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Front in Floripa - 2016

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romulomachado romulomachado_

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Hello, World!

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yummmy old codebase Rails 3.x jQuery UI coffeescript ~700 commits

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Re{design, write}

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redesign to provide a better experience

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rewrite to improve code quality and maintainability

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rewrite API approach monolith testable JS

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What makes it great?

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Convention over configuration

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It was fun to get to pick and choose, but every step of the way we doubted our choices: were we making the wrong decision with a given library choice? “ Jesse Pollak, “Choosing Ember over React in 2016”

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make less decisions

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focus on what matters

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$ npm install -g ember-cli

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Handles every step of your build

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Transpiling code

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Resolving modules

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app !"" controllers # $"" post.js !"" routes # $"" post.js $"" templates $"" post.hbs

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Productionizing code

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$ ember new super-rentals

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$ ember new super-rentals installing app create .bowerrc create .ember-cli create .jshintrc create .travis.yml create .watchmanconfig create create app/app.js create app/router.js create bower.json create package.json create tests/index.html create tests/test-helper.js ... Successfully initialized git. Installed packages for tooling via npm. Installed browser packages via Bower.

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super-rentals !"" app !"" bower_components !"" config !"" dist !"" node_modules !"" public !"" tests !"" vendor !"" !"" bower.json !"" ember-cli-build.js !"" package.json $"" testem.js

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$ ember server

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$ ember server Livereload server on http://localhost:49152 Serving on http://localhost:4200/ Build successful - 4247ms. Slowest Nodes (totalTime => 5% ) | Total (avg) ----------------------------------------------+--------------------- Babel (12) | 1868ms (155 ms) Concat (8) | 394ms (49 ms) ConfigReplace (3) | 389ms (129 ms)

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$ ember generate

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$ ember generate model rental title:string image:string installing model create app/models/rental.js installing model-test create tests/unit/models/rental-test.js.

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// app/models/rental.js import DS from 'ember-data'; export default DS.Model.extend({ title: DS.attr('string'), image: DS.attr('string') });

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$ ember generate route about installing route create app/routes/about.js create app/templates/about.hbs updating router add route about installing route-test create tests/unit/routes/about-test.js

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$ ember generate component rental-listing installing component create app/components/rental-listing.js create app/templates/components/rental-listing.hbs installing component-test create tests/integration/components/rental-listing-test.js

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adapter component controller helper initializer mixin model resource route serializer service template ember generate ...

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adapter-test component-test controller-test helper-test initializer-test mixin-test model-test route-test serializer-test service-test acceptance-test* ember generate ... * only one that is not generated automatically

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$ ember test

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// tests/unit/models/rental-test.js test('slug', function (assert) { let model = this.subject({ title: 'Quarto no Centro de Floripa' }); assert.equal(model.get('slug'), 'quarto-no-centro-de-floripa', 'should generate slug'); }); });

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// tests/integration/components/rental-listing-test.js test('should toggle wide class on click', function (assert) { let rentalObj = Ember.Object.create({ image: 'quarto-no-centro.jpg', title: 'Quarto no Centro de Floripa' }); this.render(hbs`{{rental-listing rental=rentalObj}}`); assert.equal(this.$('.image.wide').length, 0, 'initially rendered small’); this.$('.image').click(); assert.equal(this.$('.image.wide').length, 1, 'rendered wide after click'); this.$('.image').click(); assert.equal(this.$('.image.wide').length, 0, 'rendered small after second click'); });

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$ ember generate acceptance-test list-rentals installing acceptance-test create tests/acceptance/list-rentals-test.js

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// tests/acceptance/list-rentals-test.js test('should link to about page', function (assert) { visit('/'); click('a:contains("About")'); andThen(function () { assert.equal(currentURL(), '/about', 'should navigate to about'); }); });

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$ ember test ok 1 PhantomJS 2.1 - Acceptance | list rentals: should link to about page ok 2 PhantomJS 2.1 - JSHint | acceptance/list-rentals-test.js: should pass jshint ... ok 9 PhantomJS 2.1 - Integration | Component | rental listing: should toggle wide class on click ... 1..19 # tests 19 # pass 19 # skip 0 # fail 0 # ok

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$ ember install

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Stability without stagnation

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Release channels

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Rapid Release 6-week cycle

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painless upgrades

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1.2.3 major minor patch

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hype train escaping the

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You don't have to worry about the next hype technology, we're gonna eventually catch up. “ — Erik Bryn

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Eventually, all good ideas will end up in Ember “ — Yehuda Katz

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In the end...

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Thank you, Floripa!