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The Bits Behind JS Bin Remy Sharp — @rem

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Hi. Mine: nodemon Full Frontal Me: @rem [email protected]

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JS Bin?

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• 415,000 uniques/month (2mil page views) • 30-35 queries per second • 69,000+ registered users • 9.6mil bins in total / 1.5mil "owned" bins • 48 timers & lots of iframes!

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Originally a PHP hack • Inspired by XHR insolation issues • Proceeded by ugliness ( • Tipping point: John Resig's • Approximately 4 hours of dev to live

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Workshop in Iceland

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Code Casting I wanted to create

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Pre-decent require

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Pre-package knowledge

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Straight up nutty

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2 hours later...

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Förbind: how it works express mongodb ejs Tightly coupled collections listening for messages, then firing it on all open connections. Restart and it all breaks...

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April 2012 & @aron

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100% JavaScript

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Pros of Node for JS Bin • CodeCasting & live reload (across all platforms) • Easy local and dependency free installs • Some code reuse, lots of knowledge reuse.

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The Spike

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Thank you Boris Grishenko

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Author JS Bin XHR save on keypress DB spike.js update event IE8 Chrome xbox iOS Firefox OS etc SSE push The Spike

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• Client saves on keypress • Server on save triggers "spike update" event with bin passed to event • Spike searches for sessions interested in that bin, and sends the updated panel

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All authored content is streamable •CodeCasting is easy •LiveReload is easy •Live injection into PhoneGap is easy

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Good Side Effect • XSS recently fixed using postMessage & • IE7 doesn't support postMessage • But IE7 does LiveReload - so IE still works & securely

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if (res.connection.writable === false) { // remove cached connection } Is the connection open?

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Testing event source • Sadly no devtools ( • curl --header "Accept: text/event-stream"

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No WebSockets? •EventSource is polyfilled only with JS •IE6-9 •Android Browser

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Local installs • Always possible since day #1 on github • Now via `npm install -g jsbin` • Windows support is (now) pretty solid

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Database upgrades via npm • Package.json "scripts": { "install": "build/install.js", "preupdate": "build/pre-update.js", "postupdate": "build/post-update.js" }, • Pre-update - saves current version • Post-update - uses semver & checks upgrade//*.sql

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Dependency free •USB contains Node binaries for all platforms, code & dependancies •Saves to raw HTML files on USB stick •For teaching in strict tech environment

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todo •Add update-notifier for prompted updates •Get visibility on local installs •Release to npm frequently

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• Paid/donated • Alternative domain (ie. • Each dev runs under • Now we can remotely view each other's work ngrok

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index template

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Grunt build generates concat & uglified. Triggered by...

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.git/hooks/post-merge remy@jsbin:/WWW/jsbin$ git pull remote: Counting objects: 19, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done. remote: Total 11 (delta 8), reused 7 (delta 4) Unpacking objects: 100% (11/11), done. From git:// a7bf4f8..f99beff master -> origin/master * [new branch] feature/menu-update -> origin/feature/menu-up Merge made by the 'recursive' strategy. test/loop_detection_test.js | 12 +++++++++++- 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) rebuild jsbin.js? [Y/n] y building public js Running "concat:dist" (concat) task File "public/js/prod/jsbin-3.4.8.js" created. Running "concat:runner" (concat) task File "public/js/prod/runner-3.4.8.js" created. Running "uglify:dist" (uglify) task Source Map "public/js/prod/" created. File "public/js/prod/jsbin-3.4.8.min.js" created. Running "uglify:runner" (uglify) task File "public/js/prod/runner-3.4.8.min.js" created. Done, without errors. restart jsbin? [Y/n] y restarting forever info: Forever restarted processes: data: uid command script forever pid logfile

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Upstart console log stop on shutdown respawn respawn limit 20 5 post-start script # log that we restarted logger -is -t "$UPSTART_JOB" ">>>>>>>> jsbin restart" # email the last 100 lines from the log tail -100 /var/log/upstart/jsbin.log | mail -s "ALARM: jsbin restart" [email protected] end script script set -e # make sure you only write out to /var/log/upstart/ exec sudo -u www-data PORT=8000 /usr/local/bin/node /WWW/jsbin/ 2>&1 end script

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•URLs - probably not fixable •Database choice - fixable hard •Database adapter logic - fixable easy •Near total lack of tests - fix in progress Mistakes

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It's hard •Memory leaks •CPU loops •Easy to get lazy

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gdb ftw

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Sustainability: Pro • Dropbox support & live syncing • Bin playback & annotation • Sass, SCSS, smart screenshots... • Branded JS Bin's ala

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