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Redmine࠷৽ಈ޲ ʙ3.3ͷมߋ఺ʹ͍ͭͯʙ ୈ10ճ ษڧձ 2016/05/14 @naitoh

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Redmine 3.3 ͷมߋ఺ Attachments, Issues, REST API, UI

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Redmine 3.3ͷओͳมߋ఺ ʮ৽͍͠νέοτʯϝχϡʔมߋɻ(#6204)ɺadminॳظύεϫ ʔυมߋڧ੍(#22381)ɺηΩϡϦςΟؔ࿈มߋ௨஌ ʢ #21421ʣɺLDAPೝূ࣌ͷ༗ޮΞΧ΢ϯτνΣοΫ௥Ճ (#21674)ɺREST API௥Ճɺνέοτͷʮؔ܎͍ͯ͠ΔϦϏδϣ ϯʯදࣔʹϦϙδτϦͷdiffը໘ϦϯΫ௥Ճɻ(#4266)ɺ Markdown Wikiه๏ϔϧϓ೔ຊޠԽ(#21991)ɺ νέοτεςʔλ εදࣔॱมߋ࣌ͷυϥοάˍυϩοϓରԠ(#12909)ɺ ೔෇બ୒ UIͷHTML5ରԠɻ(#19468)ɺ ৽نWikiϖʔδ࡞੒ը໘௥Ճ (#5536)ɺ֤ݴޠͷγϯλοΫεϋΠϥΠτه๏બ୒Ϙλϯ (#14937) [ࢀߟ] ࠷ۙͷRedmine։ൃঢ়گ (2016೥3݄) [ࢀߟ] 2016೥4݄ͷRedmine։ൃঢ়گ

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มߋ఺ͷ঺հ಺༰ Feature ͱ PatchΛத৺ʹ঺հ͠·͢ɻ Defect ͸͋·Γ঺հ͠·ͤΜ͕ॏཁͳͷ͸঺հ͠ ·͢ɻ

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Accounts / authentication Feature #14574 "I don't want to be notified of changes that I make myself" as Default for all User ϝʔϧ௨஌ͷσϑΥϧτ͕ʮ ࣗ෼ࣗ਎ʹΑΔมߋ ͷ௨஌͸ෆཁʯʹɻ ʯͰύεϫʔυͷ༗ޮظݶ͕ઃఆՄೳʹɻ

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Accounts / authentication Feature #21500 Add the "Hide my email address" option on the registration form ΞΧ΢ϯτొ࿥ʹʮϝʔϧΞυϨεΛӅ͢ʯΛ௥ Ճɻ

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Attachments Feature #22058 Show image attachments and repo entries instead of downloading them ఴ෇ϑΝΠϧٴͼϨϙδτϦͷը૾Λμ΢ϯϩʔ υͤͣʹදࣔ͢ΔϓϨϏϡʔϦϯΫ(3.2·Ͱ͸ςΩ ετϑΝΠϧͷ৔߹ͷΈαϙʔτ)௥Ճɻ

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Attachments Feature #22483 Show PDF attachments and repo entries instead of downloading them ఴ෇ϑΝΠϧٴͼϨϙδτϦͷPDFΛμ΢ϯϩʔυ ͤͣʹϒϥ΢β಺Ͱදࣔ͢ΔΑ͏ʹमਖ਼ɻ(PDFΤ Ϋεϙʔτ͸ର৅֎)

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Attachments Feature #21125 Removing attachment after rollback transaction ϩʔϧόοΫτϥϯβΫγϣϯޙʹDisk্ͷఴ෇ϑ ΝΠϧΛ࡟আ͢ΔΑ͏ʹมߋɻ(ϩʔϧόοΫͰఴ ෇ϑΝΠϧΛ໭ͤΔΑ͏ʹରԠɻ) Patch #22401 Notify the user of missing attachments ϑΝΠϧఴ෇ࣦഊ࣌ͷ௨஌ϝοηʔδ௥Ճ Patch #21738 Add .sql to mime-types ֦ுࢠ͕ .sqlͷ৔߹ͷMIMEλΠϓ(text/plain)Λ௥Ճ

