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DevFest NYC - Android Things Workshop Build a Motion Sensing Camera Rebecca Franks Android Engineering Lead at DVT @riggaroo

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Joshua Leibstein GDG Johannesburg Organiser @JoshLiebe Oscar Salguero @OscarSalguero

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What we will build: Intro: 1. Create project and read physical button value 2. Read motion values from Motion Sensor 3. Turn LED on/off based on Motion Sensor 4. Take photo and display when Motion is detected Further reading - advanced section: 5. Upload information to Firebase (photo + log) 6. Send Push Notification 7. View list of photos

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Android Things Theory

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What is Android Things? Android Things is an extension of the Android platform for IoT and embedded devices.

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Interactive Ads Vending Machines Point of Sale Stock Control Retail Cameras Gateways Access Control Smart Meters Business Asset Tracking Fleet Management Driver Assist Predictive Service Logistics Security Systems Smart Doorbells Routers Energy Monitors Home Android Things is ideal for powerful, intelligent devices that need to be secure.

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Similarities Any other Android library... Android SDK Play Services Firebase Android Studio Cloud Platform

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Differences No Play Store Deploy OTAs Subset of APIs Custom Hardware Single Purpose Device

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Applications Launcher Phone Messaging Contacts Calendar Browser Settings Application Framework Activity Manager Window Manager Power Manager Resource Manager XMPP Service Content Providers Wallpapers System UI Package Manager Telephony Manager Location Manager Connectivity Manager View System Runtime Permissions Soft Keyboards Notifications Libraries Surface Manager Media Framework Chromium SSL HAL Audio Manager SQLite Open GL libc Core Libraries Android Runtime (ART) Android Runtime Linux Kernel Display Driver Camera Driver Bluetooth Driver Binder (IPC) Driver USB Driver Audio Driver WiFi Driver Power Management

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Applications Launcher Phone Messaging Contacts Calendar Browser Settings Application Framework Activity Manager Window Manager Power Manager Resource Manager XMPP Service Content Providers Wallpapers System UI Package Manager Telephony Manager Location Manager Connectivity Manager View System Runtime Permissions Soft Keyboards Notifications Libraries Surface Manager Media Framework Chromium SSL HAL Audio Manager SQLite Open GL libc Core Libraries Android Runtime (ART) Android Runtime Linux Kernel Display Driver Camera Driver Bluetooth Driver Binder (IPC) Driver USB Driver Audio Driver WiFi Driver Power Management

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Applications Launcher Phone Messaging Contacts Calendar Browser Settings Application Framework Activity Manager Window Manager Power Manager Resource Manager XMPP Service Wallpapers System UI Package Manager Telephony Manager Location Manager Connectivity Manager View System Soft Keyboards Notifications Libraries Surface Manager Media Framework Chromium SSL HAL Audio Manager SQLite Open GL libc Core Libraries Android Runtime (ART) Android Runtime Linux Kernel Display Driver Camera Driver Bluetooth Driver Binder (IPC) Driver USB Driver Audio Driver WiFi Driver Power Management Things Support Library Peripheral I/O Device Management User Drivers Connectivity

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SoM Architecture Google Managed BSP

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Distribution with Android Things Android Framework Hardware Libraries Linux Kernel Managed by Google Apps User Drivers Managed by Developers

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Android Things Console ● Manage your Android Things IoT Product ● Download and install the latest Android Things system image ● Build factory images that contain OEM applications along with the system image ● Push over-the-air (OTA) updates

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Developing for Android Things

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Developer Kits NXP I.MX7D Raspberry Pi 3

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Hardware Integration Peripheral Driver Library - Github + many more... Button GPS PWM Servo RGB LED Strip Temperature Sensor Capacitive Touch Buttons Peripheral I/O - Low Level Access GPIO PWM I2C SPI UART I2S

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Build a Motion Sensing Camera

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things mobile cloud-functions Project Structure Runs on Android Things Device Runs on any Android Phone (companion app) Deployed to Firebase Cloud Functions (javascript)

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Electronics Basics

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Components Breadboard - Construction base for prototyping electronics Jumper Wire - Used to interconnect the components of a breadboard

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LEDs - Emits visible light when an electric current passes through it Push Switches - Allows electricity to flow between its two contacts Components

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Resistor -Used to reduce current flow Source: Components and many more...

