatibility baked in RPC + serialisation formats for APIs

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Limit impact of attacks Attack vector Frequency Vulnerability in third-party software ~13% System Error ~7% Source: IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022

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Deserialization attacks ● Injection β€” data injection, only support primitive data types ● Privilege escalation β€” gaining RCE through object deserialisation Denial of Service ● Resource Exhaustion β€” drop and log deserialization failures Defend against:

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Defence in depth: ● Use strongly typed languages to stop injection attacks propagating from client to server ● WASM, to more tightly control the client side gRPC reflection: ● Enumerates gRPC services ● Exposes protobufs in human readable format (arguments, fields) Also consider:

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β€œNew” attacks like request smuggling SSRF WASM Also consider:

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3. Application Level Encryption

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Encrypt data before it hits your database

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ID Name Email Medicare DOB Last Visit 1 Bob Alice [email protected] 1234-1679 1985-04-13 2021-11-12 2 Ada Lovelace [email protected] 7811-8900 1815-12-18 2021-03-01 3 Ron Rivest [email protected] 1111-7777 1947-05-06 2020-08–17 ID Name Email Medicare DOB Last Visit 1 FaEZff3jxBo Ooi9EGk9AHY kFUXefymauo AIaq/7zh8Bg 8E7bW/piQdc 2 /+P5vR/Y6c8 l9pjVGliPpY coOsKQoqMGs v65rNTAOLbc Jrh2cWxZQFI 3 GzSs7yV+om8 rnm2X1+f8pw lKWK7jdaUBk 1dPr3mM/nzY MysZlt3F6FE Application-Level Encryption is the best defence against data breaches But adoption is low.

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Why? Queries are impossible! ID Name Email Medicare DOB Last Visit 1 FaEZff3jxBo Ooi9EGk9AHY kFUXefymauo AIaq/7zh8Bg 8E7bW/piQdc 2 /+P5vR/Y6c8 l9pjVGliPpY coOsKQoqMGs v65rNTAOLbc Jrh2cWxZQFI 3 GzSs7yV+om8 rnm2X1+f8pw lKWK7jdaUBk 1dPr3mM/nzY MysZlt3F6FE 4 8LDcY5j8as0 o4+DZioP8Y8 jUxr2zGw0UQ TwaxYXYaLzA kBhGkhRZh2s 5 7KkpjDE39ng hm1dbQpe/iA dqMY09YeG8s zcIxZM7sVVw rLqsko3LmW8 Medicare number = β€œ1234-1567” ?

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Wide range of App Level Encryption plugins for most languages + frameworks: All have the same caveat: You do this, you lose search JavaScript objection-encryption, sequelize-encrypted, mongoose-encryption, typeorm-encrypted, typeorm-encrypted-model, prisma-field-encryption, bookshelf-encrypt-columns, mongoose-field-encryption, Ruby ActiveRecord Encryption, Lockbox, attr_encrypted, strongbox, crypt_keeper, active_record_encryption, mongoid-encrypted-fields, mongoid-encrypted, symmetric-encryption Python django-fernet-fields, django-encrypted-model-fields, django-cryptographic-fields, django-cryptography, sqlalchemy_utils EncryptedType C# EntityFrameworkCore.DataEncryption, EntityFrameworkCore.EncryptColumn, EntityEncryption PHP EloquentEncryption, eloquent-aes, ambta/DoctrineEncryptBundle, absolute-quantum/DoctrineEncryptBundle, EncryptBundle, elgibor-solution/laravel-database-encryption

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What’s changed? Searchable Symmetric Encryption Index encrypted records and search them Searchable encrypted index

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Emerging tools: Old pattern, new applications JavaScript objection-encryption, sequelize-encrypted, mongoose-encryption, typeorm-encrypted, typeorm-encrypted-model, prisma-field-encryption, bookshelf-encrypt-columns, mongoose-field-encryption, Ruby ActiveRecord Encryption, Lockbox, attr_encrypted, strongbox, crypt_keeper, active_record_encryption, mongoid-encrypted-fields, mongoid-encrypted, symmetric-encryption Python django-fernet-fields, django-encrypted-model-fields, django-cryptographic-fields, django-cryptography, sqlalchemy_utils EncryptedType C# EntityFrameworkCore.DataEncryption, EntityFrameworkCore.EncryptColumn, EntityEncryption PHP EloquentEncryption, eloquent-aes, ambta/DoctrineEncryptBundle, absolute-quantum/DoctrineEncryptBundle, EncryptBundle, elgibor-solution/laravel-database-encryption +