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Custom fields Patch #21944 Bugfix: Hide custom field link values from being shown when value is empty ϦϯΫܗࣜͷΧελϜϑΟʔϧυͷ஋͕ۭͷ৔߹ɺ ۭλάΛੜ੒͍ͯͨ͠ͷΛ࡟ আɻ

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Email notifications Patch #22309 Add styles for blockquote in email notifications Patch #22693 Add styles for pre in email notifications ௨஌HTMLϝʔϧදࣔվળɻ
blockquote : Ҿ༻෦෼ͷΠϯσϯτ(3.2Ἤ)ʹՃ
͑ɺʹҾ༻ූ “|” ௥Ճ
pre : ίʔυࢦఆ෦ΛϋΠϥΠτදࣔʹɻ

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Email receiving(ϝʔϧͰͷνέοτొ࿥) Feature #7017 Add watchers from To and Cc fields in issue replies ϝʔϧͰͷνέοτొ࿥Ͱͷϝʔϧฦ৴࣌ʹ To, Cc ͷϝʔϧΞυϨεΛ΢Φονϟʔʹ௥ Ճ͢ΔΑ͏ʹରԠɻ Defect #21742 Received text attachments doesn't hold the original encoding on Ruby >= 2.1 Ruby 2.1Ҏ্ͰɺϝʔϧͰͷνέοτొ࿥Ͱఴ ෇ϑΝΠϧͷςΩετϑΝΠϧొ࿥࣌ɺݩͷ ΤϯίʔυΛอ࣋͢ΔΑ͏ʹमਖ਼ɻ

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Gantt Patch #21282 Remove left position from gantt issue tooltip Ψϯτνϟʔτͷπʔϧνοϓ(ΞΠίϯ)ͷදࣔҐ ஔमਖ਼.

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Hook requests Patch #21587 Additional view hook for body_top ϕʔεͷϏϡʔͷhookػೳʹ “:view_layouts_base_body_top” Λ௥Ճɻ

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Issues Feature #14462 Previous/next links may be lost after editing the issue ϑΟϧλ৚݅ʹҰக͢ΔνέοτΛߦ͖དྷ͢Δ ʮ« લ | xx/xx | ࣍ » ʯϦϯΫͰνέοτΛࢀরˍߋ ৽࣌ɺνέοτ͕ϑΟϧλ৚͔݅Β֎ΕΔΑ͏ͳม ߋΛߦͬͯ΋Ұ࣌తʹϦϯΫΛอ࣋͢Δ͜ͱͰ࣍ ͷνέοτʹભҠՄೳͳΑ͏ʹରԠɻ

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Issues Feature #5754 Allow addition of watchers via bulk edit context menu νέοτҰཡͷҰׅฤ ू(ӈΫϦοΫϝχϡʔ) ʹʮ΢Υονϟʔͷ௥ ՃʯΛ௥Ճ

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Issues Feature #1725 Delete button on comments ίϝϯτཤྺͷ࡟আϘλϯ௥Ճ

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Issues filter Defect #22405 SQL server: non ASCII filter does not work DB͕Microsoft SQL Server্ͷ৔߹ɺඇASCIIจࣈ ྻͰ͸νέοτҰཡͷϑΟϧλݕࡧ͕ಈ࡞͠ͳ͍໰ ୊Λमਖ਼ɻ

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LDAP Defect #21674 LDAP does not check the user and password that are defined in the method of authentication LDAPೝূͰొ࿥ࡁΈϢʔβʔ໊ͱύεϫʔυͷ৔ ߹ͷΈLDAPೝূΛߦ͏Α͏ʹमਖ਼ɻ

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My page Defect #15777 Watched issues count on "My page" is shown for all issues instead of only open ones ϚΠϖʔδͷʮ΢Υον͍ͯ͠ΔνέοτʯҰཡͰ ະऴྃͷνέοτͷΈΛදࣔ͢ΔΑ͏ʹमਖ਼ɻ (3.2·Ͱ͸ऴྃͨ͠νέοτ΋දࣔ)

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Performance Patch #21582 Performance in User#roles_for_project Ϣʔβʔ৘ใͷϓϩδΣΫτͷ໾ׂ৘ใऔಘ෦෼ͷ ύϑΥʔϚϯεվળɻ

