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C L O U D O N T H E B E A C H 2 0 1 7 S A A S ։ ൃ ͷ ཪ ଆ - S H I F T E R ϩ ʔϯ ν · Ͱ ͷ 1 1 9 ೔ - #getshifter

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ຊ ೔ ͷ ಺ ༰ #getshifter

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ɾ S h i f t e r ͱ ͸ ? ɾ S h i f t e r ͷ Ϣʔεέ ʔε ɾ S h i f t e r ϩ ʔϯ ν · Ͱ ͷ 1 1 9 ೔ ؒ Ͱ ͳ ʹ Λ ΍ ͬ ͨ ͷ ͔ʁ #getshifter

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S H I F T E R ͱ ͸ ? #getshifter

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S h i f t e r ͸ ɺ Wo rd P re s s αΠ τ Λ Ұ ࿈ ͷ ੩ త H T M L ϑ ΝΠϧ ʹ 
 ม ׵ ͠ ɺ C D N Λ հ ͯͦ͠ Ε Β Λ ఏ ڙ ͢ Δ ͜ ͱ Ͱ 
 ι ϑ τ ΢ Σ Ξ อ क ΍ α ʔό ؅ ཧ ͷ ෛ ୲ Λ ഉ আ ͠ · ͢ɻ #getshifter

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[ ͓ ͞ Β ͍ ] W O R D P R E S S ͱ ͸ ? #getshifter

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M o s t p o p u l a r c o n t e n t m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m s h t t p s : / / w 3 t e c h s . c o m / 
 s i n c e 1 J a n u a r y 2 0 1 7 Usage Change Since 1 January 2017 Market Share Change Since 1 January 2017 1.WordPress 27.5% +0.2% 58.7% +0.2% 2.Joomla 3.3% -0.1% 7.1% -0.1% 3.Drupal 2.2% 4.8% #getshifter

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– ๭ α Π τ ੍ ࡞ ୅ ཧ ళ ͷ ੠ “ϝϯςφϯε΍ηΩϡϦςΟ͕໰୊ࢹ͞ΕΔ͕….
 ։ൃऀͷϦιʔεௐୡ΍ϊ΢ϋ΢ɺΤϯυ͔Βͷೲظ΍ίετΛߟ͑Δͱ….” #getshifter

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– ๭ ৘ ใ γε ςϜ ୲ ౰ ऀ ͷ ੠ “৘γεࢹ఺Ͱ͸ӡ༻͕ͭΒ͍ͷ͚ͩͲ…..
 શ͘ར༻͠ͳ͍Θ͚ʹ΋͍͔ͳ͍ͷ͕…ݱ࣮” #getshifter

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㱻 ར ศ ੑ ӡ ༻ ί ε τ #getshifter

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W O R D P R E S S ͷ ӡ ༻ ͱ ͔ η Ω ϡ Ϧ ςΟ #getshifter

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Wo rd P re s s αΠ τ ͷ վ ͟ Μ ඃ ֐ ͸ 1 5 0 ສ ݅ ௒ ʹ 
 ʮ ࠷ ѱ ڃ ͷ ੬ ऑ ੑ ʯ

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Wo rd P re s s ͸ ࠜ ຊ త ʹ ӡ ༻ ΍ η Ω ϡ Ϧ ςΟ ʹ ໰ ୊ ͕ ͋ Δ ͷ ͔ʁ #getshifter

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ɾ Wo rd P re s s C o re ͷ Ξ οϓ σ ʔ τ ͕ ස ൟ ͢ ͗ Δ 
 ɾ Wo rd P re s s P l u g i n ͕ ੬ ऑ 
 ɾ Wo rd P re s s T h e m e ͕ ෳ ࡶ Ͱ ϝ ϯ ς ෆ ೳ 
 ɾ ͦ ΋ ͦ ΋ … P H P ΍ M y S Q L ͳ Ͳͷ ϛ υϧ ΢ Σ Ξ ʹ ໰ ୊ #getshifter

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ɾ ౾ ஌ ࣝ Wo rd P re s s ઐ ໳ ͷ Ϛ ω ʔ δ υ ϗ ε ςΟ ϯ ά Λ ར ༻ ͢ Δ ͜ ͱ Ͱ 
 ϝ ϯ ς φ ϯε ί ε τ ΍ φ Ϩ ο δ Λ ڞ ༗ Ͱ ͖ Δ ͷ Ͱ ؅ ཧ Ϧ ι ʔε Λ ܰ ݮ Ͱ ͖ · ͢ɻ 
 ୅ ද త ͳ α ʔ Ϗ ε - W P E n g i n e - P a g e l y - A M I M O T O 
 ͳ Ͳ ͳ Ͳ …

