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Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith

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Scene 1_A_996 Duration 04:19 Panel 1 Duration 02:19 Scene 1_A_996 Duration 04:19 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Scene 1_A_996 Duration 04:19 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 1/39

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Scene 1_A_999_A_1 Duration 12:19 Panel 1 Duration 02:12 Scene 1_A_999_A_1 Duration 12:19 Panel 2 Duration 02:12 Action Notes Tiktaalik pops his head from cracks. Scene 1_A_999_A_1 Duration 12:19 Panel 3 Duration 02:12 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 2/39

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Scene 1_A_999_A_1 Duration 12:19 Panel 4 Duration 02:12 Scene 1_A_999_A_1 Duration 12:19 Panel 5 Duration 02:19 Scene 1_A_999_A_1_A Duration 04:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Tiktaalik looks left. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 3/39

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Scene 1_A_999_A_1_A Duration 04:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Tiktaalik perspective from right to left Scene 1_A_999_A_1_A Duration 04:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Scene 1_A_999_A_1_A Duration 04:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 4/39

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Scene 1_A_999_A Duration 11:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:20 Action Notes Tiktaalik scouting. Scene 1_A_999_A Duration 11:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:20 Scene 1_A_999_A Duration 11:00 Panel 3 Duration 01:20 Action Notes Tiktaalik gets up and slowly crawls to the shallow water. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 5/39

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Scene 1_A_999_A Duration 11:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:20 Action Notes Titaalik gets smashed. Scene 1_A_999_A Duration 11:00 Panel 5 Duration 01:20 Scene 1_A_999_A Duration 11:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:20 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 6/39

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Scene 1_A_999 Duration 25:08 Panel 1 Duration 04:14 Scene 1_A_999 Duration 25:08 Panel 2 Duration 04:14 Action Notes Stuf hand reaches to dryed up fern leaves. Scene 1_A_999 Duration 25:08 Panel 3 Duration 03:09 Action Notes Stuf acting nervous. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 7/39

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Scene 1_A_999 Duration 25:08 Panel 4 Duration 03:05 Action Notes Brok sleeping on the job. Scene 1_A_999 Duration 25:08 Panel 5 Duration 03:17 Action Notes Stuf waddling fast. Scene 1_A_999 Duration 25:08 Panel 6 Duration 03:05 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 8/39

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Scene 1_A_999 Duration 25:08 Panel 7 Duration 02:16 Action Notes Stuf panting. Scene 1_A_999_A_999 Duration 09:16 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Scene 1_A_999_A_999 Duration 09:16 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Lead grabs water from bucket. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 9/39

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Scene 1_A_999_A_999 Duration 09:16 Panel 3 Duration 01:00 Scene 1_A_999_A_999 Duration 09:16 Panel 4 Duration 03:08 Scene 1_A_999_A_999 Duration 09:16 Panel 5 Duration 03:08 Action Notes Lead then puts fern. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 10/39

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Scene _A_997_A_999_A Duration 03:13 Panel 1 Duration 03:13 Action Notes Lakee fans Lead as he twirls his feathers. Scene 1_A_999_A_0 Duration 20:05 Panel 1 Duration 04:02 Action Notes Lead looks out towards the waste. Scene 1_A_999_A_0 Duration 20:05 Panel 2 Duration 06:19 Action Notes Moon Sihlouette flying. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 11/39

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Scene 1_A_999_A_0 Duration 20:05 Panel 3 Duration 03:22 Scene 1_A_999_A_0 Duration 20:05 Panel 4 Duration 05:10 Scene 1_A_997_A_0 Duration 03:04 Panel 1 Duration 03:04 Action Notes Phazar leers at the monsters. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 12/39

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Scene 1_A_997 Duration 10:09 Panel 1 Duration 03:11 Dialog Phazar: It is I Phazar of the MoonMonkeys the most intelligent life you know what forget it I just cant... Scene 1_A_997 Duration 10:09 Panel 2 Duration 03:11 Dialog Phazar: You know what forget it I just cant... how long has it been going mad in this primitive world having to deal with ungrateful creatures. Scene 1_A_997 Duration 10:09 Panel 3 Duration 03:11 Dialog Phazar: Who don't see that I can make their lives better if they made me their king, but no everytime I try to help you and you just break my stuff. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 13/39

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Scene 1_A_997_A_999 Duration 10:15 Panel 1 Duration 03:13 Action Notes Lead snaps his fingers. Scene 1_A_997_A_999 Duration 10:15 Panel 2 Duration 03:13 Action Notes Lakee then hops from his stand. Scene 1_A_997_A_999 Duration 10:15 Panel 3 Duration 03:13 Action Notes Lead drinks his tea. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 14/39