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REST API Patch #6277 REST API for Search REST APIܦ༝ͰͷݕࡧॲཧʹରԠɻ Feature #21757 Total spent hours and estimated hours need to be get via REST REST APIܦ༝Ͱͷ߹ܭ༧ఆ޻਺ɺ߹ܭ࡞ۀͷऔಘ ʹରԠɻ(਌ࢠνέοτͷ߹ܭ஋) Feature #13718 Accept dots in JSONP callback JSONPίʔϧόοΫதͷ “.” จࣈΛڐՄɻ Patch #14828 Patch to add support for deleting attachments via API REST APIܦ༝Ͱͷఴ෇ϑΝΠϧ࡟আʹରԠɻ

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REST API Feature #14830 Add support for attaching file to WIKI pages by REST API (ະΫϩʔζ) REST APIܦ༝ͰͷWikiϖʔδ΁ͷϑΝΠϧఴ෇ʹ ରԠɻ Feature #20985 Include private_notes property in xml/ json Journals output (ະΫϩʔζ) REST APIܦ༝ͰͷXML/JSON಺ͷ৘ใʹϓϥΠϕʔ τ஫هϓϩύςΟͷ௥Ճɻ

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SCM Feature #22482 Respond with "No preview available" instead of sending the file when no preview is available ϑΝΠϧϓϨϏϡʔෆՄͷ৔߹ɺϑΝΠϧμ΢ϯϩ ʔυͤ͞Δ୅ΘΓʹʮ͜ͷϑΝΠϧ͸ϓϨϏϡʔͰ ͖·ͤΜʯදࣔԠ౴ͷ௥Ճ Feature #4266 Display changeset comment on repository diff view. ϦϙδτϦͷdiffը໘ʹίϛοτϩάදࣔ௥Ճ νέοτͷʮؔ܎͍ͯ͠ΔϦϏδϣϯʯදࣔʹdiff ը໘΁ͷϦϯΫ௥Ճɻ

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Search engine Feature #4806 Filter by issue id νέοτҰཡͷϑΟϧλݕࡧʹνέοτIDࢦఆϑΟ ϧλ௥Ճɹ…ɹͷ͸ͣͳͷͰ͕͢ػೳ͕֬ೝͰ ͖·ͤΜɻ(ͳͥʁ)

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Security Feature #22381 Require password reset on initial setup Redmineߏங௚ޙͷσϑΥϧτadminΞΧ΢ϯτͰ ࠷ॳͷϩάΠϯ࣌ʹύεϫʔυมߋΛڧ੍͢ΔΑ͏ ʹվળɻ Feature #21421 Security Notifications when security related things are changed ηΩϡϦςΟؔ࿈ʢϢʔβʔ޲͚ʹύεϫʔυɺϝ ʔϧΞυϨεมߋ΍ɺ؅ཧऀ޲͚ʹϢʔβʔͷ௥ Ճʣͷมߋ͕͞Εͨ৔߹ʹϝʔϧ௨஌Λ͢ΔΑ͏ ʹରԠɻ

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Time tracking (࡞ۀ࣌ؒ) Feature #12456 Add units in history for estimated time νέοτཤྺͷ࡞ۀ࣌ؒͷʮ༧ఆ޻਺ʯʹ୯Ґද ࣔΛ௥Ճɻ

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Translations Patch #21991 Japanese wiki_syntax_detailed_textile.html translation improvement Markdown Wikiه๏ϔϧϓ͕೔ຊޠԽ͞Ε·ͨ͠ɻ Wikiه๏ ΫΠοΫϦϑΝϨϯε (Markdown) help/ja/wiki_syntax_markdown.html Wikiه๏ (Markdown) help/ja/wiki_syntax_detailed_markdown.html

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UI Feature #6204 Make the "New issue" menu item optional ʮ৽͍͠νέοτʯϝχϡʔΛϘλϯʹมߋɻ ※ ؅ཧ=>ઃఆ=>දࣔ=>ʮ"৽͍͠νέοτ"λϒΛදࣔʯͰ෮׆͸Մೳɻ

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UI Feature #12909 Drag'n'drop order configuration υϥοάˍυϩοϓʹΑΔνέοτεςʔλεɺྻ ڍ߲໨ͳͲͷॱংมߋɻ

