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Scene 293 Panel REF Action Notes Dialogue DUCK DOG (BARKING) Notes FUT 809. SEQ 22. STEVE FONTI. Scene 293 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle PX Boat Bob: A-B-A-B

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Scene 293 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle PX Boat Bob: A-B-A-B Scene 293 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 293 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 293 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 293 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 293 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue DUCK CAT (MEOWING) Notes

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Scene 293 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue DUCK CAT (MEOWING) Notes Scene 293 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue DUCK DOG (BARKING) Notes

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Scene 293 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue DUCK DOG (BARKING) Notes Scene 293 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 293 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 294 Panel A Action Notes INT. PLANET EXPRESS BOAT - CONFERENCE ROOM - CONTINUOUS There’s a plastic lily pad “conference table” in the center. Dialogue Notes Scene 294 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 294 Panel C Action Notes Amy, The Professor, Fry and Zoidberg, all rubber ducks, come bobbing in toward the table, drifting and rotating slightly. Dialogue Notes Scene 294 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Boy, that was a really long delivery Notes

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Scene 294 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Boy, that was a really long delivery Notes Scene 294 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Boy, that was a really long delivery Notes

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Scene 294 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Boy, that was a really long delivery Notes Scene 294 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Boy, that was a really long delivery Notes

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Scene 294 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Boy, that was a really long delivery Notes Scene 294 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Boy, that was a really long delivery Notes

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Scene 294 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY -- I thought we were gonna fall off the end of the water! Notes Scene 294 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY -- I thought we were gonna fall off the end of the water! Notes

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Scene 294 Panel M Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY -- I thought we were gonna fall off the end of the water! Notes Scene 294 Panel N Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY -- I thought we were gonna fall off the end of the water! Notes

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Scene 294 Panel O Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY -- I thought we were gonna fall off the end of the water! Notes Scene 294 Panel P Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY -- I thought we were gonna fall off the end of the water! Notes Cycle bobbing P-Q-P-Q

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Scene 294 Panel Q Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY -- I thought we were gonna fall off the end of the water! Notes Cycle bobbing P-Q-P-Q

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Scene 295 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue DUCK AMY The water doesn’t have an end, num-duck. Haven’t you ever seen a map? Notes Cycle bob:A-B-A-B Scene 295 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue DUCK AMY The water doesn’t have an end, num-duck. Haven’t you ever seen a map? Notes Cycle bob:A-B-A-B

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Scene 295 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 295 Panel D Action Notes She holds up a plain blue piece of paper with her wing-hand. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 295 Panel E Action Notes She holds up a plain blue piece of paper with her wing-hand. Dialogue Notes Cycle bob: E-F-E-F Scene 295 Panel F Action Notes She holds up a plain blue piece of paper with her wing-hand. Dialogue Notes Cycle bob: E-F-E-F

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Scene 296 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle Zoidberg bob: A-B-A-B Scene 296 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle Zoidberg bob: A-B-A-B

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Scene 296 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Hmmm... Notes Cycle Fry bob: C-D-C-D Scene 296 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Hmmm... Notes Cycle Fry bob: C-D-C-D

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Scene 296 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY I guess that looks pretty infinite. Notes Cycle Fry bob: E-F-E-F Scene 296 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY I guess that looks pretty infinite. Notes Cycle Fry bob: E-F-E-F

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Scene 296 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY I’m convinced. Notes Cycle Fry bob: G-H-G-H Scene 296 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY I’m convinced. Notes Cycle Fry bob: G-H-G-H

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Scene 296 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle Fry bob: I-J-I-J Scene 296 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle Fry bob: I-J-I-J

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Scene 296 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR Well I’m not! Notes Scene 296 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR I made that map, Notes Cycle bobs: L-M-L-M

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Scene 296 Panel M Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR I made that map, Notes Cycle bobs: L-M-L-M

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Scene 297 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR and whole sections Notes Cycle bob: A-B-A-B Scene 297 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR and whole sections Notes Cycle bob: A-B-A-B

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Scene 297 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR were based on old legends and random hunches. Notes Cycle bob: C-D-C-D Scene 297 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR were based on old legends and random hunches. Notes Cycle bob: C-D-C-D

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Scene 298 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR I propose a Notes Cycle bob: A-B-A-B Scene 298 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR I propose a Notes Cycle bob: A-B-A-B

