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iPipeTo An interactive cli workflow

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Ruy Adorno @ruyadorno ! "

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The Command-line interface • Command-line interfaces are often preferred by more advanced computer users, as they often provide a more concise and powerful means to control a program or operating system. • Programs with command-line interfaces are generally easier to automate via scripting.

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The Command-line interface • Lack/loss of context awareness

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Inquirer.js • A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces

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Initial implementations

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• All very specific • Not really modular or reusable

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Unix Pipes Commands can be composed together using Unix standard output and input

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Introducing: iPipeTo • Takes a list of items from the standard input • Builds an interactive menu using Inquirer.js • Allows for user to manually filter items • Outputs selected item(s) to the standard output

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Go get it Install it using npm:

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Demo time

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Using pipes to send selected value to next command

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Using the multiple choices option

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Using file as input data

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Using the copy to clipboard feature

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One more thing...

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Workflow Gallery A showcase of great ideas for aliases/functions

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That's it! Thank you very much,
 for more info visit: ruyadorno/ipt ! "