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ར ศ ੑ 㱻 ӡ ༻ ί ε τ #getshifter

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අ ༻ ର ޮ Ռ ͷ ߴ ͍ બ ୒ ࢶ ͕ ཉ ͠ ͍ ! ར ศ ੑ 㱻 ӡ ༻ ί ε τ #getshifter

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L I F E C Y C L E 1. DockerͰWordPressΛߋ৽࣌ʹىಈ
 (Editorʣ 2. AWS ͷϦιʔεͰ੩తHTMLʹม׵
 (Generator) 3. CDN͔ΒίϯςϯπΛ഑৴
 (Contents Delivery) A R C H I T E C T U R E #getshifter

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S H I F T E R ͷ Ϣʔεέ ʔε #getshifter

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S h i f t e r ͷ Ϣ ʔεέ ʔε 
 Q . S h i f t e r ͸ Wo rd P re s s ͷ ۜ ͷ ஄ ؙ ʹ ͳ Γ · ͢ ͔ʁ 
 A . ࢒ ೦ ͳ ͕ Β ೉ ͠ ͍Ͱ ͢ɻ 
 - ࠷ ద ͳ έ ʔε ɿ 
 Πϕ ϯ τ ɾ Ω ϟϯϖʔϯ ɾ ϥ ϯ σΟ ϯ άϖʔ δ ɾ ί ʔϙ Ϩ ʔ τ ͳ Ͳ - ෆ ޲ ͖ ͳ έ ʔε ɿ ί ϯ ς ϯ π ͷ ߋ ৽ ͕ ස ൟ ɾ ଟ ਓ ਺ Ͱ ར ༻ ͢ Δ ϝ σΟΞ ɾ ձ һ αΠ τ ͳ Ͳ #getshifter

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S H I F T E R ͕ ղ ܾ ͢ Δ ໰ ୊ 
 - η Ω ϡ Ϧ ςΟ ɾ ӡ ༻ ฤ • αʔόͷηοτΞοϓ • αʔόͷϝϯςφϯε • ιϑτ΢ΣΞͷΞοϓσʔτ • ηΩϡϦςΟରԠ • ͋ͳͨͷ࣌ؒͱίετ We b αΠ τ ͷ ߏ ங ɺ ࣮ ߦ ɺ อ क ʹ ͸ ࣌ ؒ ͕ ͔ ͔ Γ · ͢ɻ α ʔόʔ Λ η ο τΞ οϓ ͠ ɺ ద ੾ ͳ αΠ ζ Λ બ ୒ ͠ ɺ Ω ϟ ο γ ϡ ઓ ུ Λ ࡞ ੒ ͠ ɺ ҆ શ ੑ ͱ ύ ϑ Υ ʔϚ ϯε Λ ؂ ࢹ ͢ Δ ඞ ཁ ͕ ͋ Γ · ͢ɻ #getshifter

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• ༧ଌෆೳͳݟੵ • ࠷దͳϦιʔεͷௐୡ • νϟϯεϩε S H I F T E R ͕ ղ ܾ ͢ Δ ໰ ୊ 
 - ί ε τ / ύ ϑ Υ ʔϚ ϯε ฤ ๚໰ऀͷτϥϑΟοΫΛਪଌ͠ɺͦΕʹԠͯ͡ϦιʔεΛௐ੔͠·͕ͨ͠ɺ ࣮ ࡍ ͷ τ ϥ ϑΟ ο Ϋ ͕ ༧ ૝ Α Γ ΋ ߴ ͘ ͳ Γ αΠ τ ͕ Ϋ ϥ ο γ ϡ ɻ ػ ձ ʢ ͓ Α ͼ ݱ ۚ ʣ ͕ ࣦ Θ Ε · ͠ ͨ ɻ #getshifter