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Limit impact of attacks Attack vector Frequency Compromised credentials ~20% Cloud misconfiguration ~15% Vulnerability in 3rd party software ~12% Malicious insider ~11% Physical Security Compromise ~9% Source: IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022

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Most attacks are not on core systems. They are on people who have access to core systems. Source: OAIC Feb 2022

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Broken access controls ● Check bypass β€” multiple factors required to decrypt data Security misconfiguration ● Unauthorised access β€” even if authenticated, data still encrypted Insecure design ● Incomplete threat model β€” last line of defense Defend against:

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4. Security static analysis

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Analyse code and infracode for known vulnerabilities. Well established tools: ● semgrep ● tfsec Integrate into CI, catch insecurity before it’s shipped to production. Security static analysis

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● Finds insecure defaults and configurations ● Hundreds of checks across major and minor clouds ● Drop into CI pipelines Example: tfsec

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● Supports 25+ languages ● Thousands of rules out of the box ● Easy to write new rules Example: semgrep

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Limit impact of attacks Attack vector Frequency Cloud misconfiguration ~15% Physical security compromise ~9% System error ~7% Source: IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022

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Security misconfiguration ● Default accounts & features β€” reduce attack surface ● Implementation exposure β€” disable debugging output Insecure design ● Missed controls β€” catch design errors early in build Defend against:

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Use security static analysis to identify and enforce secure code standards: 🚧 authorisation access controls πŸ”’ app level encryption ☎ RPC + serialisation formats

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Recap: These techniques should be on your radar:

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A01:2021 Broken Access Control A02:2021 Cryptographic Failures A03:2021 Injection A04:2021 Insecure Design A05:2021 Security Misconfiguration A06:2021 Vulnerable and Outdated Components A07:2021 Identification and Authentication Failures A08:2021 Software and Data Integrity Failures A09:2021 Security Logging and Monitoring Failures A10:2021 Server-Side Request Forgery Third party identity providers

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Standardised serialisation formats + RPC A01:2021 Broken Access Control A02:2021 Cryptographic Failures A03:2021 Injection A04:2021 Insecure Design A05:2021 Security Misconfiguration A06:2021 Vulnerable and Outdated Components A07:2021 Identification and Authentication Failures A08:2021 Software and Data Integrity Failures A09:2021 Security Logging and Monitoring Failures A10:2021 Server-Side Request Forgery

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Application Level Encryption A01:2021 Broken Access Control A02:2021 Cryptographic Failures A03:2021 Injection A04:2021 Insecure Design A05:2021 Security Misconfiguration A06:2021 Vulnerable and Outdated Components A07:2021 Identification and Authentication Failures A08:2021 Software and Data Integrity Failures A09:2021 Security Logging and Monitoring Failures A10:2021 Server-Side Request Forgery

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Security Static Analysis A01:2021 Broken Access Control A02:2021 Cryptographic Failures A03:2021 Injection A04:2021 Insecure Design A05:2021 Security Misconfiguration A06:2021 Vulnerable and Outdated Components A07:2021 Identification and Authentication Failures A08:2021 Software and Data Integrity Failures A09:2021 Security Logging and Monitoring Failures A10:2021 Server-Side Request Forgery

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Most attacks are not on core systems. They are on people who have access to core systems. Source: OAIC Feb 2022

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Cheaper to invest now than after you get breached or regulated

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You succeed by doing the basics well

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Thank you! πŸ™‹ What questions do you have? πŸ’– the talk? Let @auxesis know on Twitter. Appendix + sources at

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πŸ“’ Appendix β€” Links β—‹ Cost of a Data Breach Report 2022 β€” IBM β—‹ Don’t Look Now, but Congress Might Pass an Actually Good Privacy Bill β€” Wired β—‹ Federal Bureau of Investigation Internet Crime Report 2021 β—‹ 2022 Costa Rican ransomware attack β—‹ OWASP Top 10:2021 β—‹ How Unsecure gRPC Implementations Can Compromise APIs β€” Trend Micro β—‹ Four different authorization models to map users to the correct permission β€” Auth0 β—‹ twitchtv/twirp: A simple RPC framework with protobuf service definitions β—‹ GRPC Server Reflection Protocol β—‹ neex/http2smugl: detect and exploit HTTP request smuggling β—‹ aquasecurity/tfsec: Security scanner for your Terraform code β—‹ returntocorp/semgrep: Lightweight static analysis for many languages. Find bug variants with patterns that look like source code