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Scene 298 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR I propose a // exploration! Notes Cycle bob: C-D-C-D Scene 298 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR I propose a // exploration! Notes Cycle bob: C-D-C-D

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Scene 298 Panel E Action Notes EDIT: Go back to panel C-D cycle for "exploration!" Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR voyage of scientific Notes Cycle bob: E-F-E-F Scene 298 Panel F Action Notes EDIT: Go back to panel C-D cycle for "exploration!" Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR voyage of scientific Notes Cycle bob: E-F-E-F

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Scene 298 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle bob: H-I-H-I Scene 298 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle bob: H-I-H-I END OF SEQUENCE 22

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Scene 299 Panel A Action Notes EXT. OPEN WATER - LATER GRAND MUSIC. Dialogue Notes FUT 809. SEQ 23. STEVE FONTI. Scene 299 Panel B Action Notes EXT. OPEN WATER - LATER GRAND MUSIC. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 299 Panel C Action Notes EXT. OPEN WATER - LATER GRAND MUSIC. Dialogue Notes Scene 299 Panel D Action Notes The ship-boat sails toward camera Dialogue Notes

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Scene 299 Panel E Action Notes The ship-boat sails toward camera Dialogue Notes Scene 299 Panel F Action Notes The ship-boat sails toward camera Dialogue Notes

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Scene 299 Panel G Action Notes The ship-boat sails toward camera Dialogue Notes Scene 299 Panel H Action Notes and passes dramatically, Dialogue Notes

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Scene 299 Panel I Action Notes and passes dramatically, Dialogue Notes Scene 299 Panel J Action Notes revealing the four crew ducks trailing behind it in a line, like ducklings. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 299 Panel K Action Notes revealing the four crew ducks trailing behind it in a line, like ducklings. Dialogue Notes Scene 299 Panel L Action Notes revealing the four crew ducks trailing behind it in a line, like ducklings. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 299 Panel M Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 299 Panel N Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 299 Panel O Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR To the edge of the water! Notes Scene 299 Panel P Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR To the edge of the water! Notes

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Scene 299 Panel Q Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR To the edge of the water! Notes Scene 299 Panel R Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR If there is an edge. Notes

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Scene 299 Panel S Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR If there is an edge. Notes Scene 299 Panel T Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG And if not, Notes

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Scene 299 Panel U Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG And if not, Notes Scene 299 Panel V Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG an agonizing Notes

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Scene 299 Panel W Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG death with friends! Notes Scene 299 Panel X Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG death with friends! Notes

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Scene 299 Panel Y Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG death with friends! Notes Scene 299 Panel Z Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 300 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 300 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 300 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 300 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes

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Scene 300 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes Scene 300 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes

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Scene 300 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes Scene 300 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes

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Scene 300 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes Scene 300 Panel J Action Notes Nearby, bobbing DUCK ZAPP and DUCK KIF salute. Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes

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Scene 300 Panel K Action Notes Nearby, bobbing DUCK ZAPP and DUCK KIF salute. Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes Scene 300 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes

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Scene 300 Panel M Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZAPP Make way for rubber duckli-- Notes Scene 300 Panel N Action Notes The boat barrels into him with a SQUEAK, Dialogue Notes

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Scene 300 Panel O Action Notes The boat barrels into him with a SQUEAK, Dialogue Notes Scene 300 Panel P Action Notes The boat barrels into him with a SQUEAK, Dialogue Notes

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Scene 301 Panel A Action Notes spinning him. Dialogue Notes Scene 301 Panel B Action Notes spinning him. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 301 Panel C Action Notes spinning him. Dialogue Notes Scene 301 Panel D Action Notes spinning him. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 301 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 301 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 301 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue DUCK KIF (SIGH) Notes Scene 301 Panel H Action Notes Kif’s sigh blows a water bubble from his beak. Dialogue DUCK KIF (SIGH) Notes

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Scene 301 Panel I Action Notes Kif’s sigh blows a water bubble from his beak. Dialogue DUCK KIF (SIGH) Notes Scene 301 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue DUCK KIF (SIGH) Notes

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Scene 301 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue DUCK KIF (SIGH) Notes Scene 301 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue DUCK KIF (SIGH) Notes

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Scene 301 Panel M Action Notes It POPS. Dialogue Notes Scene 301 Panel N Action Notes Dialogue Notes END OF SEQUENCE 23.