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Πϕ ϯ τ ͷ τ ϥ ϑΟ ο Ϋ ͕ ٸ ૿ ͢ Δ ͱ ɺ ඞ ཁ ͳ αΠ τ σ ʔ λ ͱ ε τ Ϩ ʔ δ ػ ೳ ͩ ͚ Λ Χ όʔ͢ Δ Α ͏ ʹ ί ε τ ͕ ௐ ੔ ͞ Ε · ͢ɻ Πϕ ϯ τ ͕ ऴ ྃ ͠ ɺ τ ϥ ϑΟοΫ͕μ΢ϯ͢ΔͱɺίετͱετϨʔδػೳ͕ࣗಈతʹௐ੔͞Ε·͢ɻ • ͋ͳͨͷਭ຾ͱ҆৺ S H I F T E R ͕ ղ ܾ ͢ Δ ໰ ୊ 
 - ί ε τ / ύ ϑ Υ ʔϚ ϯε ฤ #getshifter

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– S H A U N B A E R “Shifter͚ͩͰWordPressϓϥοτϑΥʔϜʹ੩తͳαΠτΛߏஙͰ͖·ͨ͠ɻ
 ੩తͳHTMLϑΝΠϧ͸CDN্Ͱϗετ͞ΕͯϋοΩϯά͢Δ΋ͷ͕ͳ͍ͷͰ ύϑΥʔϚϯε΍ηΩϡϦςΟ্ͷݒ೦Λؾʹ͢Δ͜ͱ͕ͳ͘ͳΓ·ͨ͠” #getshifter

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S H I F T E R ϩ ʔϯ ν · Ͱ ͷ 1 1 9 ೔ ؒ Ͱ ͳ ʹ Λ ΍ ͬ ͨ ͷ ͔ʁ #getshifter

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։ ൃ ν ʔϜ • ϓϩδΣΫτϚωʔδϟʔ 1໊ • ΠϯϑϥΤϯδχΞ 2໊ • ϓϩάϥϚʔ/ϑϩϯτΤϯδχΞ 2໊ • σβΠϯελδΦ/ΤʔδΣϯγʔ 1ࣾʢ3−5໊) #getshifter

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S H I F T E R ϩ ʔϯ ν · Ͱ ͷ 1 1 9 ೔ ؒ Ͱ ͳ ʹ Λ ΍ ͬ ͨ ͷ ͔ʁ • Service Coreͷ։ൃ #getshifter

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- E d i t o r ʢ D o c k e r + E F S + l a m b d a + A u ro r a ) - G e n e r a t o r ʢ l a m b d a + A P I G W + D y n a m o D B ) - C o n t e n t s D e l i v e r y ʢ S 3 + C l o u d F ro n t / N e t l i f y ) # S E R V I C E C O R E ͷ ։ ൃ #getshifter

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#getshifter E d i t o r G e n e r a t o r C o n t e n t s 
 D e l i v e r y

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E D I T O R ։ ൃ ͷ T I P S • Docker for AWSͰ docker-volume-netshare ʹΑΔAmazon EFSϚ΢ϯτΛՄೳʹ͢Δ • Docker for AWS ͷSwarmAPIΛ֎෦͔ΒΞΫηεՄೳʹ͢Δ • Load Balancer(ELBͳͲ)ʹͿΒԼ͛ͨDocker Private RegistryͰɺdocker push͕`blob upload unknown`ʹͳΔ৔߹ͷઃఆ • Docker Swarm ͱ Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) ɻ͍ͭͰʹELB • Dockerίϯςφ for AWS & ShifterͰDocker for AWSΛ࢖͍ͬͯΔ࿩ for-awswoshi-tuteiruhua #getshifter

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G E N E R AT O R ։ ൃ ͷ T I P S • [WordPress] ΤσΟλʹૠೖ͞ΕΔϝσΟΞϑΝΠϧͷ URL Λ૬ ରURLʹ͢Δ • [AWS][Lambda] ϩʔΧϧͰ Lambda ༻ͷ nodejs εΫϦϓτΛ࣮ ߦ͢Δ

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C O N T E N T S D E L I V E RY ։ ൃ ͷ T I P S • Netlify REST APIͷapi/v1/sitesʹ͍Ζ͍ΖͳGETϦΫΤετ ΛૹͬͯΈΔ • Netlify REST APIͰNetlifyʹαΠτΛσϓϩΠɾߋ৽ɾ࡟আ ͢Δ #getshifter

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׬ ੒ ! ϩ ʔϯ ν ! #getshifter

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ͦΜ ͳ ʹ ͋ · ͘ ͳ ͔ ͬ ͨ … #getshifter

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S A A S Ͱ ఏ ڙ ͢ Δ ͱ ͸ #getshifter

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S H I F T E R ϩ ʔϯ ν · Ͱ ͷ 1 1 9 ೔ ؒ Ͱ ΍ ͬ ͨ ͜ ͱ • Service Core • Branding • Dashboard • Payment • Web & Marketing Automation • Support & Documents #getshifter