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Ohm’s Law The current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points. V = I * R V is Voltage (volts) I is Current (amps) R is Resistance (ohms) I = 0.023A V = 5V R = 5V / 0.023A R = ± 217 ohms

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Hardware Setup

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Pico i.MX7 Pinout * there was a change in pin naming in DP6

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Red, Red, Brown = 220 ohm Brown, Black, Orange = 1k ohm

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Working with a Motion Sensor

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PIR Sensor

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Adjust Sensitivity (Range)

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Adjust Timeout

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GPIO - General Purpose Input / Output - Programmable way to read true / false values (1 or 0) (push button, PIR Sensor) - Write true/false values (LED) - Configurable

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Pico Setup:

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Red, Red, Brown = 220 ohm Brown, Black, Orange = 1k ohm

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Firmware Setup

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//Boot into fastboot mode - old method $ adb reboot bootloader // Get list of fastboot devices $ fastboot devices 1b2f21d4e1fe0129 fastboot //Locate directory with factory image $ ./ //windows ./flash_all.bat // Get list of devices once flashed $ adb devices List of devices attached 1b2f21d4e1fe0129 device

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//Start internet - Old Method $ adb shell am startservice -n -a WifiSetupService.Connect -e ssid "Jozihub Events" -e passphrase Jozihub#

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//Download Android Things Flashing Tool $ ./androidthings-quickstart //Mac and Linux - Windows double click .exe Onboarding tool for Android Things ================================== This tool will help you install Android Things on your board and set up Wifi. What do you want to do? 1 - Install Android Things on a board and optionally set up Wifi 2 - Set up Wifi on an existing Android Things device 1 What is your board? 1 - Raspberry Pi 3 2 - NXP Pico i.MX7D 3 - NXP Pico i.MX6UL 2 You chose NXP Pico i.MX7D.

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Before downloading Android Things, please consult our terms of service at If you agree to our terms of service, press y to download it. Otherwise press n. (y/n) y Downloading Android Things image for NXP Pico i.MX7D... Downloaded image. Connect the board to your host computer with a USB-C cable. Once connected, press [Enter] key to install Android Things onto the board... Looking for devices... An Android device has been detected. Do you want to flash it? (y/n) WARNING: this will remove any existing data from it! y Installing fastboot... Waiting for fastboot to launch... This can take up to 3 minutes. Found fastboot device. Unzipping image... Installing Android Things on your board. This will take a few minutes... *Do not disconnect or interrupt!* ... Successfully flashed your imx7d. Successfully installed Android Things...

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Would you like to set up Wi-Fi on your board? (y/n) y Please ensure antenna is already attached. If it is not, disconnect your board, attach the antenna and reconnect your board to your computer. When ready, press [Enter]... Enter the Wi-Fi network name: somenetwork Enter the Wi-Fi network password (leave empty if no password): somepassword Connecting to Wi-Fi network somenetwork... Looking for device... This can take up to 3 minutes. Device found. Waiting... Successfully connected to Wifi

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Project Setup

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Install Android Studio 3.0

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//Automatically added in app level build.gradle compileOnly ''

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//Automatically added in AndroidManifest.xml

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//Automatically added in AndroidManifest.xml

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Physical Button

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//Accessing Sensor Data private lateinit var buttonGpio: Gpio = PeripheralManagerService().openGpio("GPIO6_IO15") fun start() { buttonGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN) buttonGpio.setActiveType(Gpio.ACTIVE_HIGH) buttonGpio.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_BOTH) buttonGpio.registerGpioCallback(object : GpioCallback() { override fun onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if (gpio.value) { ledGpio.value = true } else { //do something else } return true } }) }

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//Accessing Sensor Data private lateinit var buttonGpio: Gpio = PeripheralManagerService().openGpio("GPIO6_IO15") fun start() { buttonGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN) buttonGpio.setActiveType(Gpio.ACTIVE_HIGH) buttonGpio.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_BOTH) buttonGpio.registerGpioCallback(object : GpioCallback() { override fun onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if (gpio.value) { ledGpio.value = true } else { //do something else } return true } }) }

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//Accessing Sensor Data private lateinit var buttonGpio: Gpio = PeripheralManagerService().openGpio("GPIO6_IO15") fun start() { buttonGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN) buttonGpio.setActiveType(Gpio.ACTIVE_HIGH) buttonGpio.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_BOTH) buttonGpio.registerGpioCallback(object : GpioCallback() { override fun onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if (gpio.value) { ledGpio.value = true } else { //do something else } return true } }) }

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Control LED

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val peripheralManagerService = PeripheralManagerService() ledGpio = peripheralManagerService.openGpio("GPIO6_IO14") ledGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_OUT_INITIALLY_LOW) ledGpio.value = true ledGpio.close()

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val peripheralManagerService = PeripheralManagerService() ledGpio = peripheralManagerService.openGpio("GPIO6_IO14") ledGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_OUT_INITIALLY_LOW) ledGpio.value = true ledGpio.close()

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val peripheralManagerService = PeripheralManagerService() ledGpio = peripheralManagerService.openGpio("GPIO6_IO14") ledGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_OUT_INITIALLY_LOW) ledGpio.value = true ledGpio.close()