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Scene 1_A_1 Duration 12:06 Panel 1 Duration 04:02 Action Notes Lakee is running. Scene 1_A_1 Duration 12:06 Panel 2 Duration 04:02 Action Notes Lakee takes a deep breath Scene 1_A_1 Duration 12:06 Panel 3 Duration 04:02 Action Notes Lakee blows the horn. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 15/39

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Scene 1_A Duration 06:09 Panel 1 Duration 04:02 Action Notes The Horn blows. Scene 1_A Duration 06:09 Panel 2 Duration 02:07 Action Notes Brok wakes up. Scene 1_A_0 Duration 26:18 Panel 1 Duration 03:05 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 16/39

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Scene 1_A_0 Duration 26:18 Panel 2 Duration 03:05 Dialog Brok: (Scared Grunts) Action Notes Brok freaks out. Scene 1_A_0 Duration 26:18 Panel 3 Duration 03:05 Action Notes Brok then look blew the horn. Scene 1_A_0 Duration 26:18 Panel 4 Duration 03:05 Action Notes Brok is prime and ready for anything. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 17/39

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Scene 1_A_0 Duration 26:18 Panel 5 Duration 03:03 Scene 1_A_0 Duration 26:18 Panel 6 Duration 03:03 Action Notes Brok activates his scout goggles. Scene 1_A_0 Duration 26:18 Panel 7 Duration 03:19 Action Notes Meteor floating in air. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 18/39

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Scene 1_A_0 Duration 26:18 Panel 8 Duration 02:02 Dialog Brok: (Angry Roar) Action Notes Brok is enraged. Scene 1_A_0 Duration 26:18 Panel 9 Duration 01:19 Dialog Brok: UUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGH HHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLAAAAAAAAAAAAA Scene 1_A_997_A Duration 09:03 Panel 1 Duration 03:11 Dialog Phazar: I see how it is, now I have to get my hands dirty through the barbaric way. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 19/39

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Scene 1_A_997_A Duration 09:03 Panel 2 Duration 01:07 Action Notes Focus on Phazar Hand using Extrasedimentary Pressure (ESP).. Scene 1_A_997_A Duration 09:03 Panel 3 Duration 01:07 Action Notes Focus on the Meteor. Scene 1_A_997_A Duration 09:03 Panel 4 Duration 01:09 Action Notes Meteor soars through the air. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 20/39

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Scene 1_A_997_A Duration 09:03 Panel 5 Duration 00:23 Scene 1_A_997_A Duration 09:03 Panel 6 Duration 00:07 Scene 1_A_997_A Duration 09:03 Panel 7 Duration 00:11 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 21/39

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Scene _997_B_1_999_A Duration 00:23 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Scene 1_A_997_B_1_999 Duration 05:01 Panel 1 Duration 00:23 Action Notes Brok slides through the ground. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_999 Duration 05:01 Panel 2 Duration 01:00 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 22/39

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Scene _A_997_B_1_999 Duration 05:01 Panel 3 Duration 00:23 Action Notes Brok primes to punch. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_999 Duration 05:01 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Meteor breaks. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_999 Duration 05:01 Panel 5 Duration 00:18 Action Notes Brok proceeds to headbutt. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 23/39

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Scene _A_997_B_1_999 Duration 05:01 Panel 6 Duration 00:09 Action Notes Meteor breaks. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_998 Duration 04:17 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Scene 1_A_997_B_1_998 Duration 04:17 Panel 2 Duration 00:20 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 24/39

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Scene _A_997_B_1_998 Duration 04:17 Panel 3 Duration 00:20 Dialog Brok: UUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH Scene 1_A_997_B_1_998 Duration 04:17 Panel 4 Duration 02:01 Action Notes Brok is then dazed from the concussion. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_997 Duration 04:08 Panel 1 Duration 00:09 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 25/39

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Scene _A_997_B_1_997 Duration 04:08 Panel 2 Duration 01:19 Dialog Phazar: Now your settled from those concussions I have came to propose a challenge. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_997 Duration 04:08 Panel 3 Duration 02:04 Scene 1_A_997_B_1_997_A_0 Duration 03:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:12 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 26/39

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Scene 97_B_1_997_A_0 Duration 03:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:12 Dialog Phazar: If your best champion Brok can break this rare an absurd device. Action Notes Brok shakes from the ground trembling. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_997_A Duration 01:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Monlith hovering in the air. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_995 Duration 03:02 Panel 1 Duration 03:02 Dialog Phazar: I present to you Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 27/39