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- N a m i n g - C o n c e p t # B R A N D ͷ ։ ൃ #getshifter

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N A M I N G Naming Presentation The right name is timeless, tireless, easy to say and remember; it stands for something, and facilitates branded elements. The right name captures one’s imagination and connects with one’s target audience. DigitalCube, Inc. #getshifter

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– B R I A N J A C O B S O N “ਖ਼໊͍͠લ͸࣌୅Λ௒ӽ͠ɺ͖͋Δ͜ͱ͕ͳ͘ɺݴ͍΍֮ͯ͑͘͢΍͍͢ɻ ਖ਼໊͍͠લ͸Կ͔Λද͠ɺϒϥϯυཁૉΛଅਐ͠·͢ɻ
 ਖ਼໊͍͠લ͸૝૾ྗΛ͋ͨ͑ɺ໨ඪͱ͢Δࢹௌऀͱͭͳ͕Γ·͢ɻ” #getshifter

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໊ લ ʹ ؚ Ί Δ ཁ ૉ • MEANINGFUL (ҙຯͷ͋Δ) • DISTINCTIVE (ࠩผԽͯ͞Δʣ • FUTURE−ORIENTED (ઌਐత) • MODULAR (֦ு͕༰қʣ • POSITIVE (ϙδςΟϒʣ • VISUAL (ՄࢹԽ͠΍͍͢ʣ #getshifter

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ࠓ ճ ͷ ϓ ϩ μΫ τ ͷ ς ʔϚ • εϐʔυ • εέʔϥϏϦςΟ • ηΩϡϦςΟ • ҆৺ • ίϛϡχςΟ #getshifter

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N A M I N G Ͱ ΍ ͬ ͨ ͜ ͱ • 100ݸҎ্ͷίϯηϓτ͔Β16ݸʹߜΔ • औಘՄೳͳυϝΠϯͷௐࠪ • ঎ඪͳͲͷՄ༻ੑͱڝ߹ଞࣾͷௐࠪ #getshifter

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C O N C E P T Digital Cube What to Think About Does concept project the Product Is there a story behind the concepts Does the concept differentiate the product Does it speak to audience Does it feel progressive #getshifter

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W H AT T O T H I N K A B O U T • ίϯηϓτ͸ϓϩμΫτΛ౤Ө͍ͯ͠Δ͔ʁ • ֓೦ͷഎޙʹ͋ΔετʔϦʔ͕͋Δ͔ʁ • ίϯηϓτ͸੡඼ΛࠩผԽ͠·͔͢ʁ • ؍٬ʹޠΓ͔͚͍ͯΔ͔ʁ • ͦΕ͸લ޲͖ͳײ͡Ͱ͔͢ʁ #getshifter

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C O N C E P T Digital Cube Design Attributes Simple Vibrant Accessible Intelligent Modern Fun #getshifter - γϯϓϧ - ׆ؾͷ͋Δ - ΞΫηεՄೳͳ - ΠϯςϦδΣϯτͳ - Ϟμϯ - ָ͍͠

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Introducing Shifter A groundbreaking hosting solution that brings serverless architecture to the WordPress platform for the first time. It seamlessly transforms your site into a series of static HTML files, so you can concentrate on the day-to-day without having to worry about WordPress maintenance, server updates, or scalability. Only Shifter delivers the built-in security and adaptability of WordPress with the breakneck speed of static technology. Prepare to go further, faster—all around the world.

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Shifter Option 1

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Kick it into high gear

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Shifter Option 2

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Add to your bag of tricks

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Shifter Option 3

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Rearrange the game

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C O N C E P T Ͱ ΍ ͬ ͨ ͜ ͱ • ࣮ࡍͷࢿྉΛμΠδΣετͰ͓Έͤ͠·͢ɻ #getshifter

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- Wo rd P re s s - M a u t i c # W E B & M A ͷ ։ ൃ #getshifter

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W E B D E V E L O P M E N T • ελΠϧΨΠυ • Newsletter ςϯϓϨʔτ • MauticͰ؆୯ͳΩϟϯϖʔϯΛ࡞Δ nakiyanpenwozuo-ru #getshifter