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Motion Sensor Code

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//Accessing Sensor Data private val motionSensorGpio: Gpio = PeripheralManagerService().openGpio("GPIO2_IO03") fun start() { motionSensorGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN) motionSensorGpio.setActiveType(Gpio.ACTIVE_HIGH) motionSensorGpio.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_BOTH) motionSensorGpio.registerGpioCallback(object : GpioCallback() { override fun onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if (gpio.value) { motionListener.onMotionDetected() } else { motionListener.onMotionStopped() } return true } }) }

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//Accessing Sensor Data private val motionSensorGpio: Gpio = PeripheralManagerService().openGpio("GPIO2_IO03") fun start() { motionSensorGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN) motionSensorGpio.setActiveType(Gpio.ACTIVE_HIGH) motionSensorGpio.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_BOTH) motionSensorGpio.registerGpioCallback(object : GpioCallback() { override fun onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if (gpio.value) { motionListener.onMotionDetected() } else { motionListener.onMotionStopped() } return true } }) }

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//Accessing Sensor Data private val motionSensorGpio: Gpio = PeripheralManagerService().openGpio("GPIO2_IO03") fun start() { motionSensorGpio.setDirection(Gpio.DIRECTION_IN) motionSensorGpio.setActiveType(Gpio.ACTIVE_HIGH) motionSensorGpio.setEdgeTriggerType(Gpio.EDGE_BOTH) motionSensorGpio.registerGpioCallback(object : GpioCallback() { override fun onGpioEdge(gpio: Gpio): Boolean { if (gpio.value) { camera.takePhoto() } else { //do something else } return true } }) }

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Take a Photo

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private fun setupCamera() { camera = CustomCamera.getInstance() camera.initializeCamera(this, Handler(), imageAvailableListener) } private val imageAvailableListener = object : CustomCamera.ImageCapturedListener { override fun onImageCaptured(bitmap: Bitmap) { motionImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) } } camera.takePicture()

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private fun setupCamera() { camera = CustomCamera.getInstance() camera.initializeCamera(this, Handler(), imageAvailableListener) } private val imageAvailableListener = object : CustomCamera.ImageCapturedListener { override fun onImageCaptured(bitmap: Bitmap) { motionImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) } } camera.takePicture()

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private fun setupCamera() { camera = CustomCamera.getInstance() camera.initializeCamera(this, Handler(), imageAvailableListener) } private val imageAvailableListener = object : CustomCamera.ImageCapturedListener { override fun onImageCaptured(bitmap: Bitmap) { motionImageView.setImageBitmap(bitmap) } } camera.takePicture()

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Congrats! You’ve built a motion sensing camera!

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Advance your app with Firebase + Cloud Functions

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Firebase - Saving Data Things app

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//data class for saving data class FirebaseImageLog(val timestamp: Long? = null, val imageRef: String? = null) //upload image val storageRef = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(FIREBASE_MOTION_REF) val imageStorageRef = storageRef.child(FIREBASE_IMAGE_PREFIX + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg") val uploadTask = imageStorageRef.putBytes(imageStream.toByteArray()) uploadTask.addOnFailureListener { Log.d(TAG, "onFailure uploadMotionImage") }.addOnSuccessListener { // save image log to realtime db val downloadUrl = imageStorageRef.path val ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(FIREBASE_MOTION_LOGS).push() ref.setValue(FirebaseImageLog(System.currentTimeMillis(), downloadUrl)) }

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//data class for saving data class FirebaseImageLog(val timestamp: Long? = null, val imageRef: String? = null) //upload image val storageRef = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(FIREBASE_MOTION_REF) val imageStorageRef = storageRef.child(FIREBASE_IMAGE_PREFIX + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg") val uploadTask = imageStorageRef.putBytes(imageStream.toByteArray()) uploadTask.addOnFailureListener { Log.d(TAG, "onFailure uploadMotionImage") }.addOnSuccessListener { // save image log to realtime db val downloadUrl = imageStorageRef.path val ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(FIREBASE_MOTION_LOGS).push() ref.setValue(FirebaseImageLog(System.currentTimeMillis(), downloadUrl)) }

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//data class for saving data class FirebaseImageLog(val timestamp: Long? = null, val imageRef: String? = null) //upload image val storageRef = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(FIREBASE_MOTION_REF) val imageStorageRef = storageRef.child(FIREBASE_IMAGE_PREFIX + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg") val uploadTask = imageStorageRef.putBytes(imageStream.toByteArray()) uploadTask.addOnFailureListener { Log.d(TAG, "onFailure uploadMotionImage") }.addOnSuccessListener { // save image log to realtime db val downloadUrl = imageStorageRef.path val ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(FIREBASE_MOTION_LOGS).push() ref.setValue(FirebaseImageLog(System.currentTimeMillis(), downloadUrl)) }

