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Jake Wharton Testing Robots

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A View A

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A View A Presenter A Model A

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Presenter Model View A Unit Test A Fake Model

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Presenter Model View Unit Test

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View Presenter Model

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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Send $42 to "". Verify success. $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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• Enter "42" with the number pad. $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send Send $42 to "". Verify success.

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Send $42 to "". Verify success. • Enter "42" with the number pad. • Tap on the input box marked "Recipient". $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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Send $42 to "". Verify success. • Enter "42" with the number pad. • Tap on the input box marked "Recipient". • Type "". $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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Send $42 to "". Verify success. • Enter "42" with the number pad. • Tap on the input box marked "Recipient". • Type "". • Press the button marked "Send". $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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Send $42 to "". Verify success. • Enter "42" with the number pad. • Tap on the input box marked "Recipient". • Type "". • Press the button marked "Send". • Verify success screen is shown. $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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PaymentScreen pay = (PaymentScreen) obtainScreen(); $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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PaymentScreen pay = (PaymentScreen) obtainScreen();
 pay.recipientView.setText(""); $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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PaymentScreen pay = (PaymentScreen) obtainScreen();
 pay.recipientView.setText("");; $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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PaymentScreen pay = (PaymentScreen) obtainScreen();
 Thread.sleep(1000); $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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PaymentScreen pay = (PaymentScreen) obtainScreen();
 .isInstanceOf(SuccessScreen.class); $0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send

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A Test A PaymentScreen pay = (PaymentScreen) obtainScreen();
 .isInstanceOf(SuccessScreen.class); Presenter View Fake Model

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Presenter View Fake Model A Test A

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Presenter A View A Fake Model Test

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Presenter Fake Model Test View Send $42 to "". Verify success.

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Presenter View Fake Model Test

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send findViewWithText("4").click();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send findViewWithText("4").click();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send findViewWithText("4").click();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send findViewWithText("4").click();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send findViewWithText("4").click();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send onView(withText("4")).perform(click());
 onView(withText("Success!")).check(visible()); find W 
 find W 
 find W .set 
 find W 
 find W

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send onView(withText("4")).perform(click());
 onView(withHint("Recipient")) .perform(typeText(""));
 onView(withText("Success!")).check(visible()); Send $42 to "". Verify success.

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send onView(withText("4")).perform(click());
 onView(withHint("Recipient")) .perform(typeText(""));
 onView(withText("Success!")).verify(visible()); Send $42 to "". Verify success. What How

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Presenter View Fake Model Test

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Presenter View Fake Model Test What How

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Presenter View Fake Model Test What How What & How

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Presenter View Fake Model Robot Test What How What How

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send class PaymentRobot {

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send class PaymentRobot {
 PaymentRobot amount(long amount) {
 // ...

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send class PaymentRobot {
 PaymentRobot amount(long amount) {
 // ...
 PaymentRobot recipient(String recipient) {
 // ...

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send class PaymentRobot {
 PaymentRobot amount(long amount) {
 // ...
 PaymentRobot recipient(String recipient) {
 // ...
 PaymentRobot send() {
 // ...

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send class PaymentRobot {
 PaymentRobot amount(long amount) {
 // ...
 PaymentRobot recipient(String recipient) {
 // ...
 ResultRobot send() {
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send class PaymentRobot {
 PaymentRobot amount(long amount) {
 // ...
 PaymentRobot recipient(String recipient) {
 // ...
 ResultRobot send() {
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 ResultRobot isSuccess() {
 // ...

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send class PaymentRobot {
 PaymentRobot amount(long amount) {
 long dollars = amount / 100;
 String dollarString = String.valueOf(dollars);
 for (int i = 0; i < dollarString.length(); i++) {
 onView(withText(dollarString.substring(i, i + 1))).perform(click());
 long cents = amount - (dollars * 100);
 if (cents != 0) {
 String centsString = String.valueOf(cents);
 for (int i = 0; i < centsString.length(); i++) {
 onView(withText(centsString.substring(i, i + 1))).perform(click());
 return this;
 PaymentRobot recipient(String recipient) {
 return this;
 ResultRobot send() {
 return new ResultRobot();
 class ResultRobot {
 ResultRobot isSuccess() {
 return this;

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment.send();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment.send(); result.isSuccess();

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment
 result.isSuccess(); Send $42 to "". Verify success.

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment
 result.isSuccess(); Send $42 to "". Verify success. What

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send class PaymentRobot {
 PaymentRobot amount(long amount) {
 long dollars = amount / 100;
 String dollarString = String.valueOf(dollars);
 for (int i = 0; i < dollarString.length(); i++) {
 onView(withText(dollarString.substring(i, i + 1))).perform(click());
 long cents = amount - (dollars * 100);
 if (cents != 0) {
 String centsString = String.valueOf(cents);
 for (int i = 0; i < centsString.length(); i++) {
 onView(withText(centsString.substring(i, i + 1))).perform(click());
 return this;
 PaymentRobot recipient(String recipient) {
 return this;
 ResultRobot send() {
 return new ResultRobot();
 class ResultRobot {
 ResultRobot isSuccess() {
 return this;
 }E How