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Logo Usage / Incorrect Logo Usage 13 The logo should not be altered in any way. Always scale the logo proportionally. Do not change the colors of the logo, and be sure that there is enough contrast between the logo and the background. LOGO USAGE / INCORRECT LOGO USAGE Incorrect Logo Usage DON’T STRETCH THE LOGO Make sure the logo proportion is correct, don’t stretch the elements. DON’T SWAP LOGO COLORS Do not rearrange the colors within the logo. MAKE SURE THE FULL COLOR VERSION IS LEGIBLE ON A COLORED BACKGROUND Contrast is important for readability. DON'T ALTER THE ELEMENTS OF THE LOGO The spacing of the logo is vey important. Do not manipulate the image. Color Palette 17 The following selected colors are used to help define and distinguish the brand. The Pantone (PMS), CMYK, RGB, and HEX # color references are outlined here. PMS The PMS color should be used for professional, offset printing, and is best displayed on a white background. PMS colors are only supported by .EPS format. CMYK The CMYK logo should be used in digitally printed pieces that require CMYK printing and full color images. CMYK colors are supported by .EPS, .JPG, and .PNG format. RGB The RGB logo should be used for online usage. RGB colors are supported by .EPS, .JPG, and .PNG format. HEX # HEX # colors should be used in online applications. COLOR PALETTE PMS 1925 CMYK C0 / M97 / Y54 / K0 RGB R251 / G28 / B87 HEX# FB1C56 PMS 254 CMYK C25 / M82 / Y0 / K0 RGB R189 / G82 / B158 HEX# BC519E EVEN GRADIENT OF THE ABOVE COLORS, PURPLE TO RED (LEFT TO RIGHT) PMS BLACK CMYK C0 / M0 / Y0 / K100 RGB R0 / G0 / B0 HEX# 000000 Typography 19 TYPOGRAPHY The consistent application of a limited number of fonts will reinforce the brand and graphic identity, and give communications a cohesive look. Sans Serif MONTSERRAT Montserrat is the main identity font. The regular weight should be most frequently used, however alternate weights are acceptable as necessary. Arial can be used when Montserrat is not available. Aa Montserrat Thin ABCDEFGHIJKL NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Aa Montserrat Regular ABCDEFGHIJKL NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Aa Montserrat Bold ABCDEFGHIJKL NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Monospace SPACE MONO FAMILY Space Mono can be used to activate different types of content including numerals and data. The regular weight should be most frequently used, however alternate weights are acceptable as necessary. Courier can be used when Space Mono is not available. Aa Space Mono Regular ABCDEFGHIJKL NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 0123456789 Aa Space Mono Bold ABCDEFGHIJKL NOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnop qrstuvwxyz 0123456789 S T Y L E G U I D E #getshifter

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Snapshots billing update This is a reminder that, starting October 1 — meaning it will be reflected on your invoice beginning Nov 1 — you will start being charged for the active snapshots on your account at a rate of $0.05/GB/mo. Your account, [email protected] currently has 4 active snapshot(s) that total 9.20GB in size, which would cost $0.46 per month. Be sure to see your usage on the Snapshots page and delete unused snapshots to avoid any unexpected charges. In the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback about the upcoming changes, you can always open a ticket and our Support team will be glad to help. Thanks, Your Friends at Shifter Email Support [email protected] Say Hi [email protected] ©2016 SHIFTER | A DIGITALCUBE COMPANY Snapshots billing update This is a reminder that, starting October 1 — meaning it will be reflected on your invoice beginning Nov 1 — you will start being charged for the active snapshots on your account at a rate of $0.05/GB/mo. Your account, [email protected] currently has 4 active snapshot(s) that total 9.20GB in size, which would cost $0.46 per month. Be sure to see your usage on the Snapshots page and delete unused snapshots to avoid any unexpected charges. In the meantime, if you have any questions or feedback about the upcoming changes, you can always open a ticket and our Support team will be glad to help. Thanks, Your Friends at Shifter Email Support [email protected] Say Hi [email protected] ©2016 SHIFTER | A DIGITALCUBE COMPANY Email Support [email protected] Say Hi [email protected] ©2016 SHIFTER | A DIGITALCUBE COMPANY February 20, 2017 Announcement We’re excited to announce that we’ve made some changes to how Teams on Shifter work! Teams on Shifter allows developer teams manage larger, complex production systems by organizing everything under one roof—without sharing credentials. Here’s what’s new with Teams: • You can now be in up to 10 different Teams at a time. • You can quickly switch between your personal account and your Teams. • You can use the same credit card on both your personal accounts and Teams. • You can deploy Droplets for your Teams, keeping them separate from those for personal use. Interested in learning more about Teams? Be sure to read the in-depth Teams on Shifter blog post. READ MORE N E W S L E T T E R #getshifter