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Scene 302 Panel A Action Notes FADE IN: EXT. WATER - CONTINUOUS EPIC MUSIC. Dialogue Notes FUT 809. SEQ 24. STEVE FONTI. Scene 302 Panel B Action Notes FADE IN: EXT. WATER - CONTINUOUS EPIC MUSIC. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 302 Panel C Action Notes The four Planet Express ducks are now riding on top of the ship-boat. Dialogue Notes Scene 302 Panel D Action Notes The four Planet Express ducks are now riding on top of the ship-boat. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 302 Panel E Action Notes The four Planet Express ducks are now riding on top of the ship-boat. Dialogue Notes Scene 302 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 302 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 302 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 302 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 302 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 302 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 302 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 302 Panel M Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 302 Panel N Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 302 Panel O Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 302 Panel P Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 302 Panel Q Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 303 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG Oy, Notes Scene 303 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG Oy, Notes

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Scene 303 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG how long Notes Scene 303 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG have we been at Notes

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Scene 303 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG sea? Notes Scene 303 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR Always! Notes

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Scene 303 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR Always! Notes Scene 303 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue DUCK AMY And how far have we Notes

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Scene 303 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue DUCK AMY traveled? Notes Scene 303 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR With no landmarks, Notes

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Scene 303 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR it’s hard to say. Notes Scene 303 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR There’s a good chance Notes

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Scene 303 Panel M Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR we never moved Notes Scene 303 Panel N Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR at all. Notes

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Scene 303 Panel O Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR (TURNS) Fry, Notes

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Scene 304 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR check the Notes Scene 304 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR spyglass. Notes

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Scene 304 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR spyglass. Notes

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Scene 305 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 305 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 305 Panel C Action Notes Fry holds up a colorful kaleidoscope. Dialogue Notes Scene 305 Panel D Action Notes Fry holds up a colorful kaleidoscope. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 306 Panel A Action Notes FRY’S KALEIDOSCOPE POV A kaleidoscope view of a seascape (like ”The Great Wave Off Kanagawa”). Dialogue Notes Scene 306 Panel B Action Notes FRY’S KALEIDOSCOPE POV A kaleidoscope view of a seascape (like ”The Great Wave Off Kanagawa”). Dialogue Notes

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Scene 306 Panel C Action Notes FRY’S KALEIDOSCOPE POV A kaleidoscope view of a seascape (like ”The Great Wave Off Kanagawa”). Dialogue Notes Scene 306 Panel D Action Notes It PANS sideways to a jumble of brown and green. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 306 Panel E Action Notes It PANS sideways to a jumble of brown and green. Dialogue Notes Scene 306 Panel F Action Notes It PANS sideways to a jumble of brown and green. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 307 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY Land ho! Notes Scene 307 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 307 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue DUCK AMY What’s “land”? Notes Scene 307 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY I don’t know! Notes

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Scene 307 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue DUCK FRY It looks like some kind of hard, brown water. Notes Scene 307 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue Notes END OF SEQUENCE 24.

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Scene 308 Panel A Action Notes EXT. EDGE OF THE WATER - DAY Dialogue Notes FUT 809. SEQ 25. STEVE FONTI, Scene 308 Panel B Action Notes The ship-boat approaches a plastic shoreline. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 308 Panel C Action Notes Near the edge is a plastic doll playhouse that resembles Planet Express, with fun, curvy slides coming out at different levels. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 309 Panel A Action Notes Egg-shaped toy versions of Hermes, Bender, Scruffy and Leela wobble out (their arms and facial features are animated, but just drawn "2-D" on the egg-shaped surface). Dialogue Notes Scene 309 Panel B Action Notes Egg-shaped toy versions of Hermes, Bender, Scruffy and Leela wobble out (their arms and facial features are animated, but just drawn "2-D" on the egg-shaped surface). Dialogue Notes

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Scene 309 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 309 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 309 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel F Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel G Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel H Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel I Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel J Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel K Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel L Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel M Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel N Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel O Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel P Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA

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Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel Q Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA Wheee! Notes

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Scene 309 Panel R Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA Wheee! Notes Scene 309 Panel S Action Notes and wobble-slide to the shoreline Dialogue EGG HERMES/EGG BENDER/EGG LEELA Wheee! Notes

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Scene 309 Panel T Action Notes Dialogue EGG SCRUFFY Ayup. Notes Scene 309 Panel U Action Notes Dialogue EGG SCRUFFY Ayup. Notes