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UI Patch #20632 Tab left/right buttons for project menu ϓϩδΣΫτϝχϡʔλϒͷ߲໨͕ଟ͍৔߹ɺ߲໨ ΛࠨӈʹҠಈ͢ΔϘλϯ௥Ճɻ

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UI Patch #21947 Improve page header title for deeply nested project structures (+ improved XSS resilience) ਌ࢠϓϩδΣΫτͳͲͰɺλΠτϧ෦͕ωετ͞Ε Δ৔߹ͷදࣔվળɻ

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UI Patch #19468 Replace jQuery UI Datepicker with native browser date fields when available ೔෇બ୒UIΛjQuery͔Βϒϥ΢βωΠςΟϒ (HTML5)ʹมߋɻ ※ະαϙʔτϒϥ΢βͷ৔߹͸Ҿ͖ଓ͖jQueryͰදࣔ

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UI Patch #21497 Tooltip on progress bar ϓϩάϨεόʔʹਐḿදࣔͷπʔϧνοϓ௥Ճɻ

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UI Patch #22756 Edit versions links on the roadmap ϩʔυϚοϓʹݸผͷόʔδϣϯฤूϦϯΫ௥Ճɻ

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UI Patch #3551 additional case of USER_FORMAT, #{lastname}#{firstname} without any sperator. Ϣʔβʔ໊දࣔʹ “໊”“ ੑ”ͷؒʹִؒΛ։͚ͳ͍ද ࣔܗࣜ௥Ճ(ओʹؖࠃϢʔβ޲͚)

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Wiki Feature #5536 Simplify Wiki Page creation ("Add Page") ʮ৽͍͠Wikiϖʔδʯ࡞੒ػೳ௥Ճɻ

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Wiki Feature #14937 Inline code highlighting toolbar button πʔϧόʔʹγϯλοΫεϋΠϥΠτه๏ͷૠೖϘ λϯ௥Ճ

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ཉ͍͠ػೳ͕͋Δਓ͸ RedmineຊՈʹ࣍ظରԠީิνέοτΛ·ͱΊͨόʔ δϣϯ͕͋ΔͷͰɺ+1͠·͠ΐ͏ʂ [Candidate for next major release] [Candidate for next minor release] [Unplanned]

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ͦͷଞ (ࡉ͔ͳվળ)

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Roadmap (id, class ଐੑ௥Ճ) Patch #21434 Additional CSS class for version status CSS class ʹόʔδϣϯεςʔλε௥Ճɻ Defect #21433 "version-completed" class is never set when version has no due date ऴྃͨ͠όʔδϣϯ͸׬ྃͱϚʔΫ͢ΔΑ͏मਖ਼ɻ



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UI (಺෦มߋ) Feature #22147 Change "Related issues" label for generic grouped query filters ݕࡧϑΟϧλͰ࢖༻͍ͯ͠Δ label_related_issues: (ؔ࿈͢Δνέοτ)ϥϕϧΛlabel_relations: (ؔ܎) ʹ มߋɻ

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UI (id, class ଐੑ௥Ճ) Feature #22018 Add id and class for easier styling of query filters νέοτϑΟϧλը໘ͷελΠϧઃఆ޲͚ʹid͓Α ͼclassଐੑ௥Ճɻ Patch #21474 Adding issue css classes to subtasks and relations tr css Ϋϥε௥Ճ

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UI (id, class ଐੑ௥Ճ) Patch #22277 Add id to issue query forms to ease styling within themes νέοτΫΤϦฤूը໘ͷελΠϧઃఆ޲͚ʹidଐ ੑ௥Ճɻ Patch #21776 Add status, assigned_to and done_ratio classes to issue subtasks νέοτҰཡͷࢠνέοτͷελΠϧઃఆ޲͚ʹ classଐੑ(status, assigned_to, done_ratio)௥Ճ


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UI (දࣔௐ੔) Patch #22496 Add text wrap for multiple value list custom fields ෳ਺஋ͷΧελϜϑΟʔϧυͷվߦදࣔվળ Patch #21985 Increase space between menu items ϝχϡʔ߲໨ͷεϖʔεִؒௐ੔