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- s t r i p e # PAY M E N T γε ςϜ ͷ ։ ൃ #getshifter

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S T R I P E ։ ൃ ͷ T I P S • [nodejs][stripe] stripe Λ node Ͱ࢖͏ (customer ৘ใͷొ࿥) • [AWS][Lambda] ϩʔΧϧͰ Lambda ༻ͷ nodejs εΫϦϓτΛ࣮ߦ͢Δ • [nodejs][stripe] stripe Λ node Ͱ࢖͏(୯ൃ ͷࢧ෷͍) • [nodejs][stripe] stripe Λ node Ͱ࢖͏ (subscription ఆظࢧ෷͍ͷ࡞੒) • [stripe][AWS] Stripe ͷ Webhook Λ API Gateway Ͱड͚औͬͯ Lambda Ͱॲཧ͢Δ • Stripeͷnode SDKΛ࢖ͬͯɺςετɾຊ൪ ͦΕͧΕͷAPIʹΞΫηε͢Δ • Node.jsͰStripeͷΧελϚʔΛ௥Ճ͢Δ • StripeͰϓϥϯ৘ใΛ·ͱΊͯ؅ཧ͢Δ

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- A m a z o n C o g n i t o - A P I G a t e w a y + l a m b d a + D y n a m o D B - N e t l i f y - S e r v e r l e s s f r a m e w o r k - S w a g g e r # D A S H B O A R D ͷ ։ ൃ #getshifter

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D A S H B O A R D ։ ൃ ͷ T I P S • Amazon Cognito User PoolsΛ࢖ͬͯɺwebαΠτʹϢʔβ ೝূج൫Λ࡞Δ • Netlify REST APIͰNetlifyʹαΠτΛσϓϩΠɾߋ৽ɾ࡟আ ͢Δ • Amazon API Gateway ͷ Custom AuthorizerΛ࢖͍ɺUser PoolsͷϢʔβͰAPIೝূΛߦ͏ • Serverless FrameworkͰߦ͏ܧଓతΠϯςάϨʔγϣϯͷ εεϝ • Serverless FrameworkͰߦ͏ܧଓతΠϯςάϨʔγϣϯͷ εεϝ ͦͷ2 ~DynamoDBʹ઀ଓͯ͠ͷࣗಈςετ~ • AWS SDKΛ࢖ͬͯ΋AWS؀ڥʹΞΫηεͤͣʹϢχοτς ετΛճ͢ํ๏ • Cognito User PoolsͰemail verification messageͷϝʔϧૹ ৴Λ೔ຊޠͰߦ͏ํ๏ • API Gateway+Lambda+Serverless+TravisͰAPI։ൃͷCI/CD ύΠϓϥΠϯΛߏங͢Δ • CircleCI͔ΒServerless FrameworkͷσϓϩΠΛ࣮ߦ͢Δ • CodePipelineͰServerless FrameworkͷσϓϩΠΛ؅ཧ͢ Δ #getshifter

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- Z e n d e s k - S w a g g e r - G i t H u b # S U P P O R T ˍ D O C U M E N T S #getshifter

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• Amazon Cognito User PoolsΛ࢖ͬͯZendeskͷϔϧϓηϯλʔʹγϯ άϧαΠϯΦϯΛߦ͏ • SwaggerͰఆٛͨ͠APIΛServerless FrameworkʹΠϯϙʔτ͢Δ • Shifter CLI Z E N D E S K & S WA G G E R & C L I ։ ൃ ͷ T I P S #getshifter

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· ͱ Ί #getshifter

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͏ · ͘ ߦ ͬ ͨ ͜ ͱ #getshifter ۤ ࿑ ͠ ͨ ͜ ͱ #getshifter

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͏ · ͘ ߦ ͬ ͨ ͜ ͱ #getshifter ۤ ࿑ ͠ ͨ ͜ ͱ • Service Coreͷ։ൃ
 (Generator/Publishʣ • Brandͷ։ൃ • Paymentͷ։ൃ • WebαΠτͷ։ൃ • Supportͷ։ൃ • Service Coreͷ։ൃ
 (Editorʣ • Dashboardͷ։ൃ • Documentsͷ։ൃ #getshifter

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Don’t waste another minute. Sign up for Shifter and let us do the heavy lifting. #getshifter