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//data class for saving data class FirebaseImageLog(val timestamp: Long? = null, val imageRef: String? = null) //upload image val storageRef = FirebaseStorage.getInstance().getReference(FIREBASE_MOTION_REF) val imageStorageRef = storageRef.child(FIREBASE_IMAGE_PREFIX + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg") val uploadTask = imageStorageRef.putBytes(imageStream.toByteArray()) uploadTask.addOnFailureListener { Log.d(TAG, "onFailure uploadMotionImage") }.addOnSuccessListener { // save image log to realtime db val downloadUrl = imageStorageRef.path val ref = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(FIREBASE_MOTION_LOGS).push() ref.setValue(FirebaseImageLog(System.currentTimeMillis(), downloadUrl)) }

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Firebase - Cloud Functions Javascript

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$ firebase login $ firebase init functions

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var functions = require('firebase-functions'); var admin = require('firebase-admin'); admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase); exports.annotateImage = functions.database.ref('/motion-logs/{id}') .onCreate(event => { const original =; var topic = "/topics/intruders"; var payload = { data: { title: "Intruder Alert!", body: "An intruder has been detected" } }; return admin.messaging().sendToTopic(topic, payload) .then(function (response) { console.log("Successfully sent message:", response); }).catch(function (error) { console.log("Error sending message:", error); }); } );

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var functions = require('firebase-functions'); var admin = require('firebase-admin'); admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase); exports.annotateImage = functions.database.ref('/motion-logs/{id}') .onCreate(event => { const original =; var topic = "/topics/intruders"; var payload = { data: { title: "Intruder Alert!", body: "An intruder has been detected" } }; return admin.messaging().sendToTopic(topic, payload) .then(function (response) { console.log("Successfully sent message:", response); }).catch(function (error) { console.log("Error sending message:", error); }); } );

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var functions = require('firebase-functions'); var admin = require('firebase-admin'); admin.initializeApp(functions.config().firebase); exports.annotateImage = functions.database.ref('/motion-logs/{id}') .onCreate(event => { const original =; var topic = "/topics/intruders"; var payload = { data: { title: "Intruder Alert!", body: "An intruder has been detected" } }; return admin.messaging().sendToTopic(topic, payload) .then(function (response) { console.log("Successfully sent message:", response); }).catch(function (error) { console.log("Error sending message:", error); }); } );

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$ firebase deploy --only functions

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Firebase - Retrieving Data Companion Mobile App

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//Use FirebaseUI dependency api "com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:3.0.0" // Get DB Reference val databaseRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(MOTION_LOGS_FIREBASE_REF) // Create adapter that extends FirebaseRecyclerAdapter class LogsAdapter(ref: DatabaseReference) : FirebaseRecyclerAdapter(, R.layout.list_item_log,, ref) { //.. Do adapter things } // Set adapter to use reference adapter = LogsAdapter(databaseRef.orderByChild(ORDER_BY_TIMESTAMP).ref)

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//Use FirebaseUI dependency api "com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:3.0.0" // Get DB Reference val databaseRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(MOTION_LOGS_FIREBASE_REF) // Create adapter that extends FirebaseRecyclerAdapter class LogsAdapter(ref: DatabaseReference) : FirebaseRecyclerAdapter(, R.layout.list_item_log,, ref) { //.. Do adapter things } // Set adapter to use reference adapter = LogsAdapter(databaseRef.orderByChild(ORDER_BY_TIMESTAMP).ref)

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//Use FirebaseUI dependency api "com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:3.0.0" // Get DB Reference val databaseRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(MOTION_LOGS_FIREBASE_REF) // Create adapter that extends FirebaseRecyclerAdapter class LogsAdapter(ref: DatabaseReference) : FirebaseRecyclerAdapter(, R.layout.list_item_log,, ref) { //.. Do adapter things } // Set adapter to use reference adapter = LogsAdapter(databaseRef.orderByChild(ORDER_BY_TIMESTAMP).ref)

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//Use FirebaseUI dependency api "com.firebaseui:firebase-ui-database:3.0.0" // Get DB Reference val databaseRef = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference(MOTION_LOGS_FIREBASE_REF) // Create adapter that extends FirebaseRecyclerAdapter class LogsAdapter(ref: DatabaseReference) : FirebaseRecyclerAdapter(, R.layout.list_item_log,, ref) { //.. Do adapter things } // Set adapter to use reference adapter = LogsAdapter(databaseRef.orderByChild(ORDER_BY_TIMESTAMP).ref)

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Upload your projects to

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Full Example Workshop Feedback

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Thank you! Rebecca Franks Android Engineering Lead at DVT @riggaroo

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Clear all Android Apps on device: Button Example : Full MainActivity: Github Project with Steps as branches: Links