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We Are The Robots Honza Javorek

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Single person helping many people through a platform that scales. Sustainable social entrepreneurship to pay bills and live a happy family life. People pay a community gardener and curator to get quality over quantity.

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Platform that scales? Content scales, automation scales. Can I automate a community?

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Don’t automate chat. People join community to get quality chat. Leave chat to people.

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Automate only stuff which already feels robotic. Repeating yourself again and again? Publish it as content or automate.

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TODO: Regular reminder in the chat which tells people to read the handbook before submitting their CV

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Automate only stuff which you actually already do manually and you know it has value for your members.

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Custom automation allows made-to-measure solutions to use cases which you already have in the community, unlike off-the-shelf solutions of imaginary problems.

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Custom robot can motivate members in doing what you want. You cannot change Discord or Slack, but you can add UX.

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Custom robot can manage whole product areas, which add value to the community.

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Greeting new members takes a lot of time, but the personal touch is an important value.

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