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Supporting a Sustainable Fast Flow of Change with Effective Enabling Teams Eduardo da Silva, PhD ( | @emgsilva | [email protected]) FastFlowConf 2023, 2023-05-24

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2 Enabling Teams help Stream-aligned Teams upskill and address capability gaps

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Leveraging Enabling Teams is strategic for modern orgs to achieve a more “sustainable Fast Flow of Change” 3

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Sustainable Fast Flow of Change ↳quickly & sustainably respond to needs from our environment 4 Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash 4

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5 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling Journey Towards Effective Enabling Teams

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6 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling Journey Towards Effective Enabling Teams Starting to practice Enabling Teams behaviors and having first Enabling Teams

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7 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling Journey Towards Effective Enabling Teams Starting to practice Enabling Teams behaviors and having first Enabling Teams Have several teams, with clear mission and continuously measuring their impact

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8 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling Journey Towards Effective Enabling Teams Starting to practice Enabling Teams behaviors and having first Enabling Teams Have several teams, with clear mission and continuously measuring their impact Enabling teams are first class-citizen used to scale strategic capabilities and platforms

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9 Source: | Figures are from March 2023 ℹ 150+ Teams ℹ Teams organized around “Products” (multi-team scopes) ℹ Several Platform Groups

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10 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling Upscaling Data Science capability in the organization to cope with its many scaling challenges. Group of Data Leads and Data Scientists applying Enabling Teams behaviors, as they help scale Data Science in teams and org.

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11 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling Start small and show value

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12 🧭 Start small & Show Value ● Focus on practicing “Enabling Behaviors”

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13 🧭 Start small & Show Value ● Focus on practicing “Enabling Behaviors” ● Avoid “analysis paralysis”, focus on showing value

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14 🧭 Start small & Show Value ● Focus on practicing “Enabling Behaviors” ● Avoid “analysis paralysis”, focus on showing value ● Learn & understand what you org needs

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15 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling Start small and show value Create conditions to involve the right people

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16 🧭 Create conditions to involve the right people ● Pioneers and experts should feel safe to do Enabling work

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17 🧭 Create conditions to involve the right people ● Pioneers and experts should feel safe to do Enabling work ● Value Enabling Work - do not penalize experts from doing that

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18 🧭 Create conditions to involve the right people ● Pioneers and experts should feel safe to do Enabling work ● Value Enabling Work - do not penalize experts from doing that ● Coach & incentivize managers and leaders to embrace Enabling work

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19 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling Start small and show value Create conditions to involve the right people Obstacles to kickstart Enabling Teams

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20 🧭 Other obstacles to kickstart Enabling Teams ● No support from leaders and managers ● Cut funding of Enabling Teams because they are not creating product features ● Too much Enabling work in progress

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21 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling Cloud adoption (& migration from own datacenter) to improve overall scalability and velocity (of teams and systems). Several Enabling Teams facilitating 150+ teams upskilling and understanding their needs.

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22 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling High impact, hard to measure

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23 🧭 High impact, hard to measure ● Multiplying & propagating effect ● Impact cannot be fully measured ● Focus on measuring the direct impact and acknowledge high ROI

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24 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling High impact, hard to measure Refine and pivot Enabling Teams mission

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25 🧭 Refine and pivot Enabling Teams mission ● Must have a specific and purposeful mission ● Set specific targets and facilitating approach ● Continuously measure and learn - pivot if needed

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26 Kickstarting Measuring Impact Scaling High impact, hard to measure Refine and pivot Enabling Teams mission Relevant metrics for Enabling Teams

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27 🧭 Relevant metrics for Enabling Teams ● When starting define metrics around the mission ● Use Organization Performance metrics to identify priority for Enabling Teams and Work

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28 Kickstarting Scaling Measuring Impact Adopting Enabling Teams at scale, in particular to scaling Data Science and other key disciplines and capabilities (such as Architecture).

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29 Kickstarting Scaling Measuring Impact Leveraging short & long-lived Enabling Teams

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30 🧭 Leveraging short & long-lived Enabling Teams ● Short-lived: most common; exist with very specific mission and focus; from few weeks to months ● Long-lived structural: longer-term sensing and evolving skills and capabilities for the org ● Most orgs needs both!

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31 Kickstarting Scaling Leveraging short & long-lived Enabling Teams Enabling Teams co-evolving internal platforms Measuring Impact

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32 🧭 Enabling Teams co-evolving internal platforms ● Sense and validating needs & capabilities for internal platforms ● Reduce required cognitive load of Platform Teams to understand and prioritize platform developments

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33 Kickstarting Leveraging short & long-lived Enabling Teams Enabling Teams co-evolving internal platforms Measuring Impact Scaling High impact, hard to measure Refine and pivot Enabling Teams mission Relevant metrics for Enabling Teams Start small and show value Create conditions to involve the right people Obstacles to kickstart Enabling Teams Journey Towards Effective Enabling Teams

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34 Photo by Simon Berger on Unsplash 34 🧭Effective Enabling Teams are essential for orgs to continuously learn & improve and to achieve a sustainable fast flow of change

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Thank you! Eduardo da Silva, PhD Independent consultant & Team Topologies Valued Practitioner (TTVP) # @emgsilva | | [email protected] 36