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Scene 309 Panel V Action Notes Dialogue EGG SCRUFFY Ayup. Notes Scene 309 Panel W Action Notes Dialogue EGG SCRUFFY Ayup. Notes

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Scene 309 Panel X Action Notes Dialogue EGG SCRUFFY Ayup. Notes Scene 309 Panel Y Action Notes Dialogue EGG SCRUFFY Ayup. Notes

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Scene 309 Panel Z Action Notes Dialogue EGG SCRUFFY Ayup. Notes Scene 309 Panel AA Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 310 Panel A Action Notes At the bottom, they stop and look out at the ship nearby. Dialogue EGG LEELA Father, what is Notes Scene 310 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA that unusual Notes

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Scene 310 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA piece of land Notes

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Scene 311 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA floating toward us? Notes Scene 311 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER (GASP) Notes

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Scene 311 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER It be invaders! Take shelter in the fun-time beach house! Notes Scene 311 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER It be invaders! Notes

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Scene 312 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 312 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER Take shelter Notes

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Scene 312 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER in the fun-time beach house! Notes

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Scene 313 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 313 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA (TOUCHED) But... Notes

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Scene 313 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA I see a stranger. And his bill looks Notes

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Scene 314 Panel A Action Notes ROMANTIC MUSIC SWELL over... EXT. WATER - SAME TIME Dialogue EGG LEELA looks gentle and kind. Notes Scene 314 Panel B Action Notes Fry is looking through the kaleidoscope. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 315 Panel A Action Notes FRY’S KALEIDOSCOPE POV A kaleidoscopic collage of Leela’s face. Dialogue Notes Scene 315 Panel B Action Notes FRY’S KALEIDOSCOPE POV A kaleidoscopic collage of Leela’s face. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 315 Panel C Action Notes FRY’S KALEIDOSCOPE POV A kaleidoscopic collage of Leela’s face. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 316 Panel A Action Notes ANGLE ON FRY Dialogue Notes Scene 316 Panel B Action Notes He lowers the kaleidoscope from his eye, Dialogue Notes

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Scene 316 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 316 Panel D Action Notes and his eyeballs pop out, shaped like hearts, like on a SQUEEZIE toy. Dialogue Notes OVS

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Scene 316 Panel E Action Notes and his eyeballs pop out, shaped like hearts, like on a SQUEEZIE toy. Dialogue Notes Scene 316 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 316 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue DUCK ZOIDBERG Look at his eyeballs! It’s the scurvy! Notes Scene 316 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue Notes END OF SEQUENCE 25.

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Scene 334 Panel A Action Notes EXT. LAND - THAT NIGHT ROMANTIC MUSIC. The slightly egg-shaped moon wobbles in the sky. Hold briefly, then pan over to tower, and hold again. Dialogue Notes Cycle egg back and forth: A-B-C-B-A-B-C-B-A FUT 809. SEQ 28A. STEVE FONTI.

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Scene 334 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle egg back and forth: A-B-C-B-A-B-C-B-A Scene 334 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue Notes Cycle egg back and forth: A-B-C-B-A-B-C-B-A

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Scene 335 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 335 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA Oh, Fry, Notes

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Scene 335 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA I’m falling Notes Scene 335 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA head over Notes

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Scene 335 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA heels Notes Scene 335 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA in love with you. Notes

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Scene 335 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA Except I can’t fall. Notes Scene 335 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA Except I can’t fall. Notes

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Scene 335 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA And I don’t have heels. Notes Scene 335 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue EGG LEELA And I don’t have heels. Notes

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Scene 335 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 335 Panel L Action Notes They KISS. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 336 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 336 Panel B Action Notes As they separate, MUSIC ENDS and we see everyone at the table staring at them. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 336 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR What the bill are you thinking, Fry?! Notes Scene 336 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR What the bill are you thinking, Fry?! Notes

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Scene 337 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR In our culture, inter-species love is Notes Scene 337 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR forbidden! Notes

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Scene 337 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER Oh yeah?! Notes

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Scene 338 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER Well, in Notes Scene 338 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER our culture, Notes

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Scene 338 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER we believe a woman’s sexuality Notes Scene 338 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER is her own decision! Notes

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Scene 339 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 339 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR Eee-wooo-eee- ahhhh... Notes

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Scene 339 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR Eee-wooo-eee- ahhhh... Notes Scene 339 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR Eee-wooo-eee- ahhhh... Notes