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Scene _A_997_B_1_994 Duration 02:18 Panel 1 Duration 02:18 Dialog Phazar: The Monolith Action Notes Burrito Machine makes burrito noises. Scene 1_A_997_B Duration 03:21 Panel 1 Duration 03:21 Dialog Brok: (Confused Grunt) Action Notes Brok Shrugs. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_996 Duration 03:20 Panel 1 Duration 01:18 Dialog Phazar: And if you can break it I er mean you will delect on a Tasty Delicacy known as a Burrito which I of course could have afford, but if you don t you will bow to the superior life form and be my minions. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 28/39

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Scene _A_997_B_1_996 Duration 03:20 Panel 2 Duration 02:02 Action Notes Phazar drinks a can of water. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_0_A Duration 04:09 Panel 1 Duration 04:09 Action Notes Brok stomach grumbles. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_0 Duration 06:00 Panel 1 Duration 01:11 Action Notes Brock licks his tongue across his face. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 29/39

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Scene 1_A_997_B_1_0 Duration 06:00 Panel 2 Duration 01:04 Scene 1_A_997_B_1_0 Duration 06:00 Panel 3 Duration 00:01 Scene 1_A_997_B_1_0 Duration 06:00 Panel 4 Duration 01:05 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 30/39

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Scene 1_A_997_B_1_0 Duration 06:00 Panel 5 Duration 00:21 Scene 1_A_997_B_1_0 Duration 06:00 Panel 6 Duration 01:06 Scene 1_A_997_B_1 Duration 18:15 Panel 1 Duration 04:02 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 31/39

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Scene 1_A_997_B_1 Duration 18:15 Panel 2 Duration 02:07 Action Notes Brok bites the top of the monolith. Scene 1_A_997_B_1 Duration 18:15 Panel 3 Duration 01:11 Action Notes Tries to brute force bring it down. Scene 1_A_997_B_1 Duration 18:15 Panel 4 Duration 02:15 Action Notes Brok contemplates. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 32/39

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Scene 1_A_997_B_1 Duration 18:15 Panel 5 Duration 04:02 Action Notes Brok then punches. Scene 1_A_997_B_1 Duration 18:15 Panel 6 Duration 04:02 Dialog Brok: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHH Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A_1_0 Duration 09:17 Panel 1 Duration 01:23 Dialog Phazar: Maybe this is it. Action Notes Brok shakes the Monolith. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 33/39

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Scene _997_B_1_A_1_0 Duration 09:17 Panel 2 Duration 01:23 Action Notes Brok shakes the Monolith. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A_1_0 Duration 09:17 Panel 3 Duration 01:23 Dialog Phazar: How I will pave the way with a mutant army at my side and get back at those Naysayers who thought illegal dumping was wronged Action Notes Brok lifts the Monlith. Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A_1_0 Duration 09:17 Panel 4 Duration 03:20 Dialog Phazar: I am a force of nature, I am Action Notes Phazar turns in delight as the Monolith is heading head on collision. Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 34/39

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Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A Duration 19:01 Panel 1 Duration 03:02 Action Notes Phazar and his Moon Ship get hit by the Monolith Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A Duration 19:01 Panel 2 Duration 03:02 Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A Duration 19:01 Panel 3 Duration 03:02 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 35/39

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Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A Duration 19:01 Panel 4 Duration 01:00 Action Notes Moon ship twirls out of control Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A Duration 19:01 Panel 5 Duration 04:13 Action Notes Explodes Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A Duration 19:01 Panel 6 Duration 02:03 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 36/39

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Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A Duration 19:01 Panel 7 Duration 02:03 Action Notes Machines then releases a bunch of burritos Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A_1_A Duration 03:18 Panel 1 Duration 03:18 Action Notes Burritos fall from the sky Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A_1 Duration 14:19 Panel 1 Duration 01:21 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 37/39

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Scene _A_997_B_1_A_1 Duration 14:19 Panel 2 Duration 02:20 Action Notes Burritos pile on Brok Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A_1 Duration 14:19 Panel 3 Duration 02:20 Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A_1 Duration 14:19 Panel 4 Duration 02:11 Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 38/39

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Scene _A_997_B_1_A_1 Duration 14:19 Panel 5 Duration 01:22 Action Notes Brok leaps out of burrito pile with burrito in mouth Scene 1_A_997_B_1_A_1 Duration 14:19 Panel 6 Duration 02:21 NO PANEL Brock Rock Breaker Vs the monlith Page 39/39