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send @Test public void singleFundingSourceSuccess() {
 PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send @Test public void singleFundingSourceSuccess() {
 PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment
 @Test public void singleFundingSourceTooMuch() {
 PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment

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$0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 < . Recipient Send @Test public void singleFundingSourceSuccess() {
 PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment
 @Test public void singleFundingSourceTooMuch() {
 PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment
 @Test public void singleFundingSourceInsufficientFunds() {
 PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment

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@Test public void singleFundingSourceSuccess() {
 PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment
 @Test public void singleFundingSourceTooMuch() {
 PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment
 @Test public void singleFundingSourceInsufficientFunds() {
 PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment
 @Test public void networkErrorAllowsRetry() {
 // ...
 @Test public void multipleFundingSourcesSuccess() {
 // ...
 @Test public void multipleFundingSourcesOneDisabled() {
 // ...
 @Test public void multipleFundingSourcesInsufficientUsesOther() {
 // ...
 @Test public void multipleFundingSourcesAllInsufficient() {
 // ...
 @Test public void unauthenticatedLogsOut() {
 // ...
 @Test public void rotationRetainsAmountAndRecipient() {
 // ...
 @Test public void serverErrorShowsTryAgainLater() {
 // ...

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Presenter View Fake Model Robot Test

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Presenter View Fake Model Robot Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test Test

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PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment

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class PaymentRobot {
 PaymentRobot amount(long amount) {A
 // ...
 PaymentRobot recipient(String recipient) {B
 // ...
 ResultRobot send() {C
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 ResultRobot isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long): PaymentRobot {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String): PaymentRobot {B
 // ...
 fun send(): ResultRobot {C
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess(): ResultRobot {D
 // ...

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 val PaymentRobot payment = new PaymentRobot();
 ResultRobot result = payment

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val payment = PaymentRobot()
 val result = payment

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class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long): PaymentRobot {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String): PaymentRobot {B
 // ...
 fun send(): ResultRobot {C
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess(): ResultRobot {D
 // ...

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class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 fun send(): ResultRobot {C
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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fun payment() = PaymentRobot() class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 fun send(): ResultRobot {C
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot() class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 fun send(): ResultRobot {C
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot().apply { func() } class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 fun send(): ResultRobot {C
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot().apply { func() } class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 fun send(): ResultRobot {C
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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val payment = PaymentRobot()
 val result = payment

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val result = payment {

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot().apply { func() } class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 fun send(): ResultRobot {C
 // ...
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot().apply { func() } class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 fun send(func: ResultRobot.() -> Unit): ResultRobot {C
 // ... return ResultRobot().apply { func() }
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot().apply { func() } class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 fun send(func: ResultRobot.() -> Unit): ResultRobot {C
 // ... return ResultRobot().apply { func() }
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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val result = payment {

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payment {
 }.send {

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot().apply { func() } class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 fun send(func: ResultRobot.() -> Unit): ResultRobot {C
 // ... return ResultRobot().apply { func() }
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot().apply { func() } class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 infix fun send(func: ResultRobot.() -> Unit): ResultRobot {C
 // ... return ResultRobot().apply { func() }
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot().apply { func() } class PaymentRobot {
 fun amount(amount: Long) {A
 // ...
 fun recipient(recipient: String) {B
 // ...
 infix fun send(func: ResultRobot.() -> Unit): ResultRobot {C
 // ... return ResultRobot().apply { func() }
 class ResultRobot {
 fun isSuccess() {D
 // ...

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payment {
 } send {
 }A .

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payment {
 } send {

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payment { 
 } send {
 }A Screen entry point Actions and/or assertions Screen transition Actions and/or assertions

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Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: Expected but found at ResultRobot.isSuccess(ResultRobot.kt:18) at PaymentTest$singleFundingSourceSuccess$2.invoke(PaymentTest.kt:27) at PaymentRobot.send(PaymentRobot.kt:13) at PaymentTest.singleFundingSourceSuccess(PaymentTest.kt:8)

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payment {
 recipient("") } send { isSuccess() }A

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payment {
 recipient("") send() } birthday { date(1970, 1, 1) next() } ssn { value("123-56-7890") next() } result { isSuccess() }A

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) = PaymentRobot().apply { func() }

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) { onView(withText("$0")).check(visible()) return PaymentRobot().apply { func() } }

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fun payment(func: PaymentRobot.() -> Unit) { onView(withText("$0")).check(visible()) return PaymentRobot().apply { func() } } fun birthdate(func: BirthdateRobot.() -> Unit) { onView(withText("Enter birth date:")).check(visible()) return BirthdateRobot().apply { func() } } fun ssn(func: SsnRobot.() -> Unit) { onView(withText("Enter social security number:")).check(visible()) return SsnRobot().apply { func() } } fun result(func: ResultRobot.() -> Unit) { return ResultRobot().apply { func() } }

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Presenter View Model Robot Test

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Presenter View Model Robot Test Application Architecture

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Presenter View Model Robot Test UI Test Architecture

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jakewharton jakewharton jakewharton .com Testing Robots