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Scene 339 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR Eee-wooo-eee- ahhhh... Notes Scene 339 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR Oh... okay then. Notes

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Scene 339 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR Oh... okay then. Notes Scene 339 Panel H Action Notes They all resume EATING. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 339 Panel I Action Notes They all resume EATING. Dialogue Notes Cycle chew I-J-I-J Scene 339 Panel J Action Notes They all resume EATING. Dialogue Notes Cycle chew I-J-I-J

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Scene 339 Panel K Action Notes They all resume EATING. Dialogue Notes Cycle chew K-L-K-L Scene 339 Panel L Action Notes They all resume EATING. Dialogue Notes Cycle chew K-L-K-L

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Scene 340 Panel A Action Notes They all resume EATING. Dialogue Notes Scene 340 Panel B Action Notes They all resume EATING. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 340 Panel C Action Notes They all resume EATING. Dialogue Notes Scene 340 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER But I Notes

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Scene 340 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER as an indi- Notes Scene 340 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER -vidual strongly Notes

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Scene 340 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER disagree with that view, and am Notes Scene 340 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER deeply Notes

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Scene 341 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER offended! Notes Scene 341 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue EGG CREW/DUCK CREW (GASP) Notes

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Scene 341 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR This means Notes Scene 341 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue DUCK PROFESSOR war! Notes

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Scene 341 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER War? Notes Scene 341 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER We don’t have Notes

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Scene 341 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER that word. Notes Scene 341 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER But this definitely means Notes

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Scene 341 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue EGG BENDER peace-fighting! Notes

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Scene 342 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 342 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 342 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue LEELA Fry! Notes Scene 342 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue LEELA Fry! Notes

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Scene 342 Panel E Action Notes Bender pulls a distraught Leela away from Fry. Dialogue LEELA Fry! Notes Scene 342 Panel F Action Notes Bender pulls a distraught Leela away from Fry. Dialogue LEELA Fry! Notes

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Scene 342 Panel G Action Notes The ducks pull an equally distraught Fry away from Leela. Dialogue LEELA Fry! Notes Scene 342 Panel H Action Notes The ducks pull an equally distraught Fry away from Leela. Dialogue FRY Leela Fry! Notes

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Scene 342 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue FRY Leela Fry! Notes Scene 342 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue FRY Leela Fry! Notes

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Scene 342 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue FRY Leela Fry! Notes Scene 342 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue FRY Leela Fry! Notes END OF SEQUENCE 28A

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Scene 343 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes FUT 809. SEQ 28B. STEVE FONTI (ROUGHS), LOK-MON CHAN AND LORRAINE HOWARD AND STEVE FONTI (CLEANS) Scene 343 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 343 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 343 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 343 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 343 Panel F Action Notes and ZAPP and KIF ducks float out, Dialogue Notes

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Scene 343 Panel G Action Notes and ZAPP and KIF ducks float out, Dialogue Notes Scene 343 Panel H Action Notes and ZAPP and KIF ducks float out, Dialogue Notes

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Scene 343 Panel I Action Notes followed by a line of olive-drab ducks. Dialogue Notes Scene 343 Panel J Action Notes followed by a line of olive-drab ducks. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 343 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 343 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 344 Panel A Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 344 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 344 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 344 Panel D Action Notes Meanwhile, EGG SOLDIERS pour down the slide of playhouse Planet Express. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 344 Panel E Action Notes Meanwhile, EGG SOLDIERS pour down the slide of playhouse Planet Express. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 344 Panel F Action Notes Meanwhile, EGG SOLDIERS pour down the slide of playhouse Planet Express. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 344 Panel G Action Notes Meanwhile, EGG SOLDIERS pour down the slide of playhouse Planet Express. Dialogue Notes Scene 344 Panel H Action Notes Meanwhile, EGG SOLDIERS pour down the slide of playhouse Planet Express. Dialogue Notes

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Scene 344 Panel I Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 344 Panel J Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 344 Panel K Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 344 Panel L Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 344 Panel M Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 345 Panel A Action Notes B) Rubber duck soldiers BATTLE egg soldiers. Dialogue Notes Scene 345 Panel B Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 345 Panel C Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 345 Panel D Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 345 Panel E Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 345 Panel F Action Notes Dialogue Notes

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Scene 345 Panel G Action Notes Dialogue Notes Scene 345 Panel H Action Notes Dialogue Notes