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Symfony4 A new way to develop web applications Antonio Perić-Mažar, Locastic

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Antonio Perić-Mažar CEO @ Locastic Co-Organizer @ BlockSplit Conference Tinel Meetup [email protected] @antonioperic @antonioperic

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Locastic ● We help clients create amazing web and mobile apps (since 2011) ○ mobile development ○ web development ○ UX/UI ○ Training and Consulting ● @locastic ● ● Split, Croatia @antonioperic

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@antonioperic Photo: Goran Leš

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Text @antonioperic

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Text @antonioperic

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Text @antonioperic

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Text @antonioperic

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Text @antonioperic 30.11.2017

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@antonioperic Fabien Potencier

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We can do better ● Installing a Bundle is too cumbersome ● Remove a Bundle is too cumbersome @antonioperic

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We can do better ● Installing a Bundle is too cumbersome ● Remove a Bundle is too cumbersome ● The standard edition is not good enough @antonioperic

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We can do better ● Installing a Bundle is too cumbersome ● Remove a Bundle is too cumbersome ● The standard edition is not good enough ● You always have a lot of code that you are not using but it is to hard to remove it @antonioperic

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@antonioperic Fabien Potencier

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Symfony4 ● Starting as micro framework ● Compose your application / setup your stack ● Build API, console app, traditional web app or whatever you want @antonioperic

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Symfony Flex ● Composer plugin ● Auto-configuration via recipes @antonioperic

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Symfony Flex ● Composer plugin ● Auto-configuration via recipes @antonioperic Fabien Potencier

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Symfony flex @antonioperic

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Symfony flex @antonioperic

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Mailer manifest.json @antonioperic

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Symfony flex recipies ● Two repositories ● symfony/recipies ○ maintained by Symfony Core Team and holds only recipies for Symfony components and bundles ‘opinionated’ by them ○ Can use alias ● symfony/recipies-contrib ○ Anyone can contribute ○ Cannot use alias @antonioperic

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Directory structure @antonioperic

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Directory structure @antonioperic

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Directory structure @antonioperic we say goodby to app.php and app_dev.php — this is now one standard index.php file and environment is set with environmental variable APP_ENV

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Directory structure @antonioperic

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Directory structure @antonioperic

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Directory structure @antonioperic

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Directory structure @antonioperic Flex keeps tracks of the recipes it installed in a symfony.lock file, which must be committed to your code repository.

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Bundle-less applications ● Bundle vs no-bundle apps ● All in src folder ○ App/ namespace ○ You should separate, but no need for bundles ● Moving forward to standardisation ● It reduces the perceived complexity, also makes your code feels more decoupled from symfony ● Bundle inheritance mechanisms are deprecated in 3.4 and were removed in 4.0 @antonioperic

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Let’s call this a small demo - Our task will be to create simple Symfony console application, a web crawler - Steps: - Create new symfony application - composer create-project symfony/skeleton my_project - Add Console component - Add Doctrine - Add Symfony Crawler component - Do some code (we will not do code, idea is just to see the flow of working with Symfony4) @antonioperic

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Create new Symfony4 application @antonioperic

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Create new Symfony4 application @antonioperic

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Add components ● Composer req cli ● Composer req doctrine ● Composer req symfony/dom-crawler @antonioperic

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Autowiring ● Introduced in Symfony 3 version ● Autowiring allows you to manage services in the container with minimal configuration ● It reads the type-hints on your constructor (or other methods) and automatically passes the correct services to each method. ● Symfony's autowiring is designed to be predictable: if it is not absolutely clear which dependency should be passed, you'll see an actionable exception. @antonioperic

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Autowire @antonioperic

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Autowiring @antonioperic

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Symfony Webpack Encore ● Webpack encore is a simpler way to integrate Webpack into your application ● Step forward after AsseticBundle ● composer require webpack-encore ● It can work outside of Symfony @antonioperic

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About me Text @antonioperic

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DotEnv component ● The Dotenv Component parses .env files to make environment variables stored in them accessible via getenv(), $_ENV or $_SERVER. ● composer require symfony/dotenv @antonioperic

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DotEnv component @antonioperic

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Performance Hello world test @antonioperic Fabien Potencier

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Performance @antonioperic

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Performance @antonioperic Fabien Potencier

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Updating to Symfony ● It is possible, not even to complex ● Need a little bit of time ● If you are using Symfony2.x, upgrade first to 3.4 @antonioperic

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Symfony 4.1 improvements ● Made csrf_token() useable without forms ● Csv processor for env variables ● Display DotEnv variables in profiler ● Session improvements ● Console improvements ● Workflow improvements ● Messenger component features @antonioperic

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Roadmap @antonioperic

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7 months later ● It is great feeling to works with Symfony4 ● Seems that Fabien and core team are making great progress moving Symfony forward ● I love Flex ● It is seems much more natural to navigate through new code structure and DX is much better ● Symfony community is awesome @antonioperic

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7 months later ● Symfony is great as microframework ● With higher level of abstraction is more better for prototyping and building things fast ● It will be much easier to start, but maybe even harder to master for newbies (symfony2 wasn’t easy to master) @antonioperic

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Thank you! @antonioperic

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Questions